64 research outputs found

    Stabilitas Fisik dan Pengukuran Nilai Sun Protection Factor Sediaan Tabir Surya pada Kondisi Stress Penyimpanan dengan Spektrofotometri

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    Latar belakang : Sediaan tabir surya dapat  digunakan  untuk  menyerap  sinar  matahari  secara  efektif  terutama  pada daerah emisi gelombang UV. Kondisi  stress saat penyimpanan suatu sediaan dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisik dan kimiawi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan  pengaruh  kondisi  stress  penyimpanan  terhadap  stabilitas  fisik  dan nilai  Sun  Protection  Factor (SPF)  sebagai  efektivitas  dari  sediaan  tabir  surya  yang disimpan dalam tiga suhu berbeda. Metode : Penelitian  eksperimental  ini  dilakukan  dengan  pemilihan  sampel  tabir surya dan pengujian stabilitas fisik meliputi pengamatan warna, pengamatan fisik, uji pH, uji daya sebar, uji daya lekat, serta pengukuran nilai SPF  sediaan tabir surya lotion dan  gel  dengan spektrofotometri yang disimpan pada suhu ruang  (25â—¦C), suhu rendah  (4â—¦C), dan suhu tinggi (40â—¦C). Hasil : kondisi  stress  penyimpanan mempengaruhi sifat fisik sediaan berupa daya  lekat,  daya  sebar,  dan  mempengaruhi  secara  signifikan  nilai  SPF  sediaan (p<0,05) mulai hari ke-14 penyimpanan

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran pada PT Bahtera Global Solusi

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    PT. Bahtera Global Solutions is a company engaged in the provision of services and sales of IT products. IT products in the form of audio-visual products, computer, network solutions, security products, software telecommunications products and other office supplies. Marketing is one of the main factors that could affect the interests of the customer. Good marketing system and on target, may increase the purchasing power of customers and customer loyalty to the company. Thus it can increase profits for the company. Currently, the company still has obstacles in the marketing process is the lack of information regarding the products of the company making the customer trouble knowing what products are sold by the company. The company also difficult to know what products are needed promotions regularly, goods and services are most desirable, what are the needs of each customer, and promotions such as what is required of each customer. Of the above problems, the company wants to increase its marketing system. Marketing information system based 4p ie, place, price, promotion, and product marketing are needed to address the problems that occur in the company. The early stages of the design of information systems in the form of information system design can be used as a cornerstone in building a marketing information system

    Analysis of Filariasis Through Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Regression Approach

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    Background: Indonesia is a tropical disease endemic areas, one of which is the disease elephantiasis (filariasis). Filariasis is filarial worm infectionand transmitted by mosquito bites. Baseline Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2007 showed that the percentage of patients with filariasis in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) was the largest in Indonesia. Methods: Secondary data analysis from Riskesdas 2007. The unit of analysis is the individual in NAD Province. Research focused on the relationship between patients with filariasi sfactors in NAD Province. The method usedis the Poisson and ZIP regression. Results: Probability of 10,000 house hold to softer from filariasisis are as many as 72 house hold and 10,000 people may be affected by filariasis are as many as 25 people. Individuals who do not use the bed nets exposed to filariasis risk is 1.60 compared to the use of bed nets. While individuals whose homes without sewer have risk to suffer filariasis 3.47 times compare to them with sewer. Conclusion: Variables that affect the incidence of filariasis in NAD is the average distance to the neares thealth care, the average distance to the water source and the percentage of households using secticide-treated nets. The farther distance to the water source and healer services, will increase the incidence of filariasis. Mean while, the use insecticide-treatedbed net will reduce the incidence of filariasis. Districts of East Aceh, North Aceh, Nagan Raya and Aceh Besar need to be taked care

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembayaran Biaya Operasional Pendidikan pada PG-TK Al-Zaitun Sidoarjo Berbasis Website

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    This research is motivated by the problems faced by the administration in making payment PMB registration, re-registration and payment of tuition payment per month is still done manually so that the schools often miss evidence of payment has been recorded. Then in making a payment summary report can be spent primarily to determine a decision as anyone who has not made a payment. The solution provided is creating and designing applications operating expenses based education website,because it can minimize recording errors and report transactions that may occur if done manually. Based on the trial results indicate that these applications can be overcome and reduce the problems that occur in the process of education operating expenses. In addition, the application also allows the administration when where a student is late to pay spp system will automatically send SMS notifications to parents in the form of a guardian

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Ritel untuk Usaha Mikro dan Kecil Berbasis Web

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    One type of business that a lot of work at the Indonesian population is in the form of retail (Soliha, 2008). Retail in Indonesia is divided into two, namely traditional retail and modern retail. Traditional retail itself in the category of Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Retail Indonesian population spread in the community thrives. However, intense competition, especially in the face of large modern retailers, traditional retailers are making in a less favorable position. The problem faced by traditional retailers are; (1) the owner can not determine sales trends; (2) purchase a product that is not sold in large quantities; (3) the difficulty of knowing the available stock; (4) does not have the data history of sales transactions; (5) often experience problems in the procurement costs of information technology devices; The solution to the above problems is an information system retail sales web-based that can produce information as up to date as sales turnover, the products most frequently purchased by customers, products sold less that needs to be promoted, benefits and can promote products sold in the form of a web product catalog. All the information can be used as a basis for business owners in making decisions for managing merchandise products as quickly as it can be accessed anytime, anywhere through the Internet

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Adobe Flash Cs4 pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrokarbon di Sma/ma

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    This study is aimed to develop learning media by using Adobe Flash CS4 software on the subject of Hydrocarbons at Chemistry Education study program. The result of this study is a product of learning media in the form of tutorial CD for hydrocarbon subject at Chemistry Education study program which has contents as follows: the determination of carbon atom C and H, the classification of hydrocarbons, the structure of alkane, alkyne and alkune, isomers, and the reaction of the hydrocarbon compounds. This study used Research and Development (R&D) method with ADDIE model which has five stages of development; they are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The development model was modified by the writer only until the development stage. The result of validation test showed that learning media on the subject of Hydrocarbons is good with the result of validation by media experts 88.5% and material experts 92.5%, so the developed learning media is properly used on the learning and teaching process. The result of the development still has to be tried out at the students in teaching and learning process before it is used on a wider scale

    The Application of E-Module Based on Problem-Based Learning to Improve the Scientific Process Skill and to Reduce Misconceptionin the X MIA 2 Graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta

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    This research aimed to reduce misconception and improve the scientific process skill in the X MIA 2 graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta through the application of E-Module based on Problem-Based Learning. This study was a Classroom Action Research consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of research was the X MIA 2 graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta consisting of 42 students. Techniques of collecting data used were multiple choice test and observation to measured scientific process skill, open-ended reasoning of Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to measure misconseption, and interveiw as the proponent data related learning process. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative technique consist of three component: data reduction, data presentation, and taking the conclusion. Data validation was carried out using triangulation method. Target of research was 20% to reduced misconseption and 30% to increased scientific process skill at the end of the cycle. The result of research showed that there was a decreased misconception in ecological concept: population of 51.31%, community of 43.73%, ecosystem of 39.36, and science, environment, technology and community (salingtemas) ecology of 54.33%. On the other side, the result of research also showes that there was an increased scientific process skill in all aspects: observing of 36.52%, categorizing of 19.95%, predicting of 32.92%, interpreting of 33.75%, measuring of 35.66%, communicating of 38.31%, designing experiment of 48.80%, experimenting of 41.38%, asking question of 31.02%, hypothesizing of 31.62%, and applying concept of 39.38%. The conclusion of this research describes that the application of E-Module based on Problem-Based Learning is able to reduce misconception and improve the scientific process skill among the students

    Gender Inequality and the Division of Household Labor: a Comparative Study of Middle-class, Working Married Men and Women in Japan and Indonesia

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    Seeking to offer a balanced perspective to gender inequality and the division of household labor among middle-class, working married men and women in Japan and Indonesia, this paper examines the effects of individual-level characteristics (relative income, working hours, gender ideology) as well as the country-level factors (e.g. GEM: Gender Empowerment Measure) on the dynamics of housework distribution between spouses in both countries. Statistical analyses show a number of significant correlations between these variables, among which gender ideology seems to be of particular importance. Perhaps the most enlightening finding of all is that despite their lower GEM rank compared to Japan, the Indonesian respondents have relatively egalitarian division of labor in their households. This finding provides a new insight that GEM, which emphasizes the political economy aspects of a country, may not be sufficient to capture gender disparities without considering other socio-cultural factors in the complexity of day-to-day actual division of housework
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