192 research outputs found

    Grinding process of nickel alloys - Inconel 600 and Monel 400.

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    Przedstawiono badania nad szlifowaniem próbek płaskich wykonanych ze stopów niklu – Inconel 600 i Monel 400. Próbki szlifowano ściernicami TGP i XGP z minimalnym wydatkiem cieczy obróbkowej (MQL). Użyto dwa rodzaje cieczy: Ecocut Micro Plus 82 i Biocut 3000. Opisano wpływ warunków obróbki na wartość stycznej siły szlifowania Ft oraz chropowatość powierzchni obrobionej (parametr Ra). Porównano uzyskane wyniki dając zalecenia do dalszych badań.In the paper experimental results obtained during surface grinding process of nickel alloys: Inconel 600 and Monel 400 are presented. TGP and XGP grinding wheels are applied and Ecocut Micro Plus 82 and Biocut 3000 fluids have been supplied into a cutting zone with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) strategy. Influence of cutting conditions on tangential cutting force Ft and surface roughness parameter Ra are described. Finally, comparison of obtained results and conclusions are presented

    The influence of the alternative fluid supply methods during hob sharpening process on surface layer hob cutter.

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    Przedstawiono badania nad określeniem wpływu warunków (ciecz obróbkowa, głębokość szlifowania) ostrzenia frezów ślimakowych na stan warstwy wierzchniej ostrzy. Frezy ostrzono z cieczą obróbkową podawaną w trybie obfitym, z minimalnym wydatkiem (MQL) oraz przy jednoczesnym użyciu mgły olejowej i sprężonego powietrza. W trakcie badań zastosowano dwie głębokości szlifowania: 0,01 i 0,03 mm. Przeprowadzone pomiary mikrotwardości i chropowatości wykazały, że istnieje możliwość zmiany warunków szlifowania poprzez zastąpienie tradycyjnie stosowanej emulsji podawanej w trybie obfitym metodą alternatywną.In the paper experimental results obtained during hob sharpening process are presented. HSS hobs have been sharpened with application of different types of lubrication and cooling methods. Wet machining, minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) and compressed air with MQL methods (MQL-SP) were taken to evaluation. Two depth of cut levels were applied during experimental procedure: 0,01 and 0,03 mm. Results of surface metalographics of HSS hob and microhardness distribution from the rake face of the hob to the depth of 0,1 mm are presented too

    Comparative analysis of methods for testing web applications

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    The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of testing approaches for web applications in the two most popular architectures: monolithic and microservices. For the purpose of the study, the server-side of the application (backend) was implemented twice with identical functionalities for each of these architectures, allowing for a precise comparison of testing differences for the same program capabilities. The results revealed that the monolithic application was easier and faster to test. However, the microservices architecture requires more energy spent on testing, but allows better scalability and elasticity for independent teams to develop applications. Each of the examined architectures certainly has its own advantages and drawbacks. Furthermore, the conducted research indicates that unit tests require significantly less time to execute. However, when it comes to comprehensive code analysis, integration tests outperform unit tests by covering a substantial portion of the application's code with a single test. Nonetheless, the best comprehensive code analysis and protection against unwanted functional changes can be achieved by employing all known types of tests

    Vibration Analysis of Collecting Electrodes by means of the Hybrid Finite Element Method

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    The paper presents a hybrid finite element method of shell modeling in order to model collecting electrodes of electrostatic precipitators. The method uses the finite element method to reflect elastic features and the rigid finite element method in order to model mass features of the body. A model of dust removal systems of an electrostatic precipitator is presented. The system consists of two beams which are modeled by means of the rigid finite element method and a system of collecting shells modeled by means of the hybrid finite element method. The paper discusses both the procedure of deriving the equations of motion and the results of numerical simulations carried out in order to analyze vibrations of the whole system. Experimental verification of the model is also presented


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    The paper presents the results of investigations concerning the possibilities of using programmable logic devices (FPGA) for building virtual multi-core processors dedicated to the chosen application. The paper shows the designed architecture of multi-core processor specialized for performing a particular task and discuss its computation efficiency depending on the number of cores being used. The evaluation of the results are also discussed

    Dynamics of articulated vehicles by means of multibody methods.

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    The paper presents modelling of an articulated vehicle by means of joint coordinates, which enable us to describe the motion of the system with a minimal number of generalised coordinates. We consider a model of a semi-trailer formulated using joint coordinates and homogenous transformations. Such an approach enables us to treat the vehicle as a kinematic chain consisting of three single units with an even number of wheels. This means that a single unit vehicle has a structure of an open kinematic chain in a tree form. The contact of wheels with the road is modelled by the Dugoff-Uffelman model. The model is validated by comparing the simulation results with those obtained from experimental measurements. Friction in the fifth wheel is one of the important parameters influencing the motion of a tractor with a semi-trailer. The model presented enables us to analyse different models of friction in the fifth wheel. The influence of those friction models on the results is presented and discussed

    Bruxism – contemporary knowledge about the disorder and therapeutic possibilities

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    Introduction: bruxism is a parafunction characterized by excessive activity of the masticatory muscles, consisting in grinding, or clenching of the teeth. The etiology of bruxism is multifactorial. Carefully collected history and additional tests enable correct diagnosis. There is no single method that is completely effective in treating bruxism. It is important to make the patient aware of the disorder, it’s possible consequences, and the need for treatment.   Aim of the study: approximation of the bruxism profile, drawing attention to the prevalence of the disorder and the need for early diagnosis, as well as discussing the current therapeutic options   Material and methods: the authors reviewed the literature on bruxism in terms of its causes, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment   Conclusions: Correct, short-term diagnosis and application of appropriate treatment may inhibit the development of functional disorders of the masticatory system

    Potential mechanisms of action and effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of depressive disorders

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    The aim of this study is to prove the positive effect of electroconvulsive therapy on depressive disorders. Depression as a mental illness has not been fully studied in terms of its relationship in combination with electroconvulsive therapy. Nevertheless, despite many uncertainties, its positive effect on this type of treatment is indicated. Analysing a number of studies, electroconvulsive therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment for depression. As the research work shows, thanks to the use of electroconvulsive therapy in older people over 60 years of age, a positive effect on the patient's health can be observed in the entire study group. The mechanism of action of electroconvulsive therapy is multifaceted. There are several theories of how it works, affecting different areas of the individual's body. These include an anticonvulsant theory (GABAergic), effects on serotonergic and dopaminergic functions in the brain, effects on neurogenesis in the hippocampus and amygdala and neuropathicity, effects on gene transcription, an increase in the Narp protein with a presumed antidepressant effect, support for the neuroendocrine mechanism, as well as effects on inflammation (cytokines).&nbsp

    The influence of drugs used in mental disorders on the health of the oral cavity - a systematic review

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    Ze wzrostem liczby diagnoz zaburzeń psychicznych łączy się wzrost zapotrzebowania na leki psychotropowe, których częstym działaniem niepożądanym jest kserostomia, definiowana jako uczucie suchości w jamie ustnej i prowadząca m.in. do próchnicy i stanów zapalnych błon śluzowych. Największą zdolnością do wywoływania tych działań niepożądanych cechują się leki przeciwpsychotyczne i trójcykliczne leki przeciwdepresyjne, ale nie są od nich wolne także SSRI, antydepresanty atypowe                   i anksjolityki takie jak benzodiazepiny. W leczeniu kserostomii ważna jest profilaktyka kandydozy i próchnicy: odpowiednia dieta, prawidłowe zabiegi higienizacyjne oraz regularne kontrole stomatologiczne. Inne metody to farmakoterapia i stosowanie substytutów śliny. Istnieje korelacja pomiędzy zaburzeniami psychicznymi a wyższą liczbą ubytków próchnicowych, niższą jakością higieny jamy ustnej i większą częstością występowania chorób periodontologicznych

    Acute left main coronary artery occlusion following inadvertent delivery of radiofrequency energy during ventricular tachycardia ablation successfully treated by rescue angioplasty with stenting: A two-year follow-up

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    Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is a treatment mode in patients with recurrent, symptomatic, ventricular arrhythmias. A rare but potentially life-threatening complication of RFCA includes injury to the coronary arteries, which leads to acute occlusion and myocardial infarction. In the few reported cases, the most frequently affected vessel has been the left main coronary artery. We present the case of a 28 year-old female. During the RFCA procedure, an acute occlusion of the left main coronary artery occurred, which was treated successfully with emergency angioplasty