128 research outputs found

    An Efficient Approximation to the Likelihood for Gravitational Wave Stochastic Background Detection Using Pulsar Timing Data

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    Direct detection of gravitational waves by pulsar timing arrays will become feasible over the next few years. In the low frequency regime (10−710^{-7} Hz -- 10−910^{-9} Hz), we expect that a superposition of gravitational waves from many sources will manifest itself as an isotropic stochastic gravitational wave background. Currently, a number of techniques exist to detect such a signal; however, many detection methods are computationally challenging. Here we introduce an approximation to the full likelihood function for a pulsar timing array that results in computational savings proportional to the square of the number of pulsars in the array. Through a series of simulations we show that the approximate likelihood function reproduces results obtained from the full likelihood function. We further show, both analytically and through simulations, that, on average, this approximate likelihood function gives unbiased parameter estimates for astrophysically realistic stochastic background amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The stochastic background: scaling laws and time to detection for pulsar timing arrays

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    We derive scaling laws for the signal-to-noise ratio of the optimal cross-correlation statistic, and show that the large power-law increase of the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of the the observation time TT that is usually assumed holds only at early times. After enough time has elapsed, pulsar timing arrays enter a new regime where the signal to noise only scales as T\sqrt{T}. In addition, in this regime the quality of the pulsar timing data and the cadence become relatively un-important. This occurs because the lowest frequencies of the pulsar timing residuals become gravitational-wave dominated. Pulsar timing arrays enter this regime more quickly than one might naively suspect. For T=10 yr observations and typical stochastic background amplitudes, pulsars with residual RMSs of less than about 1 μ1\,\mus are already in that regime. The best strategy to increase the detectability of the background in this regime is to increase the number of pulsars in the array. We also perform realistic simulations of the NANOGrav pulsar timing array, which through an aggressive pulsar survey campaign adds new millisecond pulsars regularly to its array, and show that a detection is possible within a decade, and could occur as early as 2016.Comment: Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity for Focus Issue on Pulsar Timing Arrays. 15 pages, 5 figure

    New limits on cosmic strings from gravitational wave observation

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    We combine new analysis of the stochastic gravitational wave background to be expected from cosmic strings with the latest pulsar timing array (PTA) limits to give an upper bound on the energy scale of the possible cosmic string network, Gμ<1.5×10−11G\mu < 1.5\times 10^{-11} at the 95% confidence level. We also show bounds from LIGO and to be expected from LISA and BBO. Current estimates for the gravitational wave background from supermassive black hole binaries are at the level where a PTA detection is expected. But if PTAs do observe a background soon, it will be difficult in the short term to distinguish black holes from cosmic strings as the source, because the spectral indices from the two sources happen to be quite similar. If PTAs do not observe a background, then the limits on GμG\mu will improve somewhat, but a string network with GμG\mu substantially below 10−1110^{-11} will produce gravitational waves primarily at frequencies too high for PTA observation, so significant further progress will depend on intermediate-frequency observatories such as LISA, DECIGO and BBO.Comment: 9 pages, updated link to companion pape

    Gravitational-Wave Tests of General Relativity with Ground-Based Detectors and Pulsar-Timing Arrays

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    This review is focused on tests of Einstein's theory of General Relativity with gravitational waves that are detectable by ground-based interferometers and pulsar timing experiments. Einstein's theory has been greatly constrained in the quasi-linear, quasi-stationary regime, where gravity is weak and velocities are small. Gravitational waves will allow us to probe a complimentary, yet previously unexplored regime: the non-linear and dynamical strong-field regime. Such a regime is, for example, applicable to compact binaries coalescing, where characteristic velocities can reach fifty percent the speed of light and compactnesses can reach a half. This review begins with the theoretical basis and the predicted gravitational wave observables of modified gravity theories. The review continues with a brief description of the detectors, including both gravitational wave interferometers and pulsar timing arrays, leading to a discussion of the data analysis formalism that is applicable for such tests. The review ends with a discussion of gravitational wave tests for compact binary systems.Comment: 123 pages, 5 figures, replaced with version accepted for publication in the Living Reviews in Relativit

    Chiral Superconducting Strings and Nambu-Goto Strings in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    We present general solutions to the equations of motion for a superconducting relativistic chiral string that satisfy the unit magnitude constraint in terms of products of rotations. From this result we show how to construct a general family of odd harmonic superconducting chiral loops. We further generalise the product of rotations to an arbitrary number of dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex. Replaced with version accepted for publication in J. Math. Phy

    The stochastic background from cosmic (super)strings: popcorn and (Gaussian) continuous regimes

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    In the era of the next generation of gravitational wave experiments a stochastic background from cusps of cosmic (super)strings is expected to be probed and, if not detected, to be significantly constrained. A popcorn-like background can be, for part of the parameter space, as pronounced as the (Gaussian) continuous contribution from unresolved sources that overlap in frequency and time. We study both contributions from unresolved cosmic string cusps over a range of frequencies relevant to ground based interferometers, such as LIGO/Virgo second generation (AdLV) and Einstein Telescope (ET) third generation detectors, the space antenna LISA and Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA). We compute the sensitivity (at 2σ2 \sigma level) in the parameter space for AdLV, ET, LISA and PTA. We conclude that the popcorn regime is complementary to the continuous background. Its detection could therefore enhance confidence in a stochastic background detection and possibly help determine fundamental string parameters such as the string tension and the reconnection probability.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures ; revised version after correction of a typo in eq. 4.
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