379 research outputs found

    Teacher control and affiliation: do students and teachers agree?

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    Using an interpersonal circumplex model, we examined whether teachers and students in secondary education apply a similar frame of reference when thinking about how a teacher relates to students. We also examined the alignment of teacher and student perceptions of two dimensions of the teacher-student relationship: Control and Affiliation. Results showed that although teachers and students use a similar framework, they do not agree on the amount of teacher Control and Affiliation in a given classroom. This study contributes to our understanding of teacher self-reports by comparing student and teacher perceptions of the teacher-student relationship

    Teacher control and affiliation: do students and teachers agree?

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    Using an interpersonal circumplex model, we examined whether teachers and students in secondary education apply a similar frame of reference when thinking about how a teacher relates to students. We also examined the alignment of teacher and student perceptions of two dimensions of the teacher-student relationship: Control and Affiliation. Results showed that although teachers and students use a similar framework, they do not agree on the amount of teacher Control and Affiliation in a given classroom. This study contributes to our understanding of teacher self-reports by comparing student and teacher perceptions of the teacher-student relationship

    Патогенетические механизмы повреждений бета-клеток панкреатических островков при диабете и влияние прерывистой гипоксии

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    У щурів з експериментальним цукровим діабетом та впливом на них переривчастої гіпоксії вивчені особливості синтезу інсуліну, цитоархітектоніки бета-клітин та експресія маркерів апоптозу та проліферації. Кількість бета-клітин підвищується, концентрація інсуліну залишається в межах інтактного показника. Значною мірою підвищується вироблення антиапоптотичного білку Bcl2. Гіпокситерапія призводить до суттєвого підвищення проліферативної активності ендокриноцитів панкреатичних острівців.At rats with an experimental diabetes and influence on intermittent hypoxia, features of synthesis of insulin, cells-architectonics beta-cells and an expression of markers apoptotic and proliferative are studied. Amount beta-cells increase, and concentration of insulin remains border of a control indicator. The production of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2 increase to a considerable extent. Intermittent hypoxia significantly increase the proliferative activity endokrinotsitis pancreatic islets