295 research outputs found

    Satellite evidence for significant biophysical consequences of the ā€œGrain for Greenā€ Program on the Loess Plateau in China

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    Afforestation has been implemented worldwide as regional and national policies to address environmental problems and to improve ecosystem services. China\u27s central government launched the ā€œGrain for Greenā€ Program (GGP) in 1999 to increase forest cover and to control soil erosion by converting agricultural lands on steep slopes to forests and grasslands. Here a variety of satellite data products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer were used to assess the biophysical consequences of the GGP for the Loess Plateau, the pilot region of the program. The average tree cover of the plateau substantially increased because of the GGP, with a relative increase of 41.0%. The GGP led to significant increases in enhanced vegetation index (EVI), leaf area index, and the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by canopies. The increase in forest productivity as approximated by EVI was not driven by elevated air temperature, changing precipitation, or rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Moreover, the afforestation significantly reduced surface albedo, leading to a positive radiative forcing and a warming effect on the climate. The GGP also led to a significant decline in daytime land surface temperature and exerted a cooling effect on the climate. The GGP therefore has significant biophysical consequences by altering carbon cycling, hydrologic processes, and surface energy exchange and has significant feedbacks to the regional climate. The net radiative forcing on the climate depends on the offsetting of the negative forcing from carbon sequestration and higher evapotranspiration and the positive forcing from lower albedo

    Drought effects on large fire activity in Canadian and Alaskan forests

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    Fire is the dominant disturbance in forest ecosystems across Canada and Alaska, and has important implications for forest ecosystems, terrestrial carbon dioxide emissions and the forestry industry. Large fire activity had increased in Canadian and Alaskan forests during the last four decades of the 20th century. Here we combined the Palmer Drought Severity Index and historical large fire databases to demonstrate that Canada and Alaska forest regions experienced summer drying over this time period, and drought during the fire season significantly affected forest fire activity in these regions. Climatic warming, positive geopotential height anomalies and ocean circulation patterns were spatially and temporally convolved in causing drought conditions, which in turn enhanced fuel flammability and thereby indirectly affected fire activity. Future fire regimes will likely depend on drought patterns under global climate change scenarios

    Improving carbon cycle projections for better carbon management

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    Forests absorb large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store a significant fraction of the carbon in biomass and soils. A March 2016 workshop focused on how best to use modeling approaches, field measurements, and satellite observations to improve projections of carbon cycle dynamics in response to climate change and human activities

    Higher absorbed solar radiation partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests during the 2015 drought

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    Amazon forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and Earth\u27s climate. The vulnerability of Amazon forests to drought remains highly controversial. Here we examine the impacts of the 2015 drought on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests to understand how solar radiation and precipitation jointly control forest photosynthesis during the severe drought. We use a variety of gridded vegetation and climate datasets, including solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), the fraction of absorbed PAR (APAR), leaf area index (LAI), precipitation, soil moisture, cloud cover, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in our analysis. Satellite-derived SIF observations provide a direct diagnosis of plant photosynthesis from space. The decomposition of SIF to SIF yield (SIFyield) and APAR (the product of PAR and fPAR) reveals the relative effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis. We found that the drought significantly reduced SIFyield, the emitted SIF per photon absorbed. The higher APAR resulting from lower cloud cover and higher LAI partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests, leading to a smaller reduction in SIF than in SIFyield and precipitation. We further found that SIFyield anomalies were more sensitive to precipitation and VPD anomalies in the southern regions of the Amazon than in the central and northern regions. Our findings shed light on the relative and combined effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis, and can improve our understanding of the responses of Amazon forests to drought

    Contributions of natural and human factors to increases in vegetation productivity in China

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    Increasing trends in vegetation productivity have been identified for the last three decades for many regions in the northern hemisphere including China. Multiple natural and human factors are possibly responsible for the increases in vegetation productivity, while their relative contributions remain unclear. Here we analyzed the long-term trends in vegetation productivity in China using the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and assessed the relationships of NDVI with a suite of natural (air temperature, precipitation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, and nitrogen (N) deposition) and human (afforestation and improved agricultural management practices) factors. Overall, China exhibited an increasing trend in vegetation productivity with an increase of 2.7%. At the provincial scale, eleven provinces exhibited significant increases in vegetation productivity, and the majority of these provinces are located within the northern half of the country. At the national scale, annual air temperature was most closely related to NDVI and explained 36.8% of the variance in NDVI, followed by afforestation (25.5%) and crop yield (15.8%). Altogether, temperature, total forest plantation area, and crop yield explained 78.1% of the variance in vegetation productivity at the national scale, while precipitation, PAR, atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and N deposition made no significant contribution to the increases in vegetation productivity. At the provincial scale, each factor explained a part of the variance in NDVI for some provinces, and the increases in NDVI for many provinces could be attributed to the combined effects of multiple factors. Crop yield and PAR were correlated with NDVI for more provinces than were other factors, indicating that both elevated crop yield resulting from improved agricultural management practices and increasing diffuse radiation were more important than other factors in increasing vegetation productivity at the provincial scale. The relative effects of the natural and human factors on vegetation productivity varied with spatial scale. The true contributions of multiple factors can be obscured by the correlation among these variables, and it is essential to examine the contribution of each factor while controlling for other factors. Future changes in climate and human activities will likely have larger influences on vegetation productivity in China

    Preface: Impacts of extreme climate events and disturbances on carbon dynamics

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    The impacts of extreme climate events and disturbances (ECE&D) on the carbon cycle have received growing attention in recent years. This special issue showcases a collection of recent advances in understanding the impacts of ECE&D on carbon cycling. Notable advances include quantifying how harvesting activities impact forest structure, carbon pool dynamics, and recovery processes; observed drastic increases of the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved methane in thermokarst lakes in western Siberia during a summer warming event; disentangling the roles of herbivores and fire on forest carbon dioxide flux; direct and indirect impacts of fire on the global carbon balance; and improved atmospheric inversion of regional carbon sources and sinks by incorporating disturbances. Combined, studies herein indicate several major research needs. First, disturbances and extreme events can interact with one another, and it is important to understand their overall impacts and also disentangle their effects on the carbon cycle. Second, current ecosystem models are not skillful enough to correctly simulate the underlying processes and impacts of ECE&D (e.g., tree mortality and carbon consequences). Third, benchmark data characterizing the timing, location, type, and magnitude of disturbances must be systematically created to improve our ability to quantify carbon dynamics over large areas. Finally, improving the representation of ECE&D in regional climate/earth system models and accounting for the resulting feedbacks to climate are essential for understanding the interactions between climate and ecosystem dynamics

    Generalization and evaluation of the process-based forest ecosystem model PnET-CN for other biomes

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    Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in carbon, water, and nitrogen cycling. Process-based ecosystem models, including PnET-CN, have been widely used to simulate ecosystem processes during the last two decades. PnET-CN is a forest ecosystem model, originally designed to predict ecosystem carbon, water, and nitrogen dynamics of temperate forests under a variety of circumstances. Among terrestrial ecosystem models, PnET-CN offers unique benefits, including simplicity and transparency of its structure, reliance on data-driven parameterization rather than calibration, and use of generalizeable relationships that provide explicit linkages among carbon, water and nitrogen cycles. The objective of our study was to apply PnET-CN to non-forest biomes: grasslands, shrublands, and savannas. We determined parameter values for grasslands and shrublands using the literature and ecophysiological databases. To assess the usefulness of PnET-CN in these ecosystems, we simulated carbon and water fluxes for six AmeriFlux sites: two grassland sites (Konza Prairie and Fermi Prairie), two open shrubland sites (Heritage Land Conservancy Pinyon Juniper Woodland and Sevilleta Desert Shrubland), and two woody savanna sites (Freeman Ranch and Tonzi Ranch). Grasslands and shrublands were simulated using the biome-specific parameters, and savannas were simulated as mixtures of grasslands and forests. For each site, we used flux observations to evaluate modeled carbon and water fluxes: gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), net ecosystem productivity (NEP), evapotranspiration (ET), and water yield. We also evaluated simulated water use efficiency (WUE). PnET-CN generally captured the magnitude, seasonality, and interannual variability of carbon and water fluxes as well as WUE for grasslands, shrublands, and savannas. Overall, our results show that PnET-CN is a promising tool for modeling ecosystem carbon and water fluxes for non-forest biomes (grasslands, shrublands, and savannas), and especially for modeling GPP in mature biomes. Limitations in model performance included an overestimation of seasonal variability in GPP and ET for the two shrubland sites and overestimation of early season ER for the two shrubland sites and Freeman Ranch. Future modifications of PnET-CN for non-forest biomes should focus on belowground processes, including water storage in dry shrubland soils, root growth and respiration in grasslands, and soil carbon fluxes for all biomes

    Empirical evidence for impacts of internal migration on vegetation dynamics in China from 1982 to 2000

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    Migration is one of the major socio-economic characteristics of China since the country adopted the policy of economic reform in late 1970s. Many studies have been dedicated to understand why and how people move, and the consequences of their welfare. The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental impacts of the large scale movement of population in China. We analyzed the trend in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) along with China migration data from the 1 percent national survey during 1982-1987, the 4th national census during 1985-1990 and the 5th national census during1995~2000. We found that the internal migration in China has a statistically significant negative impact on vegetation growth at the provincial scale from 1982 to 2000 even though the overall vegetation abundance increased in China. The impact from migration (R2=0.47, P=0.0001) on vegetation dynamics is the second strongest as among the factors considered, including changes in annual mean air temperature (R2=0.50, P=0.0001) and annual total precipitation (R2=0.30, P=0.0049) and gross domestic production (R2= 0.25, P=0.0102). The negative statistical relationship between the rate of increase in total migration and the change in vegetation abundance is stronger (R2=0.56, P=0.0000) after controlling for the effects of changes in temperature and precipitation. In-migration dominates the impacts of migration on vegetation dynamics. Therefore, it is important for policy makers in China to take the impacts of migration on vegetation growth into account while making policies aiming at sustainable humanenvironment relations

    Advances in upscaling of eddy covariance measurements of carbon and water fluxes

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    Eddy covariance flux towers provide continuous measurements of ecosystem-level net exchange of carbon, water, energy, and other trace gases between land surface and the atmosphere. The upscaling of flux observations from towers to broad regions provides a new and independent approach for quantifying these fluxes over regions, continents, or the globe. The seven contributions of this special section reflect the most recent advances in the upscaling of fluxes from towers to these broad regions. The section mainly stems from presentations at the recent North American Carbon Program (NACP), FLUXNET, and AGU meetings. These studies focus on different aspects of upscaling: (1) assessing the representativeness of flux networks; (2) upscaling fluxes from towers to broad spatial scales; (3) examining the magnitude, distribution, and interannual variability of fluxes over regions, continents, or the globe; and (4) evaluating the impacts of spatial heterogeneity and parameter variability on flux estimates. Collectively, this special issue provides a timely update on upscaling science and also generates gridded flux data that can be used for model evaluations. Future upscaling studies are expected to advance toward incorporating the impacts of disturbance on ecosystem carbon dynamics, quantifying uncertainties associated with gridded flux estimates, and comparing various upscaling methods and the resulting gridded flux fields

    Water use efficiency of China\u27s terrestrial ecosystems and responses to drought

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    Water use efficiency (WUE) measures the trade-off between carbon gain and water loss of terrestrial ecosystems, and better understanding its dynamics and controlling factors is essential for predicting ecosystem responses to climate change. We assessed the magnitude, spatial patterns, and trends of WUE of Chinaā€™s terrestrial ecosystems and its responses to drought using a process-based ecosystem model. During the period from 2000 to 2011, the national average annual WUE (net primary productivity (NPP)/evapotranspiration (ET)) of China was 0.79ā€‰g C kgāˆ’1 H2O. Annual WUE decreased in the southern regions because of the decrease in NPP and the increase in ET and increased in most northern regions mainly because of the increase in NPP. Droughts usually increased annual WUE in Northeast China and central Inner Mongolia but decreased annual WUE in central China. ā€œTurning-pointsā€ were observed for southern China where moderate and extreme droughts reduced annual WUE and severe drought slightly increased annual WUE. The cumulative lagged effect of drought on monthly WUE varied by region. Our findings have implications for ecosystem management and climate policy making. WUE is expected to continue to change under future climate change particularly as drought is projected to increase in both frequency and severity
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