173 research outputs found

    Monitoring the On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous Terra MISR Observations

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    On December 18, 2015, the Terra spacecraft completed 16 years of successful operation in space. Terra has five instruments designed to facilitate scientific measurements of the earths land, ocean, and atmosphere. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) instruments provide information for the temporal studies of the globe. After providing over 16 years of complementary measurements, a synergistic use of the measurements obtained from these sensors is beneficial for various science products. The 20 reflective solar bands (RSBs) of MODIS are calibrated using a combination of solar diffuser and lunar measurements, supplemented by measurements from pseudoinvariant desert sites. MODIS views the on-board calibrators and the earth via a two-sided scan mirror at three spatial resolutions: 250 m using 40 detectors in bands 1 and 2, 500 m using 20 detectors in bands 3 and 4, and 1000 m using 10 detectors in bands 819 and 26. Simultaneous measurements of the earths surface are acquired in a push-broom fashion by MISR at nine view angles spreading out in the forward and backward directions along the flight path. While the swath width for MISR acquisitions is 360 km, MODIS scans a wider swath of 2330 km via its two-sided scan mirror. The reflectance of the MODIS scan mirror has an angle dependence characterized by the response versus scan angle (RVS). Its on-orbit change is derived using the gain from a combination of on-board and earth-view measurements. The on-orbit RVS for MODIS has experienced a significant change, especially for the short-wavelength bands. The on-orbit RVS change for the short-wavelength bands (bands 3, 8, and 9) at nadir is observed to be greater than 10 over the mission lifetime. Due to absence of a scanning mechanism, MISR can serve as an effective tool to evaluate and monitor the on-orbit performance of the MODIS RVS. Furthermore, it can also monitor the detector and scan-mirror differences for the MODIS bands using simultaneous measurements from earth-scene targets, e.g., North Atlantic Ocean and North African desert. Simultaneous measurements provide the benefit of minimizing the impact of earth-scene features while comparing the radiometric performance using vicarious techniques. Long-term observations of both instruments using select ground targets also provide an evaluation of the long-term calibration stability. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the use of MISR to monitor and enhance the on-orbit calibration of the MODIS RSB. The radiometric calibration requirements for the MODIS RSB are +/- 2% in reflectance and +/- 5% in radiance at typical radiance levels within +/- 45 deg. of nadir. The results show that the long-term changes in the MODIS reflectance at nadir frames are generally within 1. The MODIS level 1B calibrated products, generated after correcting for the on-orbit changes in the gain and RVS, do not have any correction for changes in the instruments polarization sensitivity. The mirror-side-dependent polarization sensitivity exhibits an on-orbit change, primarily in the blue bands, that manifests in noticeable mirror side differences in the MODIS calibrated products. The mirror side differences for other RSB are observed to be less than 1%, therefore demonstrating an excellent on-orbit performance. The detector differences in the blue bands of MODIS exhibit divergence in recent years beyond 1%, and a calibration algorithm improvement has been identified to mitigate this effect. Short-term variations in the recent year caused by the forward updates were identified in bands 1 and 2 and are planned to be corrected in the next reprocess

    Evaluating the Calibration of Aqua MODIS Bands 33, 35, and 36 During Blackbody Warm-Up Cool-Down Events

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    Aqua MODIS is the second MODIS instrument of NASA's Earth Observation System and has operated for over sixteen years since its launch in 2002. MODIS has sixteen thermal emissive bands (TEBs) located on two separate cold focal plane assemblies (CFPA). The TEBs are calibrated every scan using observations of an onboard blackbody (BB) and a space view port. Low saturation temperatures (Tsat) of Aqua MODIS bands 33, 35, and 36 cause these bands to saturate when the BB temperature is higher than their Tsat values during a BB warm-up cool-down (WUCD) cycle, therefore impacting the ability to perform nominal calibration. In addition, starting from around 2006, the CFPA temperature showed gradual variation from its nominally-controlled operating temperature due to a loss of its radiative cooler margin and the magnitude of its fluctuation reaching a maximum in 2013. The MODIS Characterization Support Team currently uses a correction that is dependent on the CFPA temperature to provide a gain estimate for the saturated scans during the BB WUCD. This gain estimation has been implemented in the Aqua MODIS Collection 6 (C6) and C6.1 L1B products. This paper evaluates the quality of the calibrated radiance of Aqua MODIS bands 33, 35, and 36 using simultaneous nadir observations from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), which is also onboard the Aqua satellite. Our analysis results show that the differences between AIRS and Aqua MODIS can be controlled well within the fluctuation range compared to the periods when the BB signals for these bands are not saturated

    Using Dome C for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Calibration Stability and Consistency

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    Currently, there are two nearly identical moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments operated in space: one on the Terra spacecraft launched in December 1999 and another on the Aqua spacecraft launched in May 2002. MODIS has 36 spectral bands with wavelengths covering from visible (VIS) to long-wave infrared (LWIR). Since launch, M0DIS observations and data products have significantly enabled studies of changes in the Earth system of land, oceans, and atmosphere. In order to maintain its on-orbit calibration and data product quality, MODIS was built with a comprehensive set of on-board calibrators. MODIS reflective solar bands (RSB) are calibrated on-orbit by a system that consists of a solar diffuser (SD) and a solar diffuser stability monitor(SDSM) on a regular basis. Its thermal emissive bands (TEB) calibration is executed on a scan-by-scan basis using an on-board blackbody (BB). The MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) at NASA/GSFC has been responsible for supporting sensor calibration and characterization tasks from pre-launch to post launch. In this paper,we describe current MCST efforts and progress made to examine sensor stability and intercalibration consistency using observations over Dome Concordia, Antarctica. Results show that this site can provide useful calibration reference for Earth-observing sensors

    Determination of the NOAA-20 VIIRS TEB RVS from Emissive Radiation Measurements During the Pitch Maneuver

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is a key sensor carried on the newly launched (November 18, 2017) Joint Polar Satellite System-1 (JPSS-1), now transitioned to NOAA-20, and the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite. The two VIIRS sensors are nearly identical in design. Its on-board calibration components include a solar diffuser (SD) and a solar diffuser stability monitor (SDSM) for the reflective solar bands (RSB), a V-groove blackbody for the thermal emissive bands (TEB), and a space view (SV) port for background subtraction. These on-board calibrators are located at fixed scan angles. The VIIRS response versus scan angle (RVS) was characterized prelaunch in lab ambient conditions and is currently used to calibrate the on-orbit response for all scan angles relative to the calibrator's scan angle. A spacecraft level pitch maneuver was scheduled during the initial intensive Cal/Val testing for both the NOAA-20 and SNPP. The pitch maneuver provided a rare opportunity for VIIRS to make observations of deep space over the entire scan angle range, which can be used to characterize the TEB RVS. This study provides our analysis of the NOAA-20 pitch maneuver data and assessment of the derived TEB RVS. A comparison between the RVS determined by the pitch maneuver observations and prelaunch lab measurements is conducted for each band, detector, and mirror side of the half angle mirror

    Comparison of VIIRS Prelaunch RVS Among Independent Studies

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is a key sensor carried on the NPOESS (National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System), upgraded and developed recently from heritage instruments including AVHRR, OLS, MODIS, and SeaWiFS. It has on-board calibration components including a solar diffuser (SD) and a solar diffuser stability monitor (SDSM) for the reflective solar bands (RSB), a V-groove blackbody for the thermal emissive bands (TEB), and a space view (SV) port for background subtraction. These on-board calibrators are located at fixed scan angles. The VIIRS response versus scan angle (RVS) was characterized prelaunch in lab ambient conditions and will be used on-orbit to characterize the response for the all scan angles relative to the calibrator scan angle (SD for RSB and blackbody for TEB). Since the RVS is vitally important to the quality of calibrated radiance products, several independent studies were performed and their results were compared and validated. This document provides RVS results from three groups: the NPP Instrument Calibration Support Team (NICST), Raytheon, and the Aerospace Corporation. A comparison of the RVS results obtained using a 2nd order polynomial fit to measurement data is conducted for each band, detector, and half angle mirror (HAM) side. The associated RVS fitting residuals are examined and compared with the relative differences in RVS found between independent studies. Results show that the agreement is within 0.1% and comparable with fitting residuals for all bands except for RSB band M9, where a difference of 0.2% results from the application of the atmospheric water vapor correction for laboratory conditions during the test by Raytheon. NICST has slightly larger RSB RVS uncertainties but still well within the 0.3% total uncertainty allowed for the RVS characterization defined in the Performance Verification Plan

    Evaluation of Detector-to-Detector and Mirror Side Differences for Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous MISR Observations

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    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is one of the five Earth-observing instruments on-board the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth-Observing System(EOS) Terra spacecraft, launched in December 1999. It has 36 spectral bands with wavelengths ranging from 0.41 to 14.4 mm and collects data at three nadir spatial resolutions: 0.25 km for 2 bands with 40 detectors each, 0.5 km for 5 bands with 20 detectors each and 1 km for the remaining 29 bands with 10 detectors each. MODIS bands are located on four separate focal plane assemblies (FPAs) according to their spectral wavelengths and aligned in the cross-track direction. Detectors of each spectral band are aligned in the along-track direction. MODIS makes observations using a two-sided paddle-wheel scan mirror. Its on-board calibrators (OBCs) for the reflective solar bands (RSBs) include a solar diffuser (SD), a solar diffuser stability monitor (SDSM) and a spectral-radiometric calibration assembly (SRCA). Calibration is performed for each band, detector, sub-sample (for sub-kilometer resolution bands) and mirror side. In this study, a ratio approach is applied to MODIS observed Earth scene reflectances to track the detector-to-detector and mirror side differences. Simultaneous observed reflectances from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), also onboard the Terra spacecraft, are used with MODIS observed reflectances in this ratio approach for four closely matched spectral bands. Results show that the detector-to-detector difference between two adjacent detectors within each spectral band is typically less than 0.2% and, depending on the wavelengths, the maximum difference among all detectors varies from 0.5% to 0.8%. The mirror side differences are found to be very small for all bands except for band 3 at 0.44 mm. This is the band with the shortest wavelength among the selected matching bands, showing a time-dependent increase for the mirror side difference. This study is part of the effort by the MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) in order to track the RSB on-orbit performance for MODIS collection 5 data products. To support MCST efforts for future data re-processing, this analysis will be extended to include more spectral bands and temporal coverage

    MODIS On-Board Blackbody Function and Performance

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    Two MODIS instruments are currently in orbit, making continuous global observations in visible to long-wave infrared wavelengths. Compared to heritage sensors, MODIS was built with an advanced set of on-board calibrators, providing sensor radiometric, spectral, and spatial calibration and characterization during on-orbit operation. For the thermal emissive bands (TEB) with wavelengths from 3.7 m to 14.4 m, a v-grooved blackbody (BB) is used as the primary calibration source. The BB temperature is accurately measured each scan (1.47s) using a set of 12 temperature sensors traceable to NIST temperature standards. The onboard BB is nominally operated at a fixed temperature, 290K for Terra MODIS and 285K for Aqua MODIS, to compute the TEB linear calibration coefficients. Periodically, its temperature is varied from 270K (instrument ambient) to 315K in order to evaluate and update the nonlinear calibration coefficients. This paper describes MODIS on-board BB functions with emphasis on on-orbit operation and performance. It examines the BB temperature uncertainties under different operational conditions and their impact on TEB calibration and data product quality. The temperature uniformity of the BB is also evaluated using TEB detector responses at different operating temperatures. On-orbit results demonstrate excellent short-term and long-term stability for both the Terra and Aqua MODIS on-board BB. The on-orbit BB temperature uncertainty is estimated to be 10mK for Terra MODIS at 290K and 5mK for Aqua MODIS at 285K, thus meeting the TEB design specifications. In addition, there has been no measurable BB temperature drift over the entire mission of both Terra and Aqua MODIS

    Eliminating Via-Plane Coupling using Ground Vias for High-Speed Signal Transitions

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    When a high-speed signal transits through a via that penetrates a plane pair, parallel-plane resonances can cause additional insertion loss for the signal. To eliminate this via-plane coupling, ground vias are added adjacent to the signal via. This paper discusses the impact of the ground vias as a function of the number of the ground vias, their locations, and the size of the plane pair. A block-by-block physics-based equivalent circuit modeling approach is used in the study. The underlying physics of the phenomenon and the design implications are also discussed in the paper

    Characterization of porcine ENO3: genomic and cDNA structure, polymorphism and expression

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    In this study, a full-length cDNA of the porcine ENO3 gene encoding a 434 amino acid protein was isolated. It contains 12 exons over approximately 5.4 kb. Differential splicing in the 5'-untranslated sequence generates two forms of mRNA that differ from each other in the presence or absence of a 142-nucleotide fragment. Expression analysis showed that transcript 1 of ENO3 is highly expressed in liver and lung, while transcript 2 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and heart. We provide the first evidence that in skeletal muscle expression of ENO3 is different between Yorkshire and Meishan pig breeds. Furthermore, real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that, in Yorkshire pigs, skeletal muscle expression of transcript 1 is identical at postnatal day-1 and at other stages while that of transcript 2 is higher. Moreover, expression of transcript 1 is lower in skeletal muscle and all other tissue samples than that of transcript 2, with the exception of liver and kidney. Statistical analysis showed the existence of a polymorphism in the ENO3 gene between Chinese indigenous and introduced commercial western pig breeds and that it is associated with fat percentage, average backfat thickness, meat marbling and intramuscular fat in two different populations
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