20 research outputs found

    Probabilities of multiple quantum teleportation

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    Using quantum teleportation a quantum state can be teleported with a certain probability. Here the probabilities for multiple teleportation are derived, i. e. for the case that a teleported quantum state is teleported again or even more than two times, for the two-dimensional case, e. g., for the two orthogonal direcations of the polarization of photons. It is shown that the probability for an exact teleportation, except for an irrelevant phase factor, is 25 %, i. e., surprisingly, this result holds for the case of a single teleportation as well as for an arbitrary number of a sequence of teleportations. In the remaining 75 % of the cases, unitary transformations occur, which are equivalent to those occurring for a single teleportation except for an irrelevant phase factor

    Real-time Recognition and Reidentification of Vehicles from Video Data with high Reidentification Rate

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    Using video cameras regions of cities can be monitored in order to extract traffic data. Stationary cameras fixed at high buildings can be used which provide data 24 hours a day. The data can be used, e.g., to optimize traffic flow by controlling traffic lights dynamically. In order to minimize the number of cameras it is useful to reidentify vehicles leaving one monitored region and afterwards entering the viewing field of a further camera. From reidentified vehicles travel times can be obtained which are relevant parameters to optimize traffic control. In the present text, a method to reidentify vehicles based on extraction of 3-d-prototype vehicle models and color extraction from the top plane of vehicles is described. Shadows and light reflections on wet street are corrected, and therefore, the high recognition accuracy is achieved which is necessary to find the top plane of the vehicles. Due to the 3-d-model based analysis the cameras can be placed in a broad region of viewing angles. The algorithms are suitable for real-time applications. First results from video data of two cameras are presented which show a high reidentification rate with no false reidentification hypothesis

    Verkehr via Internet: Webtraf und Matweb

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    Die Grundidee ist die Schaffung einer neuen Methode des Verkehrs, insbesondere fĂŒr weite Strecken auf der Erde, zum Mond, Mars und darĂŒber hinaus, ferner in Zukunft gegebenenfalls auch interstellar. Personenverkehr findet zur Zeit statt, indem eine Person von einem Ort zu einem anderen befördert wird oder sich selbst dorthin bewegt. GĂŒterverkehr findet zur zeit statt, indem ein Gut von einem Ort zu einem anderen transportiert wird. Herkömmlicher GĂŒter- und Personenverkehr geht mit einer deutlichen Belastung fĂŒr Personen und Umwelt einher, verursacht relativ hohe Kosten und verbraucht relativ viel Energie, weil jeweils die gesamte Masse des Gutes bzw. der Person transportiert werden muss, d. h. insbesondere beschleunigt und abgebremst werden muss. Es besteht ein relativ hohes Risiko fĂŒr UnfĂ€lle. Es gibt bisher kein System zur DurchfĂŒhrung von GĂŒter- oder Personenverkehr mit Hilfe des Internets. Ferner ist ein Nachteil des herkömmlichen Verkehrs, dass es vermutlich auf lange Sicht unmöglich sein wird, makroskopische GĂŒter oder Personen auf herkömmliche Weise, d. h. durch Transport ihrer Materie als ganzes, mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu transportieren. Die Alternative ist das Versenden der zum Bau des jeweiligen Gutes/Roboters/Computers etc. nötigen Daten statt des Gutes/Roboters/Computers selbst und den Bau des Gutes/Roboters/Computers vor Ort bzw. Bei Robotern/Computern optional auch durch Übertragung des Speicherinhaltes in einen bereits vor Ort befindlichen entsprechenden geeigneten Roboter/Computer. Abschließend wird auf die Frage eingegangen, was wann fĂŒr die Gesellschaft erstrebenswert ist

    Problems of quantum theory may be solved by an emulation theory of quantum physics

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    The emulation interpretation of quantum theory is presented which may solve problems of the Copenhagen interpretation finally. According to Kolmogorov complexity theory it is conceivable that a bit string exists encoding our world which can be computed by an appropriate generalized Turing machine. In this case the computation would emulate the world, therefore this can be called an emulation theory of quantum physics, and the emulation interpretation of quantum theory. The probability of a string is dominated by the probabilities of its shortest programs which is known as the 'coding theorem'. This leads to the suggestion that there may be a relatively short shortest program by which our world may be run. this suggestion appears to be in accordance with our world. The world exhibits a number of symmetries. It is plausible that the shortest algorithm for our special world is shorter than those for worlds where symmetris are broken more often than in our world, because each further deviation from a symmetry has to be encoded within the algorithm which would enlarge its length. Therefore, laws of physics may be identical rather globally in spacetime. Further, in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory it is defined, how to compute probabilities for, e. g., measurement results when conducting measurements on variables of quantum systems. In a completely satisfactory theory of everything this would not be sufficient, but such a theory should give a reason why the values of the probabilities seem, as far as it is known, to be identical also in all different regions of the observed world. The emulation interpretation suggests that all deviations from this symmetry of the probabiliteis would enlarge the shortest program of the world, and, therefore, we would probably not live in a world with such deviations. A second question arises from the attempt to combine the theory of black holes, thermodynamics and quantum theory. Bekenstein derives a holography principle which would restrict the number of degrees of freedom that can be present within a bounding surface to a finite number. In case the principle holds, he suggests that the final theory may be a discrete theory. The emulation interpretation is discrete. A promising detailed discrete theory which is currently developed is loop quantum gravity. Its discreteness was derived from some mathematical principles. It is also conceivable that string theories and/or M-theory can be unified with loop quantum gravity in future to a discrete theory. Additionally, the emulation interpretation suggests that parameters of physics may be encoded by a finite number of bits, they may be rational numbers, events in quantum physics may not be random but in principle computabel, and, in a certain sense, space and time may be discrete variables. Falsifiability of the results is discussed

    Proposal for transmission of classical information superluminally and slightly into the past using usual simplified quantum teleportation theory, special relativity and further assumptions

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    Using the usual simplified quantum teleportation theory of Bennett et al. we describe a scheme to teleport an unknown quantum multiple times and combine this scheme with results from special relativity. This would yield the prediction that it is possible to teleport an arbitrary unknown quantum state within an experimental setup with given probability to a point slightly within the past of the starting point. Using these results we give a theoretical proposal for that what one might call a time loop experiment with photon states. The polarization state of a photon is teleported to a far distant location with given probability, and from there within a second quantum teleportation setup, which moves with high speed in direction to the distant point, back close to the starting point with given probability. Due to special relativity, for a suitable experimental setup, the final photon would be close to the starting point, however, slightly in the past of it. Using appropriate moving and non-moving mirrors the frequency of the latter photon might be shifted so that it equals that of the starting photon. The phase of the final photon could be shifted using non-moving mirrors. One could try to use the final photon as input instead of the original photon completing in principle a space time loop. Including further transformations, an in principle instantaneous complete quantum teleportation might be achieved. However, the high accuracy necessary for these loop experiments might usually not be achieved practically. The experiments are modified so that the high accuracy is not needed and then the loops might almost always not constitute, and these modified experiments are extended, e.g., by quarter-wave plates. This might lead to interesting effects, e.g. to an increased reflection rate at the quarter-wave plates. It is described how the latter might eventually be used for superluminal transmission of classical information, and, in a certain sense, for transmission into the past. An analysis beyond this usual quantum teleportation and relativity theory which will include quantum field theory remains to be conducted in future

    Applications of Conceivable Superluminal Information Transmission

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    Work exists with arguments that superluminal transmission of classical information might eventually be possible [1]. Strong arguments exist claiming superluminal information transmission is not possible using simple quantum tunnelling experiments [2], some work exists claiming that it is possible [3-8]. We describe that the assumption that classical information could be send reliably superluminally over sufficiently large distances would lead to the conclusion that, in a certain sense, classical information could be send slightly into the past. However, we conclude that general relativity may prevent the transmission over sufficiently large distances with tunnels, in case that superluminal transmission would be possible in principle over small distances, because to achieve long distances an extremely large energy would be necessary, and too large energy within small space might collapse to a black hole. Even for smaller energies such an experimental apparatus might melt. Further, we describe that transmission into the past might lead in some cases to what we call inconsistent histories, which might be prevented by an exclusion principle: the inconsistent histories are excluded and do not occur. We describe a gedanken experiment with a corresponding conceivable spacetime loop and compute in a simplified way its results predicted by the exclusion principle. In future by realizing this gedanken experiment the exclusion principle might be tested experimentally, and, what is more important, detailed quantum field theoretic computations of corresponding experiments have to be conducted. Finally, only for the conceivable case that a spacetime loop with classical information with the exclusion principle could be realized reliably enough in any way, applications, e.g., to solve hard computational problems extremely fast are described

    Traffic data extraction from video data and reidentification of vehicles in real time

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    Crossings can be monitored by video cameras fixed, e.g., at high buildings. An algorithm is presented to extract from such video data traffic data in real-time. The data can be used, e.g., to optimise traffic flow by controlling traffic lights dynamically. In order to minimise the number of cameras it is useful to reidentify vehicles leaving one monitored region and afterwards entering the viewing field of a further camera. From reidentified vehicles travel times can be obtained which are relevant parameters for traffic control. A method to reidentify vehicles based on extraction of 3D prototype vehicle models and on colour extraction from the top plane of vehicles is presented. Shadows and light reflections on wet street are corrected, and therefore, the high recognition accuracy is achieved which is necessary to find the top plane of the vehicles. The algorithms are suitable for real-time applications

    Multiple quantum teleportation within space-time, and dependent clones with given probability

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    To a certain extend experimental quantum teleportation has been demonstrated. A minimal scheme to teleport an unknown quantum multiple times is described which can be used for chaining of quantum teleportation. The scheme is combined with results from special relativity. A conventional idealized computation is conducted which would yield the predictions that it would be possible to teleport with given idealized probability an unknown quantum state to a point in spacetime which is, e.g., slightly within the past of the starting point. Conducting this scheme in a certain way multiple times would lead to the idealized predictions that multiple special kinds of perfect clones of an unknown quantum state can be obtained with given probability. A feature of such clones is elucidated according to which one may call them ‘dependent’ clones. The results are in accordance with the no-cloning theorem, because the clones would be generated only with given idealized probability, and, of course, using this scheme classical information cannot be transmitted superluminal, and it cannot be transmitted into the past. Quantum states, idealized probabilities for the different possible states, and parameters for the experiments are computed

    Real-time Recognition and Reidentification of Vehicles with Matrix Cameras Including Analysis of Simulated Large Camera Distances

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    Traffic data is extracted from video cameras fixed at buildings. The data can be used, e.g., to control traffic lights in future. Cars are reidentified within videos of a second camera monitoring another region. Travel times are obtained which are relevant parameters to optimize traffic control. 3D vehicle models enable extraction of physical dimensions, and vehicle color is obtained for reidentification. Shadows and light reflections on wet streets are corrected. The 3D-concept allows placing cameras in different viewing angles. The algorithms function faster than necessary for real-time applications on a common PC. Results from two cameras show a high reidentification rate. The distance of the cameras is increased within a simplified simulation. The reidentification rate decreases in the mean about 8% when the distance is multiplied by two from about 57m (62.4yd) to about 20km (12.4mi). Mean travel times can be es-timated in different time intervals