755 research outputs found

    Corporate Ownership Structure and the Informativeness of Accounting Earnings in East Asia

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    This study examines the relations between earnings informativeness, measured by the earnings-return relation, and the ownership structure of 977 companies in seven East Asian economies. Our results are consistent with two complementary explanations. First, concentrated ownership and the associated pyramidal and cross-holding structures create agency conflicts between controlling owners and outside investors. Consequently, controlling owners are perceived to report accounting information for self-interested purposes, causing the reported earnings to lose credibility to outside investors. Second, concentrated ownership is associated with low earnings informativeness as ownership concentration prevents leakage of proprietary information about the firms' rent-seeking activities, which are prevalent and profitable in East Asia.Ownership concentration, Transparency, Earnings informativeness, Emerging markets

    The Emergence of Corporate Pyramids in China

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    We examine the pyramidal ownership structure of a large sample of newly listed Chinese companies controlled by local governments or private entrepreneurs. Both types of the owners use layers of intermediate companies to control their firms. However, their pyramiding behaviors are likely affected by different property rights constraints. Local governments are constrained by the Chinese laws prohibiting free transfer of state ownership. Pyramiding allows them to credibly decentralize their firm decision rights to firm management without selling off their ownership. Private entrepreneurs are constrained by their lack of access to external funds. Pyramiding creates internal capital markets that help relieving their external financing constraints. Our empirical results support these conjectures. Local governments build more extensive corporate pyramids when they are less burdened with fiscal or unemployment problems, when they have more long-term goals, and when their firm decisions are more subject to market and legal disciplines. The more extensive pyramids are also associated with smaller "underpricing" when the firms go public. Entrepreneur owners construct more complex corporate pyramids when they do not have a very deep pocket - as indicated by their personal wealth.

    Founder Succession and Accounting Properties

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    Using a sample of 231 entrepreneurial firm successions in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, we find that firms' unsigned discretionary accruals decrease while timely loss recognition increases subsequent to successions, suggesting a shift in accounting toward a less insider-based system. We argue that the change in accounting properties is due to the loss of specialized assets in the succession process, such as the entrepreneur's reputation and political/social networks, inducing the firm to adapt to market-based rather than relationship-based contracting. Moreover, we find that the extent of the shift in accounting is larger in founder successions than in subsequent (non-founder) successions, as the dissipation of specialized assets is greatest in founder successions.Succession, founder, corporate governance, accounting properties

    A critical role for cystathionine-β-synthase in hydrogen sulfide-mediated hypoxic relaxation of the coronary artery

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    Hypoxia-induced coronary artery vasodilatation protects the heart by increasing blood flow under ischemic conditions, however its mechanism is not fully elucidated. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is reported to be an oxygen sensor/transducer in the vasculature. The present study aimed to identify and characterise the role of H2S in the hypoxic response of the coronary artery, and to define the H2S synthetic enzymes involved. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry showed expression of all three H2S-producing enzymes, cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS), cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MPST), in porcine coronary artery. Artery segments were mounted for isometric tension recording; hypoxia caused a transient endothelium-dependent contraction followed by prolonged endothelium-independent relaxation. The CBS inhibitor amino-oxyacetate (AOAA) reduced both phases of the hypoxic response. The CSE inhibitor dl-propargylglycine (PPG) and aspartate (limits MPST) had no effect alone, but when applied together with AOAA the hypoxic relaxation response was further reduced. Exogenous H2S (Na2S and NaHS) produced concentration-dependent contraction followed by prolonged relaxation. Responses to both hypoxia and exogenous H2S were dependent on the endothelium, NO, cGMP, K+ channels and Cl−/HCO3 − exchange. H2S production in coronary arteries was blocked by CBS inhibition (AOAA), but not by CSE inhibition (PPG). These data show that H2S is an endogenous mediator of the hypoxic response in coronary arteries. Of the three H2S-producing enzymes, CBS, expressed in the vascular smooth muscle, appears to be the most important for H2S generated during hypoxic relaxation of the coronary artery. A contribution from other H2S-producing enzymes only becomes apparent when CBS activity is inhibited

    Cell–cell Interaction Underlies Formation of Fluid in the Male Reproductive Tract of the Rat

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    The epithelia lining the epididymides of many species consists of several cell types. We have provided evidence that the basal cells are essential to the integrated functions of the epithelium. Basal cells, but not principal cells, and other cells in the epididymis express TRPC3 and COX-1. We have isolated basal cells from intact rat epididymis using antibody-coated Dynabeads and subjected them to whole-cell patch-clamp measurement of nonselective cation channel activity, a feature of TRPC3 protein, and Fluo-3 fluorescence measurement of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The results show that a nonselective cation current blockable by La3+ (0.1 mM), Gd3+ (0.1 mM), or SKF96365 (20 μM) could be activated by lysylbradykinin (200 nM). In cells loaded with Fluo-3, addition of lysylbradykinin (100 nM) caused a sustained increase of intracellular Ca2+. This effect was blocked by Gd3+ (0.1 mM) or SKF96365 (20 μM) and was not observed in Fluo-3–loaded principal cells. Stimulation of basal cell/principal cell cocultures with lysylbradykinin (200 nM) evoked in principal cells a current with CFTR-Cl− channel characteristics. Isolated principal cells in the absence of basal cells did not respond to lysylbradykinin but responded to PGE2 (100 nM) with activation of a CFTR-like current. Basal cells, but not principal cells, released prostaglandin E2 when stimulated with lysylbradykinin (100 nM). The release was blocked by SKF96365 (20 μM) and BAPTA-AM (0.05 or 0.1 mM). Confluent cell monolayers harvested from a mixture of disaggregated principal cells and basal cells responded to lysylbradykinin (100 nM) and PGE2 (500 nM) with an increase in electrogenic anion secretion. The former response was dependent on prostaglandin synthesis as piroxicam blocked the response. However, cell cultures obtained from principal cells alone responded to PGE2 but not to bradykinin. These results support the notion that basal cells regulate principal cells through a Ca2+ and COX signaling pathway

    Receptor activation using multi-biomarker pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling

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    receptor activation was evaluated using quinpirole as a paradigm compound. ), as well as plasma concentrations of 13 hormones and neuropeptides, were measured. Experiments were performed at day 1 and repeated after 7-day s.c. drug administration. PK/PD modelling was applied to identify the in vivo concentration-effect relations and neuroendocrine dynamics. receptor expression levels on the pituitary hormone-releasing cells predicted the concentration-effect relationship differences. Baseline levels (ACTH, prolactin, TSH), hormone release (ACTH) and potency (TSH) changed with treatment duration. agonists in clinical practice. Further development towards quantitative systems pharmacology models will eventually facilitate mechanistic drug development. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH KEY RESULTS CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATION

    CFD methodology development for Singapore Green Mark Building application

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    In the recent decade, investigation on the total building performance has become increasingly important for the environmental modelling community. With the advance of integrated design and modelling tool and Building Information Modelling (BIM) development, it is now possible to simulate and predict the building energy efficiency, air quality & health assessment, risk analysis & mitigation scenario for our urban planning analysis; all seamlessly in a single urban digital platform. In order to achieve the national goal of at least 80% of the buildings in Singapore to be green by 2030, Singapore Government has introduced the new BCA Green Mark 2015 scheme for accelerating the green building agenda. During the recent third Green Building Masterplan announced in 2015, it was decided to engage building tenants and occupants more actively to drive energy consumption behavioural change and to address the well-being of the people. Following up from this Masterplan, it is important for both the stakeholders and agency to jointly develop Performance Driven and Scientific Based Simulation Methodology and Evaluation Parameters as a frame work to evaluate the building design based on Singapore's hot and humid climate and densely-built-up urban areas for the Green Mark 2015 Scheme. In this paper, we will present the methodology and perform a baseline case study for the natural ventilation performance with the typical Non-Residential Building (NRB) industrial building. This can be resulted in the comprehensive CFD Quality Check List for the Environmental Sustainable Design (ESD) consultant in order to maintain modelling result accuracy. Demonstration on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) using Air Exchange Effectiveness (AEE) as performance indicator will also be illustrated

    The Muonium Atom as a Probe of Physics beyond the Standard Model

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    The observed interactions between particles are not fully explained in the successful theoretical description of the standard model to date. Due to the close confinement of the bound state muonium (M=μ+eM = \mu^+ e^-) can be used as an ideal probe of quantum electrodynamics and weak interaction and also for a search for additional interactions between leptons. Of special interest is the lepton number violating process of sponteanous conversion of muonium to antimuonium.Comment: 15 pages,6 figure

    How parents perceive and feel about participation in community activities: The comparison between parents of preschoolers with and without autism spectrum disorders

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    The present study compared how parents of preschoolers with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) perceived and felt about participation in community activities. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 380 Hong Kong parents of preschoolers with ASD and 214 Hong Kong parents of preschoolers without ASD. The two groups were not different in their willingness and frequency of participation in community activities. However, the psychological processes underneath their willingness were very different. Among the parents of preschoolers with ASD, their willingness was associated with how they perceived the difficulty and importance of the participation and what emotions they experienced during the activities. This pattern of association was not evident among the parents of preschoolers without ASD. Copyright © The Author(s), 2010.published_or_final_versio

    Mechanistic models enable the rational use of in vitro drug-target binding kinetics for better drug effects in patients.

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    INTRODUCTION\nDrug-target binding kinetics are major determinants of the time course of drug action for several drugs, as clearly described for the irreversible binders omeprazole and aspirin. This supports the increasing interest to incorporate newly developed high-throughput assays for drug-target binding kinetics in drug discovery. A meaningful application of in vitro drug-target binding kinetics in drug discovery requires insight into the relation between in vivo drug effect and in vitro measured drug-target binding kinetics.\nAREAS COVERED\nIn this review, the authors discuss both the relation between in vitro and in vivo measured binding kinetics and the relation between in vivo binding kinetics, target occupancy and effect profiles.\nEXPERT OPINION\nMore scientific evidence is required for the rational selection and development of drug-candidates on the basis of in vitro estimates of drug-target binding kinetics. To elucidate the value of in vitro binding kinetics measurements, it is necessary to obtain information on system-specific properties which influence the kinetics of target occupancy and drug effect. Mathematical integration of this information enables the identification of drug-specific properties which lead to optimal target occupancy and drug effect in patients.Pharmacolog