16 research outputs found

    Herpes ensefaliti sonrası gelişen zihin gezinmesi: Bir olgu sunumu

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    Ensefalit beyin dokusunun enflamasyonu olarak tanımlanan bir tablodur. Ensefalitin alt tiplerinden biri olan herpes simpleks virüsü ensefalitinde beyinde frontal ve mezial temporal bölgelerin tutulumu karakteristiktir. Bu tutulum nörolojik ve psikiyatrik açıdan dikkat çeken klinik belirtilere yol açabilir. Zihin gezinmesi düşüncelerin farklı konular arasında istemsizce dağılmasını tanımlayan bir fenomendir. Bu vaka sunumunda herpes ensefaliti tanısı alan ve ilgili enfeksiyona yönelik tedavi sonrasında zihin gezinmesi ve disosiyatif yaşantılar geliştiren bir kadın hastadan söz edilecektir. İlgili olgu sunumu için hastadan onam alınmıştır

    COVID-19 ile eş zamanlı gelişen uzamış postpartum katatonik psikoz olgusunun elektrokonvülzif terapi ile tedavisi: Bir olgu sunumu

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    GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Postpartum psikoz doğum sonrasında yaygın olarak görülebilen psikiyatrik fenomenlerden biridir. İnsidansı 1000 canlı doğumda 1-2 olarak raporlanmıştır. Bir çalışmada postpartum psikoz olgularının beşte birine katatoni tablosunun eşlik ettiği gösterilmiştir. Gerek postpartum psikoz gerekse katatoni olguları acil psikiyatrik müdahale gerektirmesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Biz de bu olguda COVID-19 enfeksiyonu ile eş zamanlı olarak postpartum katatonik psikoz gelişen vakamızı sunuyoruz. Bu olgu sunumu için hastamızdan onam alınmıştır

    Bu müzik nereden geliyor? Müzikal halüsinoz olgu sunumu

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    GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Müzikal halüsinasyonlar (MH), harici akustik uyaranın yokluğunda sürekli veya aralıklı müzik tonları ve melodiler duyulan işitsel halüsinasyonların özel bir türüdür. Bu durum Müzikal Kulak Sendromu, Müzikal Halüsinoz, Oliver Sacks sendromu ve İşitsel Charles Bonnet sendromu gibi isimlerle bilinmektedir. İdiyopatik ve semptomatik olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılırlar. Risk faktörleri arasında işitme kaybı, ileri yaş, beyin hastalığı, kadın cinsiyet ve sosyal izolasyon sayılabilir. Bu yazıda hafif işitme kaybı ve anormal ’de aktivitesiyle ilişkili müzikal halüsinasyonları olan ve oral lamotrijinle transdermal rivastigmin tedavisine yanıt veren yaşlı bir kadın olgu sunulmaktadır

    Melancholic features and dream masochism in patients with major depression

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    To investigate whether untreated depressed subjects with melancholic features have higher dream masochism scores than those without melancholic features, the dreams of a group of community volunteers undergoing divorce were recorded in the sleep laboratory. A second question of interest was whether there was a gender difference in dream masochism. We also examined whether melancholic depressed individuals tend to report masochistic dreams closer to morning. Three groups of depressed with and without melancholic features and a non-depressed group had three laboratory nights of sleep. On the third night, dream reports were elicited from each period of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Dream masochism, as defined by Beck (1967), was scored as present if the dreams had any one of ten characteristics. Subjects with melancholic features had higher dream masochism scores than those who did not meet depression criteria. Presence of melancholic features did not affect gender difference in dream masochism. Melancholic depressed individuals had higher DM scores in the second half than the first half night, whereas nonmelancholic depressed individuals and non-depressed subjects did not differ between the halves of the night. These findings suggest that melancholic depressed individuals express deeper levels of self-criticism and self-blaming in their dreams. REM sleep deprivation closer to morning by dream collection method may improve diurnal mood symptoms and negative dream content in major depression.National Institute of Mental Health: MH-5047

    Late-breaking elect rophysiological correlates of critical thinking: Insights from resting state and event-related oscillations

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    ...Society for Psychophysiological Researc

    Sleep-related violence, self-mutilation, and dissociative experiences

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    Twenty-eight subjects with and 46 subjects without sleep-related violence (VBS) were evaluated regarding the presence of self-mutilative behaviors (SMBs). The subjects with and without VBS were compared using dissociative experiences scale (DES). The subjects with VBS had higher mean DES score and more frequent SMBs than those without VBS. These findings suggest that dissociation may be related to both daytime SMBs and violent behaviors during sleep in young population

    Ongoing or re-emerging subjective insomnia symptoms after full/partial remission or recovery of major depressive disorder mainly with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of relapse or recurrence: A 52-week follow-up study

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    Background: Many patients who remit fully/partially or recover from an episode of major depression continue to suffer from sleep problems, mainly insomnia. Our study assesses the frequency and types of ongoing or re-emerging subjective insomnia symptoms and their relationship to subsequent depressive relapse or recurrence in a group of full/partial remitters or recoverers.Method: Sixty patients, 18 to 65 years of age, with current MDD defined using DSM-IV-TR criteria were participated in the study. They began a 24-week course of open-label acute plus continuation phase treatment mainly with SSRIs. Maintenance treatment was not planned for not affecting natural relapse or recurrence rates. All participants were evaluated by CGI-S, BDI, HAMD-17, PSQI, and ISI at weeks 0. 4, 12, 24, and 52.Results: Majority of the participants (83.33%) had subjective sleep disturbance, insomnia prior to relapse or recurrence. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to evaluate changes in scores of depression and sleep scales over time between recurred (N =12) and non-recurred groups (N = 48). Differences between means were calculated with post hoc Bonferroni comparison test. The changes in scores of entire clinical scales over time between recurred and non-recurred groups were statistically significant Limitations: The limitations of this study include the use of a relatively small, mostly young female sample and the lack of an objective sleep measure to corroborate self-report scales.Conclusions: Early recognition and treatment of disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle may be important for treatment and prevention of recurrence of depression

    The assessment of obsessive-compulsive symptoms: the reliability and validity of the Padua inventory in a Turkish population.

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    SUMMARY Objective: We examined the reliability and validity of the 60-and 41-item versions of the Padua Inventory (PI and PI-R) which were developed to assess the frequency and severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, in a Turkish population. Method: The sample consisted of 43 OCD patients, 30 non-OCD patients with other anxiety disorders, 30 nonobsessional depressed patients, 76 healthy adults, and 181 undergraduate students. We investigated internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and factor structure, concurrent and discriminant validity. Results: Psychometric analyses showed that both the original PI and PI-R had a high internal consistency and testretest reliability. While principal factor analysis of the 41 items revealed six factors that are consistent with the PI-R, the factor structure of the original scale was not confirmed. All the subcales and total scores for both instruments were significantly correlated with the Yale-Brown scores except for the impulses subscale. There were significant differences between OCD patients and nonclinical samples in all total and subscale scores for both instruments. OCD patients scored significantly higher on the total, contamination/ washing and checking subscales for both instruments than nonobsessional anxious, and depressed patients. While OCD patients scored significantly higher on the PI-R rumination scale than nonobsessional anxious patients, their PI impaired control subscale score was not different from that of the other clinical groups. Conclusions: The Turkish version of the PI has appropriate reliability and validity for assessing the frequency and severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms