2,406 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Superconducting Transition Temperature due to the strong Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in Non-centrosymmetric Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeIrSi3 :A 29Si-NMR Study under Pressure

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    We report a 29Si-NMR study on the pressure-induced superconductivity (SC) in an antiferromagnetic (AFM) heavy-fermion compound CeIrSi3 without inversion symmetry. In the SC state at P=2.7-2.8 GPa, the temperature dependence of the nuclear-spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T_1 below Tc exhibits a T^3 behavior without any coherence peak just below Tc, revealing the presence of line nodes in the SC gap. In the normal state, 1/T_1 follows a \sqrt{T}-like behavior, suggesting that the SC emerges under the non-Fermi liquid state dominated by AFM spin fluctuations enhanced around quantum critical point (QCP). The reason why the maximum Tc in CeIrSi3 is relatively high among the Ce-based heavy-fermion superconductors may be the existence of the strong AFM spin fluctuations. We discuss the comparison with the other Ce-based heavy-fermion superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spin Susceptibility of Noncentrosymmetric Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeIrSi3 under Pressure: 29Si-Knight Shift Study on Single Crystal

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    We report 29Si-NMR study on a single crystal of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrSi3 without an inversion symmetry along the c-axis. The 29Si-Knight shift measurements under pressure have revealed that the spin susceptibility for the ab-plane decreases slightly below Tc, whereas along the c-axis it does not change at all. The result can be accounted for by the spin susceptibility in the superconducting state being dominated by the strong antisymmetric (Rashba-type) spin-orbit interaction that originates from the absence of an inversion center along the c-axis and it being much larger than superconducting condensation energy. This is the first observation which exhibits an anisotropy of the spin susceptibility below Tc in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor dominated by strong Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Structural Transformation in Ge\u3csub\u3e\u3cem\u3ex\u3c/em\u3e\u3c/sub\u3eS\u3csub\u3e100−x\u3c/sub\u3e (10 ≤\u3cem\u3e x \u3c/em\u3e≤ 40) Network Glasses: Structural Varieties in Short-Range, Medium-Range, and Nanoscopic Scale

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    Precise x-ray diffraction measurements using high-energy x rays of synchrotron radiation and systematic Raman scattering measurements were carried out for GexS100−x (10 ⩽ x ⩽ 40) network glasses. The structural models of the network glasses were proposed based on the results. In the stoichiometric composition Ge33S67, GeS4 tetrahedral units are connected forming either corner-sharing or edge-sharing structures. In the S-rich glasses, S atoms are inserted between two neighboring GeS4 tetrahedra, resulting in a flexible floppy network. In a much more S-rich region, some S8 ring molecules are isolated from the network, and assemble to form a crystal in nanoscopic scale. In this respect, Ge10S90 samples are regarded as crystallized glasses. In the Ge-rich region, the GeS4 tetrahedra are connected with bridging Ge atoms. The connection makes a new rigid network. The bridging Ge-S bond is weaker than the intratetrahedron bond, and this leads to drastic changes in the optical properties

    Ion acceleration during internal magnetic reconnection events in TST-2

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    Characteristics of ion acceleration in the internal magnetic reconnection events (IRE) have been studied by means of a neutral particle energy analyzer (NPA) in Tokyo Spherical Tokamak (TST-2). The major and minor radii are 0.38 m and 0.25m, respectively. The magnetic field strength is 0.3T and the maximum plasma current is up to 140 kA. The electron and ion temperatures are 0.4-0.5 keV and 0.1 keV, respectively and the electron density is ~1x1019 m-3. The NPA can be scanned toroidally from q = 74&deg; (cw) to q = 114&deg; (ccw), where q = 90&deg; corresponds to the perpendicular sightline. The direction of the plasma current is cw. The NPA signals are digitized at every 50 ms. The NPA is calibrated in the energy range of 0.1 keV < E < 8.4 keV. When the IRE occurs, it is observed that the plasma current increases by ~ 20% and the loop voltage drops from 0.6 V to-5 V for ~ 0.1 ms. The enhanced charge exchange flux is observed by more than one order of magnitude at ~ 1 keV for this reconnection phase. The ion temperature increases by 80 eV at IREs. The angle q dependence of increment of Ti shows that DTi (q = 74&deg;) is higher than that for q = 114&deg;. This observation suggests that an ion is accelerated initially in the direction of magnetic field lines. The time evolution of the ion distribution function is simulated with a Fokker-Planck code taking into account the electric field effects.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Liquid-like thermal conduction in a crystalline solid

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    A solid conducts heat through both transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons, but a liquid employs only longitudinal vibrations. Here, we report that the crystalline solid AgCrSe2 has liquid-like thermal conduction. In this compound, Ag atoms exhibit a dynamic duality that they are exclusively involved in intense low-lying transverse acoustic phonons while they also undergo local fluctuations inherent in an order-to-disorder transition occurring at 450 K. As a consequence of this extreme disorder-phonon coupling, transverse acoustic phonons become damped as approaching the transition temperature, above which they are not defined anymore because their lifetime is shorter than the relaxation time of local fluctuations. Nevertheless, the damped longitudinal acoustic phonon survives for thermal transport. This microscopic insight might reshape the fundamental idea on thermal transport properties of matter and facilitates the optimization of thermoelectrics.Comment: four figures, supplemental informatio

    Contrasting pressure evolution of f-electron hybridized states in CeRhIn5 and YbNi3 Ga9 : An optical conductivity study

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    Optical conductivity [σ (ω)] of CeRhIn5 and YbNi3Ga9 have been measured at external pressures to 10 GPa and at low temperatures to 6 K. Regarding CeRhIn5, at ambient pressure the main feature in σ (ω) is a Drude peak due to free carriers. With increasing pressure, however, a characteristic midinfrared (mIR) peak rapidly develops in σ (ω), and its peak energy and width increase with pressure. These features are consistent with an increased conduction (c)- f electron hybridization at high pressure and show that pressure has tuned the electronic state of CeRhIn5 from very weakly to strongly hybridized ones. As for YbNi3Ga9, in contrast, a marked mIR peak is observed already at ambient pressure, indicating a strong c- f hybridization. At high pressures, however, the mIR peak shifts to lower energy and becomes diminished and seems to merge with the Drude component at 10 GPa. Namely, CeRhIn5 and YbNi3Ga9 exhibit some opposite tendencies in the pressure evolution of σ (ω) and electronic structure. These results are discussed in terms of the pressure evolution of c- f hybridized electronic states in Ce and Yb compounds, in particular in terms of the electron-hole symmetry often considered between Ce and Yb

    The effect of uniaxial pressure on the magnetic anomalies of the heavy-fermion metamagnet CeRu2Si2

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    The effect of uniaxial pressure (P_u) on the magnetic susceptibility (X), magnetization (M), and magnetoresistance (MR) of the heavy-fermion metamagnet CeRu2Si2 has been investigated. For the magnetic field along the tetragonal c axis, it is found that characteristic physical quantities, i.e., the temperature of the susceptibility maximum (T_max), the pagamagnetic Weiss temperature (Q_p), 1/X at 2 K, and the magnetic field of the metamagnetic anomaly (H_M), scale approximately linearly with P_u, indicating that all the quantities are related to the same energy scale, probably of the Kondo temperature. The increase (decrease) of the quantities for P_u || c axis (P_u || a axis) can be attributed to a decrease (increase) in the nearest Ce-Ru distance. Consistently in MR and X, we observed a sign that the anisotropic nature of the hybridization, which is believed to play an important role in the metamagnetic anomaly, can be controlled by applying the uniaxial pressure. PACS numbers: 75.20.Hr, 71.27.+a, 74.62.FjComment: 7 pages, ReVTeX, 6 EPS figures : Will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Geochemical characteristics of back-arc basin lower crust and upper mantle at final spreading stage of Shikoku Basin: an example of Mado Megamullion

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    AbstractThis paper explores the evolutional process of back-arc basin (BAB) magma system at final spreading stage of extinct BAB, Shikoku Basin (Philippine Sea) and assesses its tectonic evolution using a newly discovered oceanic core complex, the Mado Megamullion. Bulk and in-situ chemical compositions together with in-situ Pb isotope composition of dolerite, oxide gabbro, gabbro, olivine gabbro, dunite, and peridotite are presented. Compositional ranges and trends of the igneous and peridotitic rocks from the Mado Megamullion are similar to those from the slow- to ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MOR). Since the timing of the Mado Megamullion exhumation corresponds to the very end of the Shikoku Basin opening, the magma supply was subdued and highly episodic, leading to extreme magma differentiation to form ferrobasaltic, hydrous magmas. In-situ Pb isotope composition of magmatic brown amphibole in the oxide gabbro is identical to that of depleted source mantle for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). In the context of hydrous BAB magma genesis, the magmatic water was derived solely from the MORB source mantle. The distance from the back-arc spreading center to the arc front increased away through maturing of the Shikoku Basin to cause MORB-like magmatism. After the exhumation of Mado Megamullion along detachment faults, dolerite dikes intruded as a post-spreading magmatism. The final magmatism along with post-spreading Kinan Seamount Chain volcanism were introduced around the extinct back-arc spreading center after the opening of Shikoku Basin by residual mantle upwelling

    Arrival direction of successive air showers

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    We have studied the features of series of air shower events (AS cluster) concentrated within short intervals of time of arrival. When the number of events in the cluster reaches the maximum values in the considered data set, the arrival directions of the AS are prevailingly observed around values of right ascension α 5 h and α 20 h. These values indicate parallellism of directions between the shower directions and the galactic plane. This can be explained by the presence of Ultra-High Energy (UHE) gamma-ray sources, generating showers from their specific direction. The analysis uses three data set of 253k, 664k and 231k events. The results are similar in the three data set
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