
Analysis of Filariasis Through Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Regression Approach


Background: Indonesia is a tropical disease endemic areas, one of which is the disease elephantiasis (filariasis). Filariasis is filarial worm infectionand transmitted by mosquito bites. Baseline Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2007 showed that the percentage of patients with filariasis in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) was the largest in Indonesia. Methods: Secondary data analysis from Riskesdas 2007. The unit of analysis is the individual in NAD Province. Research focused on the relationship between patients with filariasi sfactors in NAD Province. The method usedis the Poisson and ZIP regression. Results: Probability of 10,000 house hold to softer from filariasisis are as many as 72 house hold and 10,000 people may be affected by filariasis are as many as 25 people. Individuals who do not use the bed nets exposed to filariasis risk is 1.60 compared to the use of bed nets. While individuals whose homes without sewer have risk to suffer filariasis 3.47 times compare to them with sewer. Conclusion: Variables that affect the incidence of filariasis in NAD is the average distance to the neares thealth care, the average distance to the water source and the percentage of households using secticide-treated nets. The farther distance to the water source and healer services, will increase the incidence of filariasis. Mean while, the use insecticide-treatedbed net will reduce the incidence of filariasis. Districts of East Aceh, North Aceh, Nagan Raya and Aceh Besar need to be taked care

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    Last time updated on 01/12/2017