Proposal for transmission of classical information superluminally and slightly into the past using usual simplified quantum teleportation theory, special relativity and further assumptions


Using the usual simplified quantum teleportation theory of Bennett et al. we describe a scheme to teleport an unknown quantum multiple times and combine this scheme with results from special relativity. This would yield the prediction that it is possible to teleport an arbitrary unknown quantum state within an experimental setup with given probability to a point slightly within the past of the starting point. Using these results we give a theoretical proposal for that what one might call a time loop experiment with photon states. The polarization state of a photon is teleported to a far distant location with given probability, and from there within a second quantum teleportation setup, which moves with high speed in direction to the distant point, back close to the starting point with given probability. Due to special relativity, for a suitable experimental setup, the final photon would be close to the starting point, however, slightly in the past of it. Using appropriate moving and non-moving mirrors the frequency of the latter photon might be shifted so that it equals that of the starting photon. The phase of the final photon could be shifted using non-moving mirrors. One could try to use the final photon as input instead of the original photon completing in principle a space time loop. Including further transformations, an in principle instantaneous complete quantum teleportation might be achieved. However, the high accuracy necessary for these loop experiments might usually not be achieved practically. The experiments are modified so that the high accuracy is not needed and then the loops might almost always not constitute, and these modified experiments are extended, e.g., by quarter-wave plates. This might lead to interesting effects, e.g. to an increased reflection rate at the quarter-wave plates. It is described how the latter might eventually be used for superluminal transmission of classical information, and, in a certain sense, for transmission into the past. An analysis beyond this usual quantum teleportation and relativity theory which will include quantum field theory remains to be conducted in future

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