212 research outputs found

    Extended technological model of an open economy

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    In this work the extension of the von Neumann’s linear technological model proposed earlier is further generalized on an open economy of a small country. The proposed modification of the linear technological model provides the possibility to study the interrelated dynamics of economic processes and labor supplies, in particular, tracing of labor migration processes

    Двосекторна модель відкритої економіки з тіньовим сектором

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    Розглядаються проблеми моделювання тіньової економіки як соціально-економічного явища. Запропоновано модель відкритої економіки країни, що включає сектор тіньової економіки. Проаналізовано вплив чинників, що визначають частку тіньового сектору у відкритій економіці. The problems of the shadow economy modeling as the socio–economic phenomenon are examined. The model of the open economy with the shadow sector is developed. The influence of the factors, which are determining the rate of the shadow sector in the open economy, is analyzed

    Трьохсекторна модель «відкритої» тіньової економіки

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    Запропоновану раніше двохсекторну модель відкритої тіньової економіки узагальнено шляхом врахування третього сектору – неформальної економіки. На цій основі досліджено шляхи легалізації економічних відносин в умовах світової економічної кризи. Проаналізовано вплив чинників, що визначають частку тіньового та неформального секторів у відкритій економіці. The two–sectoral model of an open shadow economy proposed earlier is generalized by taking into account the third sector of the informal economy. The ways of legalization of the economic activity under the world economic crisis conditions are analyzed. The influence of the factors, which are determining the rate of the grey and black sectors in the open economy, is analyzed

    Profil Nilai-nilai Karakter Ditinjau dari Pendidikan dan Pekerjaan Orangtua Siswa di SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru T.p. 2016/2017

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    The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the character values in terms of education and parents's work of students of junior high school. This research is based on descriptive analysis and questionnaire is used as tools with respect to data gathering purpose. Total sample is 186 students and collected by using random technique. The collected data are then analyzed according to descriptive analysis scheme in form percentage. Result shows that the education level of Father and Mother graduated / did not graduate. The graduate showed a better proportion of character values compared to the level of education of Father and Mother graduated from college, graduated from high school, graduated / did not finish junior high school, and Graduated / did not finish primary school. Judging from the type of work Dad shows that the type of Dad's job as a civil servant shows a better proportion of character values than the job type of Father as a private employee / employee, educator, retired, TNI / Polri, self-employed, farmer, and trader. While the type of work of Mother as a private employee / employee shows the proportion of character values better than the type of work of the mother as educators, civil servants, IRT, entrepreneurs, and traders

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Interaksi Sosial Siswa Terisolir Kelas X Akuntansi Smk Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru T.a 2015/2016

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of guidancegroup service towards isolated students social interaction at x accountant classmuhammadiyah vocational high school 2 Pekanbaru year 2015/2016. This researchtake place at Muhammadiyah Vocational High School 2 Pekanbaru from march 2016until may 2016. The method used in this research is real experimental method withpretest-postest control group design pattern. The subject of this research is the studentsat X Accountant 1 class, X Accountant 2 class, and X Accountant 3 class who areisolated from their friends around. The data accumulation instrument is questionnairewith guttman scale. The data analysis technic is statistic correlation technic. Based onthe wilcoxon test result there is a difference between isolated students socialinteraction before and after the guidance group service 12,1%. Later, if comparedbetween experiment group and control group based on mann-whitney test result thereis a significant difference between the interaction of isolated students towardsexperiment group and the interaction of isolated students towards control group

    Pengembangan Materi Self Control Siswa Kelas XI Akutansi 2 Smk Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru T.p. 2015/2016

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    One of the efforts made in creating a better self control and positif. By increasing the self control to not be involved in matters bad affecting and self harm so as todevelop themselves optimally with positive things. The Refore, researchers found it necessary to develop amaterial about the motivation of the organization which is expected to be used bythe teacher's guidance and counselling to be given to their students. This material was compiled using the method of research and development (R&D). The purpose of thisresearch is 1) Compile the material to the appropriate self control for students of class XI Accounting 2 SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. 2) To find out the quality of the self control material produced. This material is validated by the supervising lecturer I, supervising lecturer II, teacher of guidance and counseling in the school and 42 Students class XIAccounting 2 SMK Muhammadiyah 2 pekanbaru. This materials are gived to the students with the allocation 4 times (4 x 45 '). This material consists of the meaning of self control, the purpose of self control, types of self control, function of self control, factors that affect the self control, strategy of self control and the benefits of exercise self control for thestudents. Research results from the development of this material shows the quality of the material produced is in the category of "Very Good", with the acquisition of score foroverall assessment of aspects of 4,42

    Masalah-masalah yang Dialami Siswa SMP Negeri 3 Rumbio Jaya

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    The objectives of this research are 1) how are the descriptions of personal problem experienced by male and female students?, 2) how are the descriptions of emotional problem experienced by male and female students, 3) how are the descriptions of learning problem experienced by male and female student?, 4) how are the descriptions of family problem experienced by male and female student?, 5) how are the descriptions of social problem experienced by male and female student?, 6) how are the general description of the problems that experienced by male and female students, 7) how about the category of problems that experienced by the male and female students in general. The data instrument is a questioner regarding to problems that experienced by the students. The population of this research is all ofthe students in class VIII and IX in Senior High School Number 3, Rumbio Jaya, academic year 2015/2016. The sample is determined by using total sampling technique that means all of the population is the sample. The result of this study shows that the description of personal problem experienced by male and female students mostly included in “middle “ category, male 78% and female 82%, 2) the description of emotional problem experienced by the male and female students is mostly in “middle” category, male 51% and female 54%, 3) the description of learning problem experienced by the male and female students is mostly in “middle” category, male 55% and female 54%, 4) the description of family problem experienced by the male and female students is mostly in “few” category, male 88% and female 92%, 5) the description of social problem experienced by the male and female students is mostly in “few” category, male 82% and female 91%, 6) In general, the description of the problems experienced by male and female students are mostly about personal, emotional and learning, 7) the description of problems experienced by the male and female students based on the aspect of personal, emotional, learning, family and social in general is in “middle” category

    Profil Perilaku Asertif Siswa SMP dari Etnis Melayu, Minang, Jawa, Batak dan Campuran di SMP Negeri 32 Pekanbaru

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    Every child who has stepped into adolescence will undergo a process of developmental tasks of adolescents. In undergoing the development of his duties many teenagers who have difficulty because the teenager feels that he is able to determine and keep himself, do not want to be regulated and want to know everything, so arise aggressive and passive behaviors, but also there are students who successfully run all the tasks development so formed Assertive behavior. This research analyzed the assertive behavior of junior high school students from ethnic Malays, Minang, Java, Batak, and Mixed. The purpose of this research is to know the assertive behavior of students from ethnic Malays, Minang, Java, Batak, and Mixed. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and data analysis using percentage techniques. The sample in this study amounted to 200 students. The results of assertive behavior of students from ethnic Malays, Minang, Javanese, Batak, and Mixed are both in the high category, although the percentage of assertive behavior of each ethnic group differ in achievement percentage. The percentage achievement, ethnic Minang is higher percentage compared to Javanese ethnic whereas Javanese ethnicity is higher percentage than Mixed ethnic, and Mixed ethnicity is higher percentage than Batak ethnic, Batak ethnicity is higher percentage compared to ethnic Malays, but all of them are in high category

    Pengembangan Materi Penyesuaian Diri Siswa

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    One of attempts to be carried out in order to build good, health and dynamicrelationship is the how someone can adjust himself to his surrounding. Adjusting oneselfinfluences students much in classroom not only for self-acceptance in classroom environmentbut also in learning process. Hence, the material services needs to be develop to be a materialregarding students' self –adjustment that is expected to applied by guidance and counselingteachers to be taught to their students. The objectives of this research are This study aims at (1)to arrange the material for students' character building based on the clarity, the systematic, thesupporting pictures, the instruments, the novelty of material, and the supporting of game andvideo, (2) to know the result of the students' character building quality. The material isarranged by using research and development method, then it is experimented to the studentswith the time allocated is 4 lesson hours (4 x 45'). This material is validated by first and secondguidance lectures, guidance and counseling teacher,and the students of SMA 14 Pekanbaru.The materials consist of the definition of self-adjustment, the factors of self adjustment, thekinds of self adjustment and the tips to have good self-adjustment. The result of the materialdevelopment is the arrangement a self-adjustment module with the material quality is in “VeryGood” category with the score obtained 4,22 for the whole aspects of assessment

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Metode Games untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru Tp. 2015/2016

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    The success of students in learning process are really influenced by the achievement motivation. The low achievement motivationcan make students cannot reach the optimal learning result. In this case, schools, especially guidance teachers, are expected to have competences to do the action regarding the improvement of students' achievement motivation. The objective of this research is to know the influence group guidance services by using games method in improving students' achievement motivation on the experimental group. The method of this research is real-experimental method with the pattern of pre test-post test control group design. The subject of this research is 20 students of grade X SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru that have low achievement motivation. The technique of analyzing data applied three formula, Wilcoxon Experiment, Spearman Rank Experiment and Man Whitney Experiment. Based on the hypothesis experiment by applying SPSS 16.0, it is obtained that the value of sig. (2-tailed) is 0,117. Due to the fact that the value of sig. (2-tailed) more than the α value (0.117 > 0.05) thus it can be concluded that There is no positive impact that significant in giving group counseling services by using games method in improving students' achievement motivation. The influence of group guidance services by using games method in order to improve students' achievement motivation give contribution is 27,7%