27 research outputs found

    Sinonasal cysts causing dyspnoea in two cattle – case report

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    Two cattle were referred to the University Clinic for Ruminants of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. The main clinical sign in both cattle was dyspnoea with nasal stridor. Clinical examination of the upper respiratory tract was conducted, supplemented by ultrasonography, endoscopy and radiography. In addition, histological, bacteriological, and cytological examinations of different specimen materials were performed. The cow of Case 1 suffered from cystic nasal conchae, which was treated successfully by a laser technique. The cow of Case 2 also suffered from cystic nasal conchae. No surgery was performed in this case because the cyst opened spontaneously the day after diagnostic endoscopic procedures had been performed and the animal did not show any respiratory signs anymore. Pathological changes in the upper respiratory tract, such as nasal obstructions, should be included in the list of differential diagnoses in cattle showing respiratory distress

    Potential of hybrid powertrains in a variable compression ratio downsized turbocharged VVA Spark Ignition engine

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    [EN] After the diesel emissions scandal, also known as Dieselgate, Direct Injection Spark-Ignited (DISI) internal combustion engines (ICE) appears as the most promising alternative to mitigate the harmful tailpipe emissions from passenger cars. In spite of that, the current ICE technologies are not enough to achieve the fuel consumption/CO2 emissions targets set by the new transportation legislation (4.1 L-gasoline/100 km, 95 gCO(2)/km for 2021). In this complex scenario, the electrification of the powertrain using high efficiency electric motors and battery package together with sophisticated DISI engines appears as potential solution to meet these requirements. The aim of this work is to study the fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in transient conditions from a passenger car equipped with a variable compression ratio (VCR) DISI engine and electrified powertrain technologies. The vehicle behavior was simulated by means of a 0D GT-Suite model fed by experimental results obtained in an engine test bench. Mild hybrid electric vehicle (MHEV) and full hybrid electric vehicle (FHEV) architectures using a VCR DISI engine were studied. Moreover, an optimization methodology is presented to select the best vehicle configuration in terms of hardware and control strategies by means of a design of experiments (DoE). The results show that VCR allows a fuel improvement of 3% with respect to the conventional DISI fixed CR along the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycles (WLTC). The benefits found when combining the VCR technology with hybrid powertrains are even higher. In this sense, the fuel improvements were higher as the electrification levels increased, with 8% for MHEV-VCR and around 20% for FHEV-VCR. In terms of emissions, the two clear benefits with FHEV-VCR were the reduction of particle number (PN) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) of around 60% and 15%, respectively, as compared to the conventional DISI.The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R). The authors also acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for partially supporting this research through Convocatoria de ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (SP20180148).García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Martínez-Boggio, SD.; Wittek, K. (2020). Potential of hybrid powertrains in a variable compression ratio downsized turbocharged VVA Spark Ignition engine. Energy. 195:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.117039S119195González, R. M., Marrero, G. A., Rodríguez-López, J., & Marrero, Á. S. (2019). Analyzing CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Europe: A dynamic panel data approach. Energy Policy, 129, 1271-1281. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.03.031Dua, R., White, K., & Lindland, R. (2019). Understanding potential for battery electric vehicle adoption using large-scale consumer profile data. Energy Reports, 5, 515-524. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2019.04.013Benajes, J., García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., & Boronat, V. (2016). Dual-Fuel Combustion for Future Clean and Efficient Compression Ignition Engines. Applied Sciences, 7(1), 36. doi:10.3390/app7010036Lanzarotto, D., Marchesoni, M., Passalacqua, M., Prato, A. P., & Repetto, M. (2018). Overview of different hybrid vehicle architectures. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(9), 218-222. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.07.036Pasini, G., Lutzemberger, G., Frigo, S., Marelli, S., Ceraolo, M., Gentili, R., & Capobianco, M. (2016). Evaluation of an electric turbo compound system for SI engines: A numerical approach. Applied Energy, 162, 527-540. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.143Zhou, X., Qin, D., & Hu, J. (2017). Multi-objective optimization design and performance evaluation for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle powertrains. Applied Energy, 208, 1608-1625. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.08.201Benajes, J., García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., & Martínez-Boggio, S. (2020). Emissions reduction from passenger cars with RCCI plug-in hybrid electric vehicle technology. Applied Thermal Engineering, 164, 114430. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.114430Asghar, M., Bhatti, A. I., Ahmed, Q., & Murtaza, G. (2018). Energy Management Strategy for Atkinson Cycle Engine Based Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle. IEEE Access, 6, 28008-28018. doi:10.1109/access.2018.2835395Solouk, A., Shakiba-herfeh, M., & Shahbakhti, M. (2017). Analysis and Control of a Torque Blended Hybrid Electric Powertrain with a Multi-Mode LTC-SI Engine. SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 6(1), 54-67. doi:10.4271/2017-01-1153Wang, C., Zhang, F., Wang, E., Yu, C., Gao, H., Liu, B., … Zhao, C. (2019). Experimental study on knock suppression of spark-ignition engine fuelled with kerosene via water injection. Applied Energy, 242, 248-259. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.03.123Wolfgang, S., Sorger, H., Loesch, S., Unzeitig, W., Huettner, T., & Fuerhapter, A. (2017). The 2-Step VCR Conrod System - Modular System for High Efficiency and Reduced CO2. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2017-01-0634Wittek, K., Geiger, F., Andert, J., Martins, M., Cogo, V., & Lanzanova, T. (2019). Experimental investigation of a variable compression ratio system applied to a gasoline passenger car engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 183, 753-763. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.01.037Kleeberg, H., Tomazic, D., Dohmen, J., Wittek, K., & Balazs, A. (2013). Increasing Efficiency in Gasoline Powertrains with a Two-Stage Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) System. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2013-01-0288Teodosio, L., De Bellis, V., Bozza, F., & Tufano, D. (2017). Numerical Study of the Potential of a Variable Compression Ratio Concept Applied to a Downsized Turbocharged VVA Spark Ignition Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2017-24-0015Luján, J. M., García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., & Martínez-Boggio, S. (2019). Effectiveness of hybrid powertrains to reduce the fuel consumption and NOx emissions of a Euro 6d-temp diesel engine under real-life driving conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 199, 111987. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111987Benajes, J., García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., & Martínez-Boggio, S. (2019). Optimization of the parallel and mild hybrid vehicle platforms operating under conventional and advanced combustion modes. Energy Conversion and Management, 190, 73-90. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.04.010Morra, E., Spessa, E., Ciaravino, C., & Vassallo, A. (2012). Analysis of Various Operating Strategies for a Parallel-Hybrid Diesel Powertrain with a Belt Alternator Starter. SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 1(1), 231-239. doi:10.4271/2012-01-1008Huo, Y., Yan, F., & Feng, D. (2018). A hybrid electric vehicle energy optimization strategy by using fueling control in diesel engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(3), 517-530. doi:10.1177/0954407017747372Liu, Z., Ivanco, A., & Filipi, Z. S. (2016). Impacts of Real-World Driving and Driver Aggressiveness on Fuel Consumption of 48V Mild Hybrid Vehicle. SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 5(2), 249-258. doi:10.4271/2016-01-1166Wang, R., Yu, W., & Meng, X. (2018). Performance investigation and energy optimization of a thermoelectric generator for a mild hybrid vehicle. Energy, 162, 1016-1028. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2018.08.103Solouk, A., Shakiba-Herfeh, M., Arora, J., & Shahbakhti, M. (2018). Fuel consumption assessment of an electrified powertrain with a multi-mode high-efficiency engine in various levels of hybridization. Energy Conversion and Management, 155, 100-115. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.10.073Rouhani, A. (2013). A Comprehensive Method for Optimum Sizing of Hybrid Energy Systems using Intelligence Evolutionary Algorithms. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(6), 1-11. doi:10.17485/ijst/2013/v6i6.3Varella, R., Giechaskiel, B., Sousa, L., & Duarte, G. (2018). Comparison of Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) with Laboratory Grade Equipment. Applied Sciences, 8(9), 1633. doi:10.3390/app8091633Hochmann, G., Berger, A., & Mayrhofer, H. (2019). Achieving Compliance to RDE - How Does This Development Target Impact the Development Process, Testing Methodologies and Tools. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2019-26-0358Shields, M. D., & Zhang, J. (2016). The generalization of Latin hypercube sampling. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 148, 96-108. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2015.12.002Kašpar, J., Fornasiero, P., & Hickey, N. (2003). Automotive catalytic converters: current status and some perspectives. Catalysis Today, 77(4), 419-449. doi:10.1016/s0920-5861(02)00384-xFavre, C., Bosteels, D., & May, J. (2013). Exhaust Emissions from European Market-Available Passenger Cars Evaluated on Various Drive Cycles. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2013-24-0154Pavlovic, J., Ciuffo, B., Fontaras, G., Valverde, V., & Marotta, A. (2018). How much difference in type-approval CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Europe can be expected from changing to the new test procedure (NEDC vs. WLTP)? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 111, 136-147. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2018.02.002García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., Sari, R., Dimitrakopoulos, N., Tunér, M., & Tunestål, P. (2019). Performance and emissions of a series hybrid vehicle powered by a gasoline partially premixed combustion engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 150, 564-575. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.01.03

    Potential of a Two-Stage Variable Compression Ratio Downsized Spark Ignition Engine for Passenger Cars under different driving conditions

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    [EN] With the aim of reducing pollutant emissions from internal combustion engines (ICE), the application of stoichiometrically operated spark ignition (SI) engines, for light-duty vehicles, has been overcoming the compression ignition (CI) engines market share throughout the past years. The ability of a substantial reduction of the primary harmful emissions (HC, CO, and NOx) through the use of the simple three-way catalyst (TWC) is the main reason for that. Nonetheless, with increasing attention to CO2 emissions, the development of highly efficient downsized SI engines turn to be of enormous interest. The synergies of multiple systems such as direct injection, turbocharger, and variable valve actuation are able to lead the SI efficiencies closer to those of CI engines. However, to enable high load operation on such downsized engines, the compression ratio (CR) must be reduced due to knock limitations, reducing the partial-load operations efficiency. The implementation of two-stage variable compression ratio (VCR) systems enables the extraction of high thermal efficiency with high CR at lower loads and extended knock-free high load operation with low CR. In this study, the evaluation of a two-stage VCR system applied to a state-of-the-art downsized SI engine was made through standard driving cycle simulations. The VCR mechanism is composed of an eccentric element in the small end of the connecting rod, which is rotated to increase/decrease the effective connecting rod length, achieving the CRs of 12.11:1 and 9.56:1. The engine was run in an eddy-current dynamometer test bench throughout the essential operating range to obtain the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) map. The VCR mechanism CR switching delay was also experimentally characterized to derive a function of the operating conditions. The measured map was entered into the map-based driving cycle simulation with a sub-model to account for the isolated effects of the transient period encompassing the compression ratio switching. The results show that slow CR transitions lead to fuel consumption penalties, which suggests the need for optimizing the control strategies of the VCR system. Even though this penalty, once the gear up-shift speed is optimized for each driving cycle, the VCR system still enables fuel consumption reductions up to 3% on the WLTC driving cycle, up to 4% on the proposed urban driving cycles and up to 3% on highway driving cycles with respect to the fixed CR.This research has been partially funded by FEDER and the Spanish Government through project RTI2018-102025-B-I00. The authors also acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for partially supporting this research through Convocatoria de ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Lnvestigacion (PAID-06-18).López, JJ.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Vielmo-Cogo, V.; Wittek, K. (2020). Potential of a Two-Stage Variable Compression Ratio Downsized Spark Ignition Engine for Passenger Cars under different driving conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 203:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112251S115203Amelang S, Wehrmann B. Dieselgate – a timeline of Germany’s car emissions fraud scandal | Clean Energy Wire n.d. https://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/dieselgate-timeline-germanys-car-emissions-fraud-scandal (accessed September 2, 2019).Luján, J. M., Bermúdez, V., Dolz, V., & Monsalve-Serrano, J. (2018). An assessment of the real-world driving gaseous emissions from a Euro 6 light-duty diesel vehicle using a portable emissions measurement system (PEMS). Atmospheric Environment, 174, 112-121. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.11.056E, J., Pham, M., Zhao, D., Deng, Y., Le, D., Zuo, W., … Zhang, Z. (2017). Effect of different technologies on combustion and emissions of the diesel engine fueled with biodiesel: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, 620-647. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.250Jurić, F., Petranović, Z., Vujanović, M., Katrašnik, T., Vihar, R., Wang, X., & Duić, N. (2019). Experimental and numerical investigation of injection timing and rail pressure impact on combustion characteristics of a diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 185, 730-739. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.02.039E, J., Zhao, X., Qiu, L., Wei, K., Zhang, Z., Deng, Y., … Liu, G. (2019). Experimental investigation on performance and economy characteristics of a diesel engine with variable nozzle turbocharger and its application in urban bus. Energy Conversion and Management, 193, 149-161. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.04.062E, J., Zuo, W., Gao, J., Peng, Q., Zhang, Z., & Hieu, P. M. (2016). Effect analysis on pressure drop of the continuous regeneration-diesel particulate filter based on NO 2 assisted regeneration. Applied Thermal Engineering, 100, 356-366. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.02.031Huang, Y., Ng, E. C. Y., Yam, Y., Lee, C. K. C., Surawski, N. C., Mok, W., … Chan, E. F. C. (2019). Impact of potential engine malfunctions on fuel consumption and gaseous emissions of a Euro VI diesel truck. Energy Conversion and Management, 184, 521-529. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.01.076Deng, Y., Liu, H., Zhao, X., E, J., & Chen, J. (2018). Effects of cold start control strategy on cold start performance of the diesel engine based on a comprehensive preheat diesel engine model. Applied Energy, 210, 279-287. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.093García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., Heuser, B., Jakob, M., Kremer, F., & Pischinger, S. (2016). Influence of fuel properties on fundamental spray characteristics and soot emissions using different tailor-made fuels from biomass. Energy Conversion and Management, 108, 243-254. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.11.010Benajes, J., Pastor, J. V., García, A., & Boronat, V. (2016). A RCCI operational limits assessment in a medium duty compression ignition engine using an adapted compression ratio. Energy Conversion and Management, 126, 497-508. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.023Benajes, J., García, A., Monsalve-Serrano, J., & Villalta, D. (2018). Benefits of E85 versus gasoline as low reactivity fuel for an automotive diesel engine operating in reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion mode. Energy Conversion and Management, 159, 85-95. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2018.01.015Wang, Z., Liu, H., & Reitz, R. D. (2017). Knocking combustion in spark-ignition engines. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 61, 78-112. doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2017.03.004Santos, H., & Costa, M. 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