557 research outputs found

    Tsirelson's Bound Prohibits Communication Through a Disconnected Channel

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    Why does nature only allow nonlocal correlations up to Tsirelson's bound and not beyond? We construct a channel whose input is statistically independent of its output, but through which communication is nevertheless possible if and only if Tsirelson's bound is violated. This provides a statistical justification for Tsirelson's bound on nonlocal correlations in a bipartite setting.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Title and abstract modified, exposition simplifie

    Low-Dimensional Topology of Information Fusion

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    We provide an axiomatic characterization of information fusion, on the basis of which we define an information fusion network. Our construction is reminiscent of tangle diagrams in low dimensional topology. Information fusion networks come equipped with a natural notion of equivalence. Equivalent networks `contain the same information', but differ locally. When fusing streams of information, an information fusion network may adaptively optimize itself inside its equivalence class. This provides a fault tolerance mechanism for such networks.Comment: 8 pages. Conference proceedings version. Will be superceded by a journal versio

    Computing with Coloured Tangles

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    We suggest a diagrammatic model of computation based on an axiom of distributivity. A diagram of a decorated coloured tangle, similar to those that appear in low dimensional topology, plays the role of a circuit diagram. Equivalent diagrams represent bisimilar computations. We prove that our model of computation is Turing complete, and that with bounded resources it can moreover decide any language in complexity class IP, sometimes with better performance parameters than corresponding classical protocols.Comment: 36 pages,; Introduction entirely rewritten, Section 4.3 adde

    Computing by nowhere increasing complexity

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    A cellular automaton is presented whose governing rule is that the Kolmogorov complexity of a cell's neighborhood may not increase when the cell's present value is substituted for its future value. Using an approximation of this two-dimensional Kolmogorov complexity the underlying automaton is shown to be capable of simulating logic circuits. It is also shown to capture trianry logic described by a quandle, a non-associative algebraic structure. A similar automaton whose rule permits at times the increase of a cell's neighborhood complexity is shown to produce animated entities which can be used as information carriers akin to gliders in Conway's game of life

    Monuments of Legitimacy: 17th Century Tokugawa-Sponsored Architecture as Political Objects

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    This work aims to synthesize art history, historical memory, and Tokugawa-era Japanese politics with an art history approach and cultural analysis. It takes a more complete look at the politics of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s death and the significance of memorial and religious architecture as political works. It examines the utilization of architecture as a way to elevate and legitimize the Tokugawa, demonstrating that policy was not the only way for the Tokugawa to solidify their legacy and suggesting that key figures like Ieyasu were more important to the religious and political structures of Tokugawa Japan in death than they were in life. This paper begins by discussing the immediate political effects of Ieyasu’s death and the establishment of the Nikko Toshogu before discussing the physical aspects of the shrine and comparing it with the Ise Shrine to establish the relationship between the shogun and the Emperor. Finally, it examines the mausoleum of Sūgen-in, Tokugawa Iemitsu’s mother, in order to contextualize the shift of the architectural style of female mausoleums to emulate those of their male counterparts, showing a growing inclusivity towards women in establishing the legacy of the Tokugawa during the early Edo Period

    A Country Torn Asunder: Deliberations Over the Fate of Post-WWII Germany

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    This diplomatic history examines the development of Germany’s post-WWII borders. Beginning in 1941, this thesis traces the myriad of proposals and debates about German territory, focusing particularly on the matter of division and dismemberment. This work focuses on two main topics: Allied proposals and counterproposals for a divided Germany and zones of occupation, and the relationship and interactions between the Big Three leaders and powers, focusing on how East-West tensions affected the diplomatic talks

    Subgradient-Based Markov Chain Monte Carlo Particle Methods for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Filtering

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    This work shows how a carefully designed instrumental distribution can improve the performance of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) filter for systems with a high state dimension. We propose a special subgradient-based kernel from which candidate moves are drawn. This facilitates the implementation of the filtering algorithm in high dimensional settings using a remarkably small number of particles. We demonstrate our approach in solving a nonlinear non-Gaussian high-dimensional problem in comparison with a recently developed block particle filter and over a dynamic compressed sensing (l1 constrained) algorithm. The results show high estimation accuracy
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