139 research outputs found

    Poverty, Minorities, and Respect for Law

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    Students spend most of their waking hours with their teachers and peers, who are considered to be the significant others, that influence their learning motivation and school life. Whether a student likes to go to school or not, whether she can adjust in school and engage in all learning activities, whether she can get good grades or fail depend not only on herself, but on the significant others. In this study, the aim is to find out how and in what ways teachers and peers influence adolescents in their academic life. Forty-one articles were reviewed to discuss around four research questions: What kinds of influences do peers have on adolescents in the academic context? In what ways do teachers’ high expectations affect the students? What kind of teacher-student relationships do students perceive in order to have positive attitudestowards school and have satisfying outcomes? What aspects in adolescents’ academic life are influenced by teachers’ self-efficacy? Teachers and peers are important motivators in students’ academic life. When the school, teacher and parents are aware of the influences from peers and teachers, they are given a chance to improve the factors involved so that students can learn best in a supportive atmosphere and environment

    Courts and the Rulemaking Process: The Limits of Judicial Review

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    Beyond Discretionary Justice

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    Courts and the Rulemaking Process: The Limits of Judicial Review

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    Role of the Supreme Court in a Democratic Society -Judicial Activism or Restraint

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    Politics and the Constitution: Is Money Speech?

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    Forum Juridicum: Pre-Trial on Trial

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