114 research outputs found

    A controllable two-membrane-in-the-middle cavity optomechanical system

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    We report an optomechanical system with two dielectric membranes inside a Fabry-Perot cavity. The cavity resonant frequencies are measured in such a two-membrane-in-the-middle system, which show an interesting band-structure-like diagram. This system exhibits great controllability on the parameters of the system. The positions and angles of each membrane can be manipulated on demand by placing two membranes inside the cavity separately. The eigenfrequencies of the vibrational modes of the membranes can also be tuned individually with piezoelectricity. This scheme could be straightforwardly extended to multiple-membrane-in-the-middle systems, where more than two membranes are involved. Such a well controllable multiple membrane optomechanical system provides a promising platform for studying nonlinear and quantum dynamical phenomena in multimode optomechanics with distinct mechanical oscillators

    Coherent manipulation of spin wave vector for polarization of photons in an atomic ensemble

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    We experimentally demonstrate the manipulation of two-orthogonal components of a spin wave in an atomic ensemble. Based on Raman two-photon transition and Larmor spin precession induced by magnetic field pulses, the coherent rotations between the two components of the spin wave is controllably achieved. Successively, the two manipulated spin-wave components are mapped into two orthogonal polarized optical emissions, respectively. By measuring Ramsey fringes of the retrieved optical signals, the \pi/2-pulse fidelity of ~96% is obtained. The presented manipulation scheme can be used to build an arbitrary rotation for qubit operations in quantum information processing based on atomic ensembles

    Correlation of Influenza Virus Excess Mortality with Antigenic Variation: Application to Rapid Estimation of Influenza Mortality Burden

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    The variants of human influenza virus have caused, and continue to cause, substantial morbidity and mortality. Timely and accurate assessment of their impact on human death is invaluable for influenza planning but presents a substantial challenge, as current approaches rely mostly on intensive and unbiased influenza surveillance. In this study, by proposing a novel host-virus interaction model, we have established a positive correlation between the excess mortalities caused by viral strains of distinct antigenicity and their antigenic distances to their previous strains for each (sub)type of seasonal influenza viruses. Based on this relationship, we further develop a method to rapidly assess the mortality burden of influenza A(H1N1) virus by accurately predicting the antigenic distance between A(H1N1) strains. Rapid estimation of influenza mortality burden for new seasonal strains should help formulate a cost-effective response for influenza control and prevention

    Quantum Interference of Stored Coherent Spin-wave Excitations in a Two-channel Memory

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    Quantum memories are essential elements in long-distance quantum networks and quantum computation. Significant advances have been achieved in demonstrating relative long-lived single-channel memory at single-photon level in cold atomic media. However, the qubit memory corresponding to store two-channel spin-wave excitations (SWEs) still faces challenges, including the limitations resulting from Larmor procession, fluctuating ambient magnetic field, and manipulation/measurement of the relative phase between the two channels. Here, we demonstrate a two-channel memory scheme in an ideal tripod atomic system, in which the total readout signal exhibits either constructive or destructive interference when the two-channel SWEs are retrieved by two reading beams with a controllable relative phase. Experimental result indicates quantum coherence between the stored SWEs. Based on such phase-sensitive storage/retrieval scheme, measurements of the relative phase between the two SWEs and Rabi oscillation, as well as elimination of the collapse and revival of the readout signal, are experimentally demonstrated

    DCANet: Dual Convolutional Neural Network with Attention for Image Blind Denoising

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    Noise removal of images is an essential preprocessing procedure for many computer vision tasks. Currently, many denoising models based on deep neural networks can perform well in removing the noise with known distributions (i.e. the additive Gaussian white noise). However eliminating real noise is still a very challenging task, since real-world noise often does not simply follow one single type of distribution, and the noise may spatially vary. In this paper, we present a new dual convolutional neural network (CNN) with attention for image blind denoising, named as the DCANet. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed DCANet is the first work that integrates both the dual CNN and attention mechanism for image denoising. The DCANet is composed of a noise estimation network, a spatial and channel attention module (SCAM), and a CNN with a dual structure. The noise estimation network is utilized to estimate the spatial distribution and the noise level in an image. The noisy image and its estimated noise are combined as the input of the SCAM, and a dual CNN contains two different branches is designed to learn the complementary features to obtain the denoised image. The experimental results have verified that the proposed DCANet can suppress both synthetic and real noise effectively. The code of DCANet is available at https://github.com/WenCongWu/DCANet

    The Emerging of Hydrovoltaic Materials as a Future Technology: A Case Study for China

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    Water contains tremendous energy in various forms, but very little of this energy has yet been harvested. Nanostructured materials can generate electricity by water-nanomaterial interaction, a phenomenon referred to as hydrovoltaic effect, which potentially extends the technical capability of water energy harvesting. In this chapter, starting by describing the fundamental principle of hydrovoltaic effect, including water-carbon interactions and fundamental mechanisms of harvesting water energy with nanostructured materials, experimental advances in generating electricity from water flows, waves, natural evaporation, and moisture are then reviewed. We further discuss potential applications of hydrovoltaic technologies, analyze main challenges in improving the energy conversion efficiency and scaling up the output power, and suggest prospects for developments of the emerging technology, especially in China