12 research outputs found

    Isolation, biochemical characterization, and cloning of a bacteriocin from the poultry-associated Staphylococcus aureus strain CH-91

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    Staphylococcus aureus strain CH-91, isolated from a broiler chicken with atopic dermatitis, has a highly proteolytic phenotype that is correlated with the disease. We describe the isolation and biochemical and molecular characterization of the AI-type lantibiotic BacCH91 from S. aureus CH-91 culture medium. The bacteriocin was purified using a three-stage procedure comprising precipitation with ammonium sulfate, extraction with organic solvents, and reversed-phase HPLC. The BacCH91 peptide is thermostable and highly resistant to cleavage by both prokaryotic and eukaryotic peptidases. The MIC for the Gram-positive bacteria ranged from 2.5 nM for Microococcus luteus through 1.3–6.0 μM for staphylococcal strains up to more than 100 μM for Lactococcus lactis. BacCH91 was ineffective against the Gram-negative strains tested at the maximal concentration (100 μM). The amino acid sequence of BacCH91 is similar to that of epidermin and gallidermin. The encoding gene (bacCH91) occurred in two allelic variants distinguishable in the restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. Variant I, identified in S. aureus CH-91, dominated in S. aureus strains of poultry origin, although strains with variant II were also identified in this group. S. aureus strains of human origin were characterized exclusively by variant II

    Ожирение – фактор риска развития неуточненной инфекции подкожно-жировой клетчатки

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    Представлено результати дослідження С-пептиду, інсуліну та лептину, а також розраховано індекс маси тіла у хворих з неуточненою інфекцією підшкірної клітковини. У 47,62 % хворих ожиріння I-III ступеня, що збільшує ліпогенез, який провокує гіпертрофію адипоцитів.The results of C-peptide, insulin and leptin exploration are presented; also the body weight index among the ill with the subcutaneous cellular tissue unspecified infection has been calculated. 47,62 % of the ill has adiposity of levels I-III, which increases lipogenesis provoking the adepocites hypertrophy

    Unbiased Data Analysis for the Parameterization of Fast Translocation Events through Nanopores

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    Single-molecule nanopore electrophysiology is an emerging technique for the detection of analytes in aqueous solutions with high sensitivity. These detectors have proven applicable for the enzyme-assisted sequencing of oligonucleotides. There has recently been an increased interest in the use of nanopores for the fingerprinting of peptides and proteins, referred to as single-molecule nanopore spectrometry. However, the analysis of the resulting electrophysiology traces remains complicated due to the fast unassisted translocation of such analytes, usually in the order of micro-to milliseconds, and the small ion current signal produced (in the picoampere range). Here, we present the application of a generalized normal distribution function (gNDF) for the characterization of short-lived ion current signals (blockades). We show that the gNDF can be used to determine if the observed blockades have adequate time to reach their maximum current plateau while also providing a description of each blockade based on the open pore current (I-O), the difference caused by the pore blockade (delta I-B), the position in time (mu), the standard deviation (sigma), and a shape parameter (beta), leaving only the noise component. In addition, this method allows the estimation of an ideal range of low-pass filter frequencies that contains maximum information with minimal noise. In summary, we show a parameter-free and generalized method for the analysis of short-lived ion current blockades, which facilitates single-molecule nanopore spectrometry with minimal user bias

    Algorithm Implementation of Dual-Percolation Model of Fractured Pore MediaFractured Pore Media

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