55 research outputs found

    Prospecting for organic fungicides and resistance inducers to control scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple production

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    As a part of the REPCO project we are prospecting for plant extracts and other materials to control apple scab in order to find substitutes for copper fungicides in organic apple production. Two routine screening systems are used to evaluate the potential of materials to control apple scab; one testing the effect of materials on conidium germination on glass slides, and one testing the effect of materials on scab development on apple seedlings grown in growth chambers. Several interesting materials have been identified and a number have been selected for testing in experimental organic apple orchards. Studies of the mode of action of promising materials including induced resistance are on-going and work on improvement of timing and formulation is initiated at KVL

    Plant extracts and essential oils in seed treatment::production of healthy tomato transplants

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    Control of apple scab by the use of the plants own defence mechanisms

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    One obvious possibility to control apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, is to use the plant's inherent ability to defend itself by induced resistance. Preliminary experiments with induced resistance have been started in StopScab, a collaborative project between KVL and DIAS. The concept and use of induced resistance are brielfy described in the following

    New fungicides for apple scab control in organic growing

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    In the future control of apple scab in organic apple growing could be based on the use of natural fungicides like plant extracts and oils. Current projects are testing this idea

    Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv ved brug af plantens egne forsvarsmekanismer

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    En oplagt mulighed for at bekæmpe æbleskurv, forårsaget af Venturia inaequalis, er at udnytte plantens egne evner til at forsvare sig gennem induceret resistens. Indledende forsøg med induceret resistens mod æbleskurv er sat i gang i projektet StopScab, som er et samarbejde mellem KVl og DJF. I artiklen beskrives kort hvad induceret resistens er, og hvad det kan anvendes til

    Sampling-detection procedures:bacterial leaf spot pathogen of tomato. Technical bulletin

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    Midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler

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    Brochuren præsenterer FØJO II projektet StopScab: Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv. I projektet afprøves potentielle alternative bekæmpelsesmidler (planteekstrakter, olier og biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer)for deres bekæmpelseseffekt overfor æbleskurv (Venturia inaequalis) i laboratorie, vækstkammer og plantage. Udvalgte midler undersøges nærmere for deres virkemekanismer