11 research outputs found

    Occupational Therapy in Forensic Settings

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    It is necessary for a person to comply with the expectations of society and the rules of law to which these expectations are secured. Offenders turn back to the community after the penalty was executed by isolating from society and some occupations. An occupational imbalance is seen in the individuals, during this penalty period and afterward, because of limited occupational participation. As an occupational being, this affects their physical, mental and psychological well-being. Imprisonment is an important practice in criminal law to punish criminals. This may be necessary for the protection of society from criminals, but successful integration into a community after exiting the prison is the most important factor in preventing recidivism. Occupational therapy focuses on health and well-being by using meaningful and purposeful occupations. Occupation involves any activity that people perform or participate in, such as giving care to themselves or others, working, learning, playing games, and interacting with others. From this perspective, the role of occupational therapists in forensic settings is to determine the abilities of these individuals to congregate their deprived freedoms and use them to train them for an independent and autonomous life; to provide a professional orientation, career counseling, and self-esteem; to gain some habits for physical, spiritual and moral life and to reinforce

    Investigation of Marriage Attitudes of Married and Single Individuals in Terms of Various Demographic Variables

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    The attitudes of single and married individuals towards marriage may differ. In this research, the marriage attitudes of married and single individuals were examined in terms of various variables. For this purpose, the marriage attitudes of married and single individuals were examined in terms of gender, marital status, employment status, age, economic level and education level variables. In the research, descriptive survey design, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The population of this research consists of married and single individuals. The sample group of the research was selected using the random sampling method to reflect the universe. Considering the possible data loss, a total of 383 individuals consisting of 228 female and 155 male participants were selected as the sample group. The "Personal Information Form" and the "Marital Attitudes Scale" were administered to the individuals who participated in the study. Independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyse the data obtained from the research. If there was a difference in the results of the analyses, post hoc Tukey and LSD tests were used to see which group the difference came from. According to the results of the analyses, it was found that the variables of marital status, parental marital status, age, socio-economic level and educational level created a statistically significant difference between married and single individuals. In the analyses carried out on the variables of gender and employment status, the difference was not significant. Married persons are more likely to be married than single persons

    Denetimli Serbestlikten Yararlanan Hükümlülerde Kişi Merkezli Ergoterapi Müdahalesinin Aktivite Katılımı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of occupation-based occupational therapy interventions on occupational participation and quality of life in offenders that benefit from probation service. 15 voluntary individuals were enrolled in the study between the ages of 18-65, who had been supervised by Samsun Probation Directorate, who had been in prison for at least 6 months and who had occupational participation problems according to the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Individuals were administered the Socio-Demographic Information Form, the Semi-structured Environment Assessment Form, COPM for occupational participation, and the Notthingham Health Profile (NHP) for quality of life. Occupation-based occupational therapy interventions were planned according to the Person-Environment-Occupation model based on problematic areas and activities that individuals identified as having difficulty with participation. An intervention program lasting for an average of 1 hour, once a week and for 12 weeks was applied. Post-intervention evaluations were repeated and the results were compared. As a result of the study, statistically significant difference was found between the pre- and post-intervention measures of the total quality of life scores (p = 0.003) in the scores of COPM performance (p = 0.001) and satisfaction (p = 0.001). Client-centered occupational therapy intervention, involving personal behavior, organizational environment and activity change, has resulted in an increase in clients’ activity performance, satisfaction with their performance and quality of life. Taking these activities into consideration, it is believed that the achievement of these results is a significant contribution to the strengthening and strengthening of the strengths and the strengths of the clients in order to increase their performance and satisfaction in these activities.Bu çalışmanın amacı denetimli serbestlikten yararlanan hükümlülerde kişi merkezli ergoterapi müdahalelerinin aktivite katılımı ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya Samsun Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlüğü tarafından denetimli serbestlik uygulanan, daha önce en az 6 ay süreyle cezaevinde kalmış, Kanada Aktivite Performans Ölçümü (KAPÖ)’ne göre aktivite katılım sıkıntısı çeken, 18-65 yaş arası, 15 gönüllü birey dahil edildi. Bireylere Sosyo-Demografik Bilgi Formu, Yarı-Yapılandırılmış Çevre Değerlendirme Formu, aktivite katılımına yönelik KAPÖ ve yaşam kalitesi için Notthingham Sağlık Profili (NSP) uygulandı. Kişi merkezli ergoterapi müdahalesi bireylerin katılımda problem yaşadıklarını belirttikleri sorunlu alanlar ve aktiviteler temel alınarak Kişi-Çevre-Aktivite modeline göre planlandı. 12 hafta süreyle haftada 1 defa ortalama 1 saat süren müdahale programı uygulandı. Müdahale sonrası değerlendirmeler tekrarlandı ve sonuçlar karşılaştırıldı. Çalışmanın sonucunda KAPÖ performans (p=0,001) ve memnuniyet (p=0,001) puanlarında müdahale öncesi ve sonrası ölçümleri arasında ve yaşam kalitesi toplam puanları arasında (p=0,003) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Kişisel davranış, kurumsal çevre ve aktivite değişimi içeren kişi merkezli ergoterapi müdahalesi ile kişilerin aktivite performanslarında, performansları ile ilişkili memnuniyetlerinde ve yaşam kalitesinde artış sağlanmıştır. Bu sonuçların elde edilmesinde, kişilerin aktivite tercihlerinin göz önünde bulundurularak, bu aktivitelerdeki performanslarını ve memnuniyetlerini artırmaya yönelik kuvvetli olan ve güçlendirilmesi gereken yanların bir arada ele alınmasının önemli katkılar sağladığı düşünülmektedir