3,582 research outputs found

    Studija o biljkama uz rub cesta (Zapadna Anatolija, Turska)

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    In this study, roadside plants distributed throughout the link roads of all the cities in West Anatolia in Turkey were investigated. The length of the selected 17 roads is around 2700 km. The total number of samples collected from the study area is 271 taxa belonging to 57 families. Among them, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae are the families that have the largest number of taxa, and Bromus L., Rumex L. and Silene L. are the genera that have the largest number of taxa. The most frequently found taxon throughout the selected roads is Valerianella coronata (L.) DC. and therophytes are the most frequently found life form.Istraživane su biljke uz rub svih cesta koje povezuju gradove u Zapadnoj Anatoliji u Turskoj. Duljina 17 izabranih cesta je iznosila oko 2700 km. Prikupljeni uzorci pripadali su 271 svojti, odnosno 57 biljnih porodica. Među njima su najzastupljenije bile porodice Asteraceae, Fabaceae i Poaceae, a među rodovima to su bili Bromus L., Rumex L. i Silene L. Najčešće nađena svojta uz istraživane ceste bila je Valerianella coronata (L.) DC., a najčešći biljni oblik su bili terofiti

    The importance of carotid artery stiffness and increased intimamedia thickness in obese children

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    Background. Atherosclerosis that starts in childhood invariablyadvances during adulthood.Aim. We aimed to study the effect of obesity on main carotidartery intima-media thickness (CIMT) and arterial stiffness.Material and methods. A total of 78 children were studied fromOctober 2010 to February 2011. They were divided into obese (n=42,group 1) and normal (n=36, group 2). All children were subjectedto physical examination, routine biochemical and haematologicalanalysis, carotid ultrasonography and echocardiographicmeasurements. A detailed medical history was obtained. Bodymass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing participants’ weight inkilograms by the square of their height in metres. Stiffness index âwas calculated using blood pressure and diameter of the systolicand diastolic artery. Intima-media thickness was also measured.Results. The mean age of the obese and normal (control) groupswas 10.12±2.12 years and 9.78±1.78 years, respectively. Weight, BMI,and systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were significantlyhigher in the obese group (all p<0.001). In terms of arterial stiffnessand CIMT measurements, all parameters were higher in the obesegroup than the control (p<0.001). There was a relationship betweenthe degree of obesity and CIMT or stiffness index â. In addition,dilatation and hypertrophy levels in the left ventricle were higherin obese children.Conclusions. Obese children with risk factors for multipleatherosclerosis could have increased CIMT dimensions and,consequently, should be screened for these risks. UltrasonographicCIMT and arterial stiffness measurements can detect vasculardamage at an early stage of development in children withcardiovascular risk factors