11 research outputs found

    Operando Observation of the Goldā€“Electrolyte Interface in Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> Batteries

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    Observing the cathode interface in Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> batteries during cycling is necessary to improve our understanding of discharge product formation and evolution in practical cells. In this work a gold electrode surface is monitored by operando surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy during typical discharge and charge cycling. During discharge, we observe the precipitation of stable and reversible lithium superoxide (LiO<sub>2</sub>), in contrast to reports that suggest it is a mere intermediate in the formation of lithium peroxide (Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>). Some LiO<sub>2</sub> is further reduced to Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> producing a coating of insulating discharge products that renders the gold electrode inactive. Upon charging, a superficial layer of these species (āˆ¼1 nm) are preferentially oxidized at low overpotentials (<0.6 V), leaving residual products in poor contact with the electrode surface. In situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is also used to distinguish between LiO<sub>2</sub> and Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> products using frequency-dependent responses and to correlate their reduction and oxidation potentials to the accepted mechanism of Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> formation. These operando and in situ studies of the oxygen electrode interface, coupled with ex situ characterization, illustrate that the composition of discharge products and their proximity to the catalytic surface are important factors in the reversibility of Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> cells

    Morphological Evolution of Carbon Nanofibers Encapsulating SnCo Alloys and Its Effect on Growth of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Layer

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    Two distinctive one-dimensional (1-D) carbon nanofibers (CNFs) encapsulating irregularly and homogeneously segregated SnCo nanoparticles were synthesized <i>via</i> electrospinning of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymers containing Snā€“Co acetate precursors and subsequent calcination in reducing atmosphere. CNFs synthesized with PVP, which undergoes structural degradation of the polymer during carbonization processes, exhibited irregular segregation of heterogeneous alloy particles composed of SnCo, Co<sub>3</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>, and SnO with a size distribution of 30ā€“100 nm. Large and exposed multiphase SnCo particles in PVP-driven amorphous CNFs (SnCo/PVP-CNFs) kept decomposing liquid electrolyte and were partly detached from CNFs during cycling, leading to a capacity fading at the earlier cycles. The closer study of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers formed on the CNFs reveals that the gradual growth of fiber radius due to continuous increment of SEI layer thickness led to capacity fading. In contrast, SnCo particles in PAN-driven CNFs (SnCo/PAN-CNFs) showed dramatically reduced crystallite sizes (<10 nm) of single phase SnCo nanoparticles which were entirely embedded in dense, semicrystalline, and highly conducting 1-D carbon matrix. The growth of SEI layer was limited and saturated during cycling. As a result, SnCo/PAN-CNFs showed much improved cyclability (97.9% capacity retention) and lower SEI layer thickness (86 nm) after 100 cycles compared to SnCo/PVP-CNFs (capacity retention, 71.9%; SEI layer thickness, 593 nm). This work verifies that the thermal behavior of carbon precursor is highly responsible for the growth mechanism of SEI layer accompanied with particles detachment and cyclability of alloy particle embedded CNFs

    Glassy Metal Alloy Nanofiber Anodes Employing Graphene Wrapping Layer: Toward Ultralong-Cycle-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Amorphous silicon (a-Si) has been intensively explored as one of the most attractive candidates for high-capacity and long-cycle-life anode in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) primarily because of its reduced volume expansion characteristic (āˆ¼280%) compared to crystalline Si anodes (āˆ¼400%) after full Li<sup>+</sup> insertion. Here, we report one-dimensional (1-D) electrospun Si-based metallic glass alloy nanofibers (NFs) with an optimized composition of Si<sub>60</sub>Sn<sub>12</sub>Ce<sub>18</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>. On the basis of careful compositional tailoring of Si alloy NFs, we found that Ce plays the most important role as a glass former in the formation of the metallic glass alloy. Moreover, Si-based metallic glass alloy NFs were wrapped by reduced graphene oxide sheets (specifically Si<sub>60</sub>Sn<sub>12</sub>Ce<sub>18</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub> NFs@rGO), which can prevent the direct exposure of a-Si alloy NFs to the liquid electrolyte and stabilize the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers on the surfaces of rGO sheets while facilitating electron transport. The metallic glass nanofibers exhibited superior electrochemical cell performance as an anode: (i) Si<sub>60</sub>Sn<sub>12</sub>Ce<sub>18</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub> NFs show a high specific capacity of 1017 mAh g<sup>ā€“1</sup> up to 400 cycles at 0.05C with negligible capacity loss as well as superior cycling performance (nearly 99.9% capacity retention even after 2000 cycles at 0.5C); (ii) Si<sub>60</sub>Sn<sub>12</sub>Ce<sub>18</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub> NFs@rGO reveals outstanding rate behavior (569.77 mAh g<sup>ā€“1</sup> after 2000 cycles at 0.5C and a reversible capacity of around 370 mAh g<sup>ā€“1</sup> at 4C). We demonstrate the potential suitability of multicomponent a-Si alloy NFs as a long-cycling anode material

    Development of Omniphobic Desalination Membranes Using a Charged Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffold

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    In this study, we present a facile and scalable approach to fabricate omniphobic nanofiber membranes by constructing multilevel re-entrant structures with low surface energy. We first prepared positively charged nanofiber mats by electrospinning a blend polymerā€“surfactant solution of polyĀ­(vinylidene fluoride-<i>co</i>-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) and cationic surfactant (benzyltriethylammonium). Negatively charged silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) were grafted on the positively charged electrospun nanofibers via dip-coating to achieve multilevel re-entrant structures. Grafted SiNPs were then coated with fluoroalkylsilane to lower the surface energy of the membrane. The fabricated membrane showed excellent omniphobicity, as demonstrated by its wetting resistance to various low surface tension liquids, including ethanol with a surface tension of 22.1 mN/m. As a promising application, the prepared omniphobic membrane was tested in direct contact membrane distillation to extract water from highly saline feed solutions containing low surface tension substances, mimicking emerging industrial wastewaters (e.g., from shale gas production). While a control hydrophobic PVDF-HFP nanofiber membrane failed in the desalination/separation process due to low wetting resistance, our fabricated omniphobic membrane exhibited a stable desalination performance for 8 h of operation, successfully demonstrating clean water production from the low surface tension feedwater

    A New Design Strategy for Observing Lithium Oxide Growth-Evolution Interactions Using Geometric Catalyst Positioning

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    Understanding the catalyzed formation and evolution of lithium-oxide products in Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> batteries is central to the development of next-generation energy storage technology. Catalytic sites, while effective in lowering reaction barriers, often become deactivated when placed on the surface of an oxygen electrode due to passivation by solid products. Here we investigate a mechanism for alleviating catalyst deactivation by dispersing Pd catalytic sites away from the oxygen electrode surface in a well-structured anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) porous membrane interlayer. We observe the cross-sectional product growth and evolution in Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> cells by characterizing products that grow from the electrode surface. Morphological and structural details of the products in both catalyzed and uncatalyzed cells are investigated independently from the influence of the oxygen electrode. We find that the geometric decoration of catalysts far from the conductive electrode surface significantly improves the reaction reversibility by chemically facilitating the oxidation reaction through local coordination with PdO surfaces. The influence of the catalyst position on product composition is further verified by ex situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in addition to morphological studies

    A Mesoporous Catalytic Membrane Architecture for Lithiumā€“Oxygen Battery Systems

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    Controlling the mesoscale geometric configuration of catalysts on the oxygen electrode is an effective strategy to achieve high reversibility and efficiency in Li-O<sub>2</sub> batteries. Here we introduce a new Li-O<sub>2</sub> cell architecture that employs a catalytic polymer-based membrane between the oxygen electrode and the separator. The catalytic membrane was prepared by immobilization of Pd nanoparticles on a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber membrane and is adjacent to a carbon nanotube electrode loaded with Ru nanoparticles. During oxide product formation, the insulating PAN polymer scaffold restricts direct electron transfer to the Pd catalyst particles and prevents the direct blockage of Pd catalytic sites. The modified Li-O<sub>2</sub> battery with a catalytic membrane showed a stable cyclability for 60 cycles with a capacity of 1000 mAh/g and a reduced degree of polarization (āˆ¼0.3 V) compared to cells without a catalytic membrane. We demonstrate the effects of a catalytic membrane on the reaction characteristics associated with morphological and structural features of the discharge products via detailed ex situ characterization

    Ultrathin Nanotube/Nanowire Electrodes by Spinā€“Spray Layer-by-Layer Assembly: A Concept for Transparent Energy Storage

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    Fully integrated transparent devices require versatile architectures for energy storage, yet typical battery electrodes are thick (20ā€“100 Ī¼m) and composed of optically absorbent materials. Reducing the length scale of active materials, assembling them with a controllable method and minimizing electrode thickness should bring transparent batteries closer to reality. In this work, the rapid and controllable spinā€“spray layer-by-layer (SSLbL) method is used to generate high quality networks of 1D nanomaterials: single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and vanadium pentoxide (V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>) nanowires for anode and cathode electrodes, respectively. These ultrathin films, deposited with āˆ¼2 nm/bilayer precision are transparent when deposited on a transparent substrate (>87% transmittance) and electrochemically active in Li-ion cells. SSLbL-assembled ultrathin SWNT anodes and V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> cathodes exhibit reversible lithiation capacities of 23 and 7 Ī¼Ah/cm<sup>2</sup>, respectively at a current density of 5 Ī¼A/cm<sup>2</sup>. When these electrodes are combined in a full cell, they retain āˆ¼5 Ī¼Ah/cm<sup>2</sup> capacity over 100 cycles, equivalent to the prelithiation capacity of the limiting V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> cathode. The SSLbL technique employed here to generate functional thin films is uniquely suited to the generation of transparent electrodes and offers a compelling path to realize the potential of fully integrated transparent devices

    Bifunctional Composite Catalysts Using Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Nanofibers Immobilized on Nonoxidized Graphene Nanoflakes for High-Capacity and Long-Cycle Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> Batteries

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    Designing a highly efficient catalyst is essential to improve the electrochemical performance of Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> batteries for long-term cycling. Furthermore, these batteries often show significant capacity fading due to the irreversible reaction characteristics of the Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> product. To overcome these limitations, we propose a bifunctional composite catalyst composed of electrospun one-dimensional (1D) Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> nanofibers (NFs) immobilized on both sides of the 2D nonoxidized graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) for an oxygen electrode in Liā€“O<sub>2</sub> batteries. Highly conductive GNFs with noncovalent functionalization can facilitate a homogeneous dispersion in solution, thereby enabling simple and uniform attachment of 1D Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NFs on GNFs without restacking. High first discharge capacity of 10ā€‰500 mAh/g and superior cyclability for 80 cycles with a limited capacity of 1000 mAh/g were achieved by (i) improved catalytic activity of 1D Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NFs with large surface area, (ii) facile electron transport via interconnected GNFs functionalized by Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NFs, and (iii) fast O<sub>2</sub> diffusion through the ultrathin GNF layer and porous Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NF networks

    Selective Diagnosis of Diabetes Using Pt-Functionalized WO<sub>3</sub> Hemitube Networks As a Sensing Layer of Acetone in Exhaled Breath

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    Thin-walled WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes and catalytic Pt-functionalized WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes were synthesized via a polymeric fiber-templating route and used as exhaled breath sensing layers for potential diagnosis of halitosis and diabetes through the detection of H<sub>2</sub>S and CH<sub>3</sub>COCH<sub>3</sub>, respectively. Pt-functionalized WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes with wall thickness of 60 nm exhibited superior acetone sensitivity (<i>R</i><sub>air</sub>/<i>R</i><sub>gas</sub> = 4.11 at 2 ppm) with negligible H<sub>2</sub>S response, and pristine WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes showed a 4.90-fold sensitivity toward H<sub>2</sub>S with minimal acetone-sensing characteristics. The detection limit (<i>R</i><sub>air</sub>/<i>R</i><sub>gas</sub>) of the fabricated sensors with Pt-functionalized WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes was 1.31 for acetone of 120 ppb, and pristine WO<sub>3</sub> hemitubes showed a gas response of 1.23 at 120 ppb of H<sub>2</sub>S. Long-term stability tests revealed that the remarkable selectivity has been maintained after aging for 7 months in air. The superior cross-sensitivity and response to H<sub>2</sub>S and acetone gas offer a potential platform for application in diabetes and halitosis diagnosis

    Heterogeneous WS<sub><i>x</i></sub>/WO<sub>3</sub> Thorn-Bush Nanofiber Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries

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    Heterogeneous electrode materials with hierarchical architectures promise to enable considerable improvement in future energy storage devices. In this study, we report on a tailored synthetic strategy used to create heterogeneous tungsten sulfide/oxide coreā€“shell nanofiber materials with vertically and randomly aligned thorn-bush features, and we evaluate them as potential anode materials for high-performance Na-ion batteries. The WS<sub><i>x</i></sub> (2 ā‰¤ <i>x</i> ā‰¤ 3, amorphous WS<sub>3</sub> and crystalline WS<sub>2</sub>) nanofiber is successfully prepared by electrospinning and subsequent calcination in a reducing atmosphere. To prevent capacity degradation of the WS<sub><i>x</i></sub> anodes originating from sulfur dissolution, a facile post-thermal treatment in air is applied to form an oxide passivation surface. Interestingly, WO<sub>3</sub> thorn bundles are randomly grown on the nanofiber stem, resulting from the surface conversion. We elucidate the evolving morphological and structural features of the nanofibers during post-thermal treatment. The heterogeneous thorn-bush nanofiber electrodes deliver a high second discharge capacity of 791 mAh g<sup>ā€“1</sup> and improved cycle performance for 100 cycles compared to the pristine WS<sub><i>x</i></sub> nanofiber. We show that this hierarchical design is effective in reducing sulfur dissolution, as shown by cycling analysis with counter Na electrodes