56 research outputs found

    Determinants of self rated health and mortality in Russia – are they the same?

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    BACKGROUND: Research into Russia's health crisis during the 1990s includes studies of both mortality and self-rated health, assuming that the determinants of the two are the same. In this paper, we tested this assumption, using data from a single study on both outcomes and socioeconomic, lifestyle and psychological predictor variables. METHODS: We analysed data from 7 rounds (1994-2001) of the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, a panel study of a general population sample (11,482 adults aged over 18 living in households of 2 or more people). Self-rated health was measured on a 5 point scale and dichotomised by combining responses "very poor" and "poor" into poor health. Deaths (n = 782) during a mean follow up of 4.1 years were reported by another household member. Associations between several predictor variables and poor or very poor self-rated health and mortality were measured using logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards analysis respectively. RESULTS: Poor self-rated health was significantly associated with mortality; hazard ratios, compared with very good, good or average health, were 1.69 (1.36-2.10) in men and 1.74 (1.38-2.20) in women. Low education predicted both mortality and poor self-rated health, but income predicted subjective health more strongly. Smoking doubled the risk of death but was unrelated to subjective wellbeing. Frequent drinkers experienced greater mortality than occasional drinkers, despite reporting better health. In contrast, dissatisfaction with life predicted poor self-rated health, but not mortality. CONCLUSION: Differences between the predictors of subjective health and mortality, even though these outcomes were strongly associated, suggest that influences on subjective health are not restricted to serious disease. These findings also suggest the presence of risk factors for relatively sudden deaths in apparently well people, although further research is required. Meanwhile, caution is required when using studies of self-rated health in Russia to understand the determinants of mortality

    The Volunteer Satisfaction Index: A Validation Study in the Chinese Cultural Context

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    Using a Hong Kong-sourced sample of 261 participants, this study set out to validate the Volunteer Satisfaction Index (VSI) in the Chinese cultural context and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The VSI was originally developed by Galindo-Kuhn and Guzley (2001) to measure the outcomes of volunteer experiences. In this study, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yielded a different factor structure from that proposed by the scale developer. The three factors found were personal gain, relationship within organization and relationship with peers. Cronbach’s alpha values were high for all three subscales. Results from correlation and regression analysis also confirmed the construct and criterion-related validity of the scale. Thus, the reliability and validity of the scale were confirmed. Implications for the assessment of volunteer satisfaction and further directions for cross-cultural studies on related topics are discussed

    European and World Values Surveys Four-Wave Integrated Data File, 1981-2004

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    This survey is a not up-to-date version and available only for replication purposes (see ´Further Remarks´). Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of citizens in EVS/WVS participating countries. Compilation of the data sets from 1981-1984, 1989-1993, 1994-1999, and 1999-2004. Detailed survey information can be found at the EVS webpage . Furthermore a detailed variable overview is offered at GESIS Online Variable Overview . For WVS an Online Data Analysis System is available.Diese Studie ist nicht mehr aktuell und wird nur noch für Replikationen herausgegeben (siehe ´Weitere Hinweise´). Moralische, religiöse, gesellschaftliche, politische, ökonomische und soziale Wertvorstellungen der Bewohner von an EVS/WVS teilnehmenden Ländern. Zusammenstellung der Datensätze von 1981-1984, 1989-1993, 1994-1999, and 1999-2004. Detaillierte Studieninformationen sind auf der EVS webpage zugänglich . Zudem bietet der Online Variable Overview einen detaillierten Einblick. Für den WVS steht ein Online Data Analysis System für Nutzer zur Verfügung

    World Values Survey: Waves 1-5, 1981-2008

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    <p>Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.</p>The <i>European Values Study</i> (EVS) and <i>World Values Survey</i> (WVS) series were designed to enable a cross-national, cross-cultural comparison of values and norms on a wide variety of topics and to monitor changes in values and attitudes across the globe. <br> <br> The EVS/WVS provides data from representative national surveys in 97 societies containing almost 90 per cent of the world's population. These surveys show pervasive changes in what people want out of life and what they believe. In order to monitor these changes, the EVS/WVS has executed five waves of surveys, from 1981 to 2007. Representative national samples of each society's public are interviewed, using a standardised questionnaire that covers a full range of social, economic, cultural and religious topic areas. The countries included in these surveys cover the full range from very poor countries to very rich ones, from authoritarian systems to liberal democracies and covering all major cultural zones. <br> <br> Further information about the each survey series can be found on the <a href="http://www.europeanvaluesstudy.eu/" title ="European Values Study">EVS</a> and <a href="http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/index_html" title ="World Values Surveys">WVS</a> web sites.<br> <br>The <i>World Values Survey: Waves 1-5, 1981-2008</i> contains the survey data from the five waves of the WVS. The survey responses have now been integrated into one dataset, to facilitate time series analysis. The date file covers 87 societies and includes more than 256,000 interviews.<br><B>Main Topics</B>:<br>The questionnaires covered the following topics:<ul><li>perceptions of life</li><li>environment</li><li>employment </li><li>family</li><li>politics and society</li><li>religion and morale</li><li>national identity</li><li>social structure</li><li>socio-demographics</li></ul

    World values survey, 1981-1984 and 1990-1993 - WVS'81'84 and '90'93

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    This data collection is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values and beliefs in a wide variety of areas and to monitor changes in values and attitudes of mass publics in 45 societies around the world. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family, friends, leisure time, politics, and religion in their lives. They were also asked how satisfied they were with their present lives, whether they tended to persuade others close to them, whether they discussed political matters, and how they viewed society. Questions relating to work included what aspects were important to them in a job, the pride they took in their work, their satisfaction with the present job, and their views on owner/state/employee management of business. Respondents were asked about the groups and associations they belonged to and which ones they worked for voluntarily, the level of trust they had in most people, the groups they would not want as neighbours, their general state of health, and whether they felt they had free choice and control over their lives. A wide range of items was included on the meaning and purpose of life, such as respondents' views on the value of scientific advances, the demarcation of good and evil, and religious behaviour and beliefs. Respondents were queried about whether they shared the same attitudes toward religion, morality, politics, and sexual mores with their partner and parents, their views on marriage and divorce, qualities important for a child to learn, whether a child needs both parents to grow up happy, views on mothers working outside the home, views on abortion, and whether marriage is an outdated institution. Questions regarding political issues probed for respondents' opinions of various forms of political action and the likelihood of their taking an action, the most important aims for their countries, confidence in various civil and governmental institutions, and whether they felt divorce, abortion, suicide, cheating on taxes, lying, and other such actions were ever justified. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ organizational membershi

    World Values Survey 2000: Suomen aineisto

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    World Values Survey 2000: Suomen aineisto kartoittaa monipuolisesti suomalaisten arvomaailmaa, asenteita ja elämäntilannetta. Haastatelluilta kysyttiin eri elämänalueiden tärkeyttä (mm. perhe, työ, vapaa-aika). Lisäksi selvitettiin heidän kuulumistaan erilaisiin vapaaehtoisjärjestöihin sekä heidän osallistumistaan niiden toimintaan tai muuhun vapaaehtoistyöhön. Heiltä kysyttiin myös mm., keskustelevatko he politiikasta ystäviensä kanssa sekä tiedusteltiin heidän halukkuuttaan osallistua taloudellisesti ympäristön saastuttamisen vähentämiseen. Haastateltuja pyydettiin kertomaan, miten usein he viettävät aikaansa muutamiin ryhmiin kuuluvien kanssa (mm. ystävät, työkaverit). Ennakkoluuloja erilaisin ominaisuuksin varustettuja ihmisryhmiä kohtaan selvitettiin kysymällä, keitä vastaajat eivät haluaisi naapureikseen (mm. eri rotuun kuuluvat, äärivasemmistolaiset, äärioikeistolaiset, suurperheet). Lisäksi selvitettiin yleistä luottamusta tai epäluottamusta ihmisiä kohtaan. Onnellisuutta, tyytyväisyyttä elämään ja tunnetta mahdollisuudesta vaikuttaa oman elämän kulkuun selvitettiin myös. Vastaajia pyydettiin vielä nimeämään köyhyyden tärkein ja toiseksi tärkein syy neljästä vaihtoehdosta. Tutkimuksessa esitettiin useita työelämään liittyviä kysymyksiä. Selvitettiin mm., mitkä asiat ovat tärkeitä työssä (mm. palkka, mukavat työkaverit), yleistä työtyytyväisyyttä ja päätöksentekovapautta. Suhtautumista työn tekemiseen yleensä tai vapauteen työn teosta tutkittiin monen kysymyksen avulla. Lisäksi selvitettiin mm. suhtautumista suomalaisten ja miesten suosimiseen työpaikkoja täytettäessä, kun työtä on niukasti tarjolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin mm. suhtautumista kirkkoon, uskonnollista käyttäytymistä ja uskomuksia sekä uskonnollisiin yhteisöihin kuulumista ja suhtautumista eräisiin uskonnollisiin yhteisöihin. Jotkut kysymykset tutkivat avioliiton onnistumiseen vaikuttavia asioita, suhtautumista lasten merkitykseen ja äitien työssäkäyntiin sekä lasten kasvatukseen liittyviä asenteita. Suhtautumista aborttiin erilaisissa tilanteissa tutkittiin myös. Vastaajien kansalaisaktiivisuuden astetta laillisista vaikutuskeinoista laittomiin selvitettiin myös. Poliittista suuntautumista tutkittiin mm. pyytämällä vastaajia asettamaan itsensä vasemmisto-oikeisto asteikolle. Vielä tutkittiin mm. asennoitumista yksilön vs. julkisen vallan vastuuseen, työttömien velvollisuuteen ottaa työtä vastaan, kilpailuun, valtionohjaukseen yrityselämässä ja tuloeroihin. Vastaajien piti myös arvioida suomalaisen yhteiskunnan tavoitteita ja elämäntavan mahdollisia tulevia muutoksia. Lisäksi tutkittiin luottamusta yhteiskunnan eri instituutioihin sekä pyydettiin arvioimaan poliittista kehitystä ja erilaisia poliittisia järjestelmiä. Vastaajia pyydettiin myös arvioimaan joidenkin rikollisten, vilpillisten tai joidenkuiden mielestä arveluttavien tekojen tai joidenkin muutoin paljon keskustelua herättäneiden asioiden hyväksyttävyyttä ja yleisyyttä. Vielä tutkittiin mm. suhtautumista maahanmuuttoon, sekä huolestuneisuutta eräiden tahojen elinoloista ja valmiutta parantaa niitä. Taustamuuttujina on mm. vastaajan sukupuoli, syntymävuosi, siviilisääty, lasten lukumäärä, koulutustaso, sosiaalinen asema, asuuko vastaaja vanhempiensa luona vai ei, mahdollisen työttömyyden kesto, asuinkunnan asukasmäärä sekä asuinmaakunta. World Values Survey 2000: Suomen aineisto on kansainvälisten vertailututkimusten WVS:n ja European Values Studyn osa-aineisto. Suomen aineisto on kerätty European Values Studyn kyselylomakkeella. WVS:n ja EVS:n kysymykset ovat pääosin samat, mutta erojakin on.World Values Survey 2000: Finnish Data studies the respondents' values, attitudes and situation in life. Respondents evaluated the importance of various domains of life (e.g. family, work, leisure). They were asked whether they belong to any voluntary organisations, participate in these organisations' activities or in any other voluntary work. They were asked about discussing politics with their friends or their willingness to contribute financially to the diminishing of environmental pollution. Other questions queried how often they spend time with e.g. friends and colleagues and examined prejudices by asking which groups they would not want as neighbours (e.g. people of different race, left-wing or right-wing extremists, large families). General confidence in other people was studied. A range of questions surveyed happiness, satisfaction with life and whether respondents felt they had free choice and control over their lives. Respondents were asked to name the two most significant factors (of the four given) contributing to poverty. Some topics pertained to work. Respondents were asked which aspects of work were important (e.g. colleagues, the pay). Other questions queried general satisfaction with work, possibilities for own decision-making and attitude towards working on the whole. Respondents were asked whether it is justifiable to favour Finns or men for employees when work is scarce. A range of questions pertained to Evangelical Lutheran church, Finnish religious behaviour, religious beliefs, membership in religious communities and attitudes towards them. The views on factors contributing to successful marriages and the importance of children were surveyed, likewise the attitudes towards working mothers, child-rearing and abortion. The level of citizen participation was examined by asking whether respondents had ever participated, might participate or would never participate in certain types of legal or illegal activities to influence decision-making. Political inclinations were surveyed by asking respondents to place themselves on the left-right axis. Respondents gave their opinion about the responsibilities of the individual vs. the responsibilities of the government, the obligation of the unemployed to accept work, competition, state control over business and income disparity. Respondents were asked to evaluate the most important aims of Finnish society and the potential changes in Finnish values and life. Confidence in civil and governmental institutions and the opinions of Finland's political development and different political systems were examined. Respondents were asked to evaluate the acceptability and frequency of certain criminal, dishonest, dubious or controversial acts. The views on immigration, the degree of concern over the living conditions of certain people and the willingness to improve them were surveyed. Background variables included sex, year of birth, marital status, number of children, level of education, social status, whether the respondent lives with parents or not, duration of potential unemployment, region of residence, and number of inhabitants in the municipality of residence. World Values Survey 2000: Finnish Data is part of the international World Values Survey and European Values Study

    World values survey, 1981-1984 and 1990-1993 - WVS'81'84 and '90'93

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    This data collection is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values and beliefs in a wide variety of areas and to monitor changes in values and attitudes of mass publics in 45 societies around the world. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family, friends, leisure time, politics, and religion in their lives. They were also asked how satisfied they were with their present lives, whether they tended to persuade others close to them, whether they discussed political matters, and how they viewed society. Questions relating to work included what aspects were important to them in a job, the pride they took in their work, their satisfaction with the present job, and their views on owner/state/employee management of business. Respondents were asked about the groups and associations they belonged to and which ones they worked for voluntarily, the level of trust they had in most people, the groups they would not want as neighbours, their general state of health, and whether they felt they had free choice and control over their lives. A wide range of items was included on the meaning and purpose of life, such as respondents' views on the value of scientific advances, the demarcation of good and evil, and religious behaviour and beliefs. Respondents were queried about whether they shared the same attitudes toward religion, morality, politics, and sexual mores with their partner and parents, their views on marriage and divorce, qualities important for a child to learn, whether a child needs both parents to grow up happy, views on mothers working outside the home, views on abortion, and whether marriage is an outdated institution. Questions regarding political issues probed for respondents' opinions of various forms of political action and the likelihood of their taking an action, the most important aims for their countries, confidence in various civil and governmental institutions, and whether they felt divorce, abortion, suicide, cheating on taxes, lying, and other such actions were ever justified. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ organizational membershi

    World Values Survey 2005: Suomen aineisto

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    World Values Survey 2005: Suomen aineisto kartoittaa monipuolisesti suomalaisten arvomaailmaa, asenteita ja elämäntilannetta. Se koostuu kahdesta osasta: käyntikyselyllä kerätystä aineistosta ja nk. perävaunulomakkeella kysytystä aineistosta. Aineisto sisältää yliotoksen ruotsinkielisestä väestöstä. Haastatellut arvioivat eri elämänalueiden tärkeyttä (mm. perhe, työ, vapaa-aika). Onnellisuutta, tavoitteita, tyytyväisyyttä elämään ja tunnetta mahdollisuudesta vaikuttaa oman elämän kulkuun selvitettiin. Myös vastaajien kuulumista erilaisiin vapaaehtoisjärjestöihin ja -yhteisöihin kartoitettiin. Ennakkoluuloja erilaisin ominaisuuksin varustettuja ihmisryhmiä kohtaan selvitettiin kysymällä, keitä vastaajat eivät haluaisi naapureikseen (mm. eri rotuun kuuluvat, huumeiden väärinkäyttäjät, maahanmuuttajat, homoseksuaalit). Lisäksi arvioitiin yleistä luottamusta tai epäluottamusta ihmisiä kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa esitettiin useita työelämään liittyviä kysymyksiä. Selvitettiin, mitkä asiat olisivat tärkeitä työpaikkaa etsittäessä (mm. hyvät tulot ja työpaikan turvallisuus). Asenteita työhön ja työn tekemiseen tutkittiin väittämien avulla. Lisäksi selvitettiin suhtautumista suomalaisten ja miesten suosimiseen työpaikkoja täytettäessä, kun työtä on niukasti tarjolla. Perhettä, kotia, avioliittoa, lasten hankkimista ja kasvattamista tarkasteltiin useissa kysymyksissä. Lisäksi kartoitettiin mm. uskonnollista käyttäytymistä ja uskomuksia sekä uskonnollisiin yhteisöihin kuulumista. Vastaajien piti arvioida suomalaisen yhteiskunnan tavoitteita ja elämäntavan mahdollisia tulevia muutoksia. He punnitsivat erilaisia maailmanlaajuisia ongelmia ja tavoitteita niiden ratkaisemiseksi. Vastaajien poliittisen osallistumisen muotoja kartoitettiin kysymällä osallistumisesta esim. rauhanomaiseen mielenosoitukseen. Tutkittiin myös luottamusta yhteiskunnan eri instituutioihin sekä pyydettiin arvioimaan erilaisia poliittisia järjestelmiä ja demokratian ominaisuuksia. Poliittista suuntautumista tutkittiin mm. pyytämällä vastaajia asettamaan itsensä vasemmisto-oikeisto -asteikolle ja kysymällä äänestyskäyttäytymisestä. Vielä selvitettiin mm. asennoitumista yksilön vs. julkisen vallan vastuuseen, kilpailuun, tieteeseen, teknologiaan ja tuloeroihin. Suhtautumista eutanasiaan, verovilppiin, lahjusten vastaanottamiseen, suomalaisuuteen, ulkomaanapuun, maahanmuuttoon ja etniseen monimuotoisuuteen kartoitettiin. Myös tietokoneen ja eri tietolähteiden käyttöä selvitettiin. Varsinaista kyselyä seuranneessa vastaajien itse täyttämässä lomakkeessa eli ns. perävaunussa selvitettiin suomalaisten käsityksiä ruotsalaisista. Ensin mitattiin vastaajien tietoja mm. Ruotsin asukasluvusta, pääministereistä, kirjailijoista, säveltäjistä ja urheilijoista sekä sijoittumisesta YK:n sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa ja elintasoa mittaavissa maavertailuissa. Kysyttiin myös vastaajien Ruotsin matkoista ja ruotsalaisista tuttavista. Lisäksi selvitettiin vastaajien mielipiteitä mm. Ruotsin ja Suomen välisen kulttuurisen, poliittisen ja taloudellisen yhteistyön riittävyydestä, ruotsalaisista instituutioista sekä ruotsalaisten ominaisuuksista ja minäkuvasta. Lopuksi kartoitettiin vastaajien omaa, heidän läheistensä ja koko Suomen kansan suhtautumista ruotsalaisiin. Taustamuuttujina ovat mm. vastaajan sukupuoli, syntymävuosi, siviilisääty, lasten lukumäärä, koulutustaso, pääasiallinen ammatti, asuuko vastaaja vanhempiensa luona vai ei, mahdollisen työttömyyden kesto, asuinmaakunta, kuntaryhmä sekä talouden tuloluokka.World Values Survey 2005: Finnish Data studies the respondents' values, attitudes and situation in life with various questions. The data include an oversample of Swedish-speaking population. The respondents rated the importance of various domains in life (e.g. family, work, leisure time). Views were probed on happiness, objectives, satisfaction with life, and whether the respondents felt that they have completely free choice and control over their lives. The survey also investigated whether the respondents belonged to any voluntary organisations or communities. In relation to prejudices against different groups with various characteristics, the respondents were asked which groups they would not like to have as neighbours (e.g. people of a different race, drug addicts, immigrants, sexual minorities). Further questions covered general trust or mistrust of people. There were several questions relating to working life in the survey. One theme pertained to which aspects the respondents would consider to be important if they were looking for a job (e.g. a good income, safety in the workplace). The respondents were asked whether they agreed with statements relating to work and working life. The respondents were also asked whether it is justifiable to favour Finns or men for employees when jobs are scarce. Several questions focused on family, home, marriage, and having and raising children. Further questions charted religious behaviour, beliefs, and whether the respondents belonged to any religious denominations. The respondents were asked to assess the aims of Finnish society and potential future changes in lifestyle. They considered different global problems and objectives to find solutions to them. The respondents' political action was covered by asking, among other things, if they had participated in peaceful demonstrations. Confidence in various institutions in society was examined. The respondents were also asked to assess different political systems and characteristics of democracy. Political inclinations were surveyed, for instance, by asking the respondents to place themselves on the left-right axis and by asking them about voting behaviour. Opinions were also probed on the responsibilities of the individual vs. the responsibilities of the government, competition, science, technology, income disparity, attitudes towards euthanasia, cheating on taxes, accepting a bribe, Finnishness, foreign aid, immigration, and ethnic diversity. The use of computer and different sources of information were investigated as well. The face-to-face interview was followed by a self-completed questionnaire. Finnish conceptions of Swedes were investigated. Firstly, the questionnaire covered the respondents' knowledge of, among others, Swedish population, current and former prime ministers, authors, composers, athletes, and how Sweden fared in the UN's international comparisons measuring standard of living and equality between men and women. Further questions covered the respondents' trips to Sweden and whether they had any Swedish acquaintances. The respondents' opinions on, among others, cooperation between Sweden and Finland regarding culture, politics and economy were charted, as well as their views on Swedish institutions and the characteristics and self-image of Swedes. Finally, the questionnaire examined the attitudes that the respondents, their relatives, and the whole Finnish population have towards Swedes. Background variables included, among others, the respondent's gender, year of birth, marital status, number of children, educational level, main occupation, duration of the possible unemployment, province of residence, type of neighbourhood, household income, and whether or not R lives with his/her parents