12,407 research outputs found

    Classification of GHZ-type, W-type and GHZ-W-type multiqubit entanglements

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    We propose the concept of SLOCC-equivalent basis (SEB) in the multiqubit space. In particular, two special SEBs, the GHZ-type and the W-type basis are introduced. They can make up a more general family of multiqubit states, the GHZ-W-type states, which is a useful kind of entanglement for quantum teleporatation and error correction. We completely characterize the property of this type of states, and mainly classify the GHZ-type states and the W-type states in a regular way, which is related to the enumerative combinatorics. Many concrete examples are given to exhibit how our method is used for the classification of these entangled states.Comment: 16 pages, Revte

    Performance of a non-empirical meta-GGA density functional for excitation energies

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    It is known that the adiabatic approximation in time-dependent density functional theory usually provides a good description of low-lying excitations of molecules. In the present work, the capability of the adiabatic nonempirical meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) of Tao, Perdew, Staroverov, and Scuseria (TPSS) to describe atomic and molecular excitations is tested. The adiabatic (one-parameter) hybrid version of the TPSS meta-GGA and the adiabatic GGA of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) are also included in the test. The results are compared to experiments and to two well-established hybrid functionals PBE0 and B3LYP. Calculations show that both adiabatic TPSS and TPSSh functionals produce excitation energies in fairly good agreement with experiments, and improve upon the adiabatic local spin density approximation and, in particular, the adiabatic PBE GGA. This further confirms that TPSS is indeed a reliable nonhybrid universal functional which can serve as the starting point from which higher-level approximations can be constructed. The systematic underestimate of the low-lying vertical excitation energies of molecules with time-dependent density functionals within the adiabatic approximation suggests that further improvement can be made with nonadiabatic corrections.Comment: 7 page

    Fitness-driven deactivation in network evolution

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    Individual nodes in evolving real-world networks typically experience growth and decay --- that is, the popularity and influence of individuals peaks and then fades. In this paper, we study this phenomenon via an intrinsic nodal fitness function and an intuitive aging mechanism. Each node of the network is endowed with a fitness which represents its activity. All the nodes have two discrete stages: active and inactive. The evolution of the network combines the addition of new active nodes randomly connected to existing active ones and the deactivation of old active nodes with possibility inversely proportional to their fitnesses. We obtain a structured exponential network when the fitness distribution of the individuals is homogeneous and a structured scale-free network with heterogeneous fitness distributions. Furthermore, we recover two universal scaling laws of the clustering coefficient for both cases, C(k)k1C(k) \sim k^{-1} and Cn1C \sim n^{-1}, where kk and nn refer to the node degree and the number of active individuals, respectively. These results offer a new simple description of the growth and aging of networks where intrinsic features of individual nodes drive their popularity, and hence degree.Comment: IoP Styl

    The spacetime structure of MOND with Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation

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    It is believed that the modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is possible alternate for dark matter hypothesis. Although Bekenstein's TeVeS supplies a relativistic version of MOND, one may still wish a more concise covariant formulism of MOND. In this paper, within covariant geometrical framwork, we present another version of MOND. We show the spacetime structure of MOND with properties of Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.1383 and arXiv:1108.344

    Thermodynamic of the Ghost Dark Energy Universe

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    Recently, the vacuum energy of the QCD ghost in a time-dependent background is proposed as a kind of dark energy candidate to explain the acceleration of the Universe. In this model, the energy density of the dark energy is proportional to the Hubble parameter HH, which is the Hawking temperature on the Hubble horizon of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) Universe. In this paper, we generalized this model and choice the Hawking temperature on the so-called trapping horizon, which will coincides with the Hubble temperature in the context of flat FRW Universe dominated by the dark energy component. We study the thermodynamics of Universe with this kind of dark energy and find that the entropy-area relation is modified, namely, there is an another new term besides the area term.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    The binary mass transfer origin of the red blue straggler sequence in M30

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    Two separated sequences of blue straggler stars (BSSs) have been revealed by Ferraro et al. (2009) in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the Milky Way globular cluster M30. Their presence has been suggested to be related to the two BSS formation channels (namely, collisions and mass-transfer in close binaries) operating within the same stellar system. The blue sequence was indeed found to be well reproduced by collisional BSS models. In contrast, no specific models for mass transfer BSSs were available for an old stellar system like M30. Here we present binary evolution models, including case-B mass transfer and binary merging, specifically calculated for this cluster. We discuss in detail the evolutionary track of a 0.9+0.5M0.9+0.5 M_\odot binary, which spends approximately 4 Gyr in the BSS region of the CMD of a 13 Gyr old cluster. We also run Monte-Carlo simulations to study the distribution of mass transfer BSSs in the CMD and to compare it with the observational data. Our results show that: (1) the color and magnitude distribution of synthetic mass transfer BSSs defines a strip in the CMD that nicely matches the observed red BSS sequence, thus providing strong support to the mass transfer origin for these stars; (2) the CMD distribution of synthetic BSSs never attains the observed location of the blue BSS sequence, thus reinforcing the hypothesis that the latter formed through a different channel (likely collisions); (3) most (60%\sim 60\%) of the synthetic BSSs are produced by mass-transfer models, while the remaining <40%< 40\% requires the contribution from merger models.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Ap

    Comparison of Power Dependence of Microwave Surface Resistance of Unpatterned and Patterned YBCO Thin Film

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    The effect of the patterning process on the nonlinearity of the microwave surface resistance RSR_S of YBCO thin films is investigated. With the use of a sapphire dielectric resonator and a stripline resonator, the microwave RSR_S of YBCO thin films was measured before and after the patterning process, as a function of temperature and the rf peak magnetic field in the film. The microwave loss was also modeled, assuming a Jrf2J_{rf}^2 dependence of ZS(Jrf)Z_S(J_{rf}) on current density JrfJ_{rf}. Experimental and modeled results show that the patterning has no observable effect on the microwave residual RSR_S or on the power dependence of RSR_S.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. MT

    The Universal Edge Physics in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids

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    The chiral Luttinger liquid theory for fractional quantum Hall edge transport predicts universal power-law behavior in the current-voltage (II-VV) characteristics for electrons tunneling into the edge. However, it has not been unambiguously observed in experiments in two-dimensional electron gases based on GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures or quantum wells. One plausible cause is the fractional quantum Hall edge reconstruction, which introduces non-chiral edge modes. The coupling between counterpropagating edge modes can modify the exponent of the II-VV characteristics. By comparing the ν=1/3\nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall states in modulation-doped semiconductor devices and in graphene devices, we show that the graphene-based systems have an experimental accessible parameter region to avoid the edge reconstruction, which is suitable for the exploration of the universal edge tunneling exponent predicted by the chiral Luttinger liquid theory.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Electronic Transport through a Precessing Spin

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    The conductance through a local nuclear spin precessing in a magnetic field is studied by using the equations-of-motion approach. The characteristics of the conductance is determined by the tunneling matrix and the position of equilibrium chemical potential. We find that the spin flip coupling between the electrons on the spin site and the leads produces the conductance oscillation. When the spin is precessing in the magnetic field at Larmor frequency (ωL\omega_{L}), the conductance develops the oscillation with the frequency of both ωL\omega_{L} and 2ωL\omega_{L} components, the relative spectrum weight of which can be tuned by the chemical potential and the spin flip coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure