69 research outputs found

    RecSys Challenge 2016: job recommendations based on preselection of offers and gradient boosting

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    We present the Mim-Solution's approach to the RecSys Challenge 2016, which ranked 2nd. The goal of the competition was to prepare job recommendations for the users of the website Xing.com. Our two phase algorithm consists of candidate selection followed by the candidate ranking. We ranked the candidates by the predicted probability that the user will positively interact with the job offer. We have used Gradient Boosting Decision Trees as the regression tool.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, Description of 2nd place winning solution of RecSys 2016 Challange. To be published in RecSys'16 Challange Proceeding


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    The aim of the present study is to determine the anaerobic power of men of similar age representing different sports disciplines. Professional athletes representing the following sports participated in the study: soccer (n=15, PS), martial arts (n=12, MA), weightlifting (n=15, WL), powerlifting (n=15, PL), middle- and long distance running (n=12, DR), race walking (n=14, RW), and recreational soccer (n=15, RS). After recording personal and somatic data, the subjects performed a 3-minute warm-up followed immediately by a 30 seconds cycloergometric Wingate test. The following variables of anaerobic power were calculated: total external work (TEW-KJ/30s), maximal power (Pmax-W/kg), mean power (Pmean-W/kg), fatigue index (FI-%). It was shown that the examined groups differed in body weight (F=13.560, p0.001), body height (F=3.342, p0.01) and BMI (F=28.868, p0.01). There were also significant differences in the TEW range (F=5.764, p0.001), Pmax (F=2.807, p=0.013) and FI=4.942, p0.001) and no intergroup difference in the Pmean range. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that various types of sports training develop in the various degree different components of anaerobic power, however they develop similarly its average value


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    The purpose of this study is to present a comparison of the workload demonstrated by young soccer players during the phases of warm-up (WU), first half (FH) and second half (SH) of a league match. Eleven young Polish soccer players took part in this research, playing a league match after completing the WU. During the WU, FH and SH of the match the following variables were recorded: total distance run, maximal and average speed achieved during the runs, number of sprints, distances run in the different speed zones, durations of increased heart rate (HR) in specific ranges, and the maximal, mean and minimal HR. The variables were recorded by means of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The research showed that there were significant differences between the WU, FH and SH in the total distances run (F=30.107, p0.001), the average speed achieved during the runs (F=37.731, p0.001), the distances run at different speeds (p0.001), the duration of increased HR in specific zones, and HRmean (p=0.002) and HRmin (p0.001). Post hoc analysis confirmed that, for the majority of the analyzed parameters, the WU provided a smaller load for the body than did the FH or SH, the intensity of which in some part was higher than that encountered at the anaerobic threshold. In conclusion, it has been shown that the WU and the two halves of the match load the body to varying degrees, the former doing so to a lesser extent than FH or SH

    Związek zmian regionalnego odkształcenia podłużnego miokardium z odpowiedzią na terapię resynchronizującą serca u pacjentów z dysfunkcją skurczową lewej komory i blokiem lewej odnogi pęczka Hisa

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    Introduction. Strain and strain rate (SR) are techniques, which provide local information on myocardial deformation. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of strain and SR measurement in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) response in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. Materials and methods. The study included 35 CHF patients with QRS complex duration ≥ 120ms with LBBB morphology. Biochemical and clinical parameters were assessed before and after six months of CRT. TTE classical and tissue Doppler echocardiography parameters (longitudinal peak systolic strain — LPS and SR for basal segment of intraventricular septum and lateral wall) were evaluated. Results. Twenty-two patients (62.8%) benefited from CRT (the responders) and revealed improvement in septal and lateral LPS in the 6-month observation [-7.1 (-5.2– -11.1) vs -12.1 (-8.7– -14)%, p = 0.002; - 10.4 (-6.1– -17.6) vs - 13.8 (-8.9 – -17.8)%, p = 0.03; respectively]. Six months after CRT, the responders were characterised by higher increase in septal LPS comparing to the nonresponders (-4.6 ± 6.1 vs -2.4 ± 3.9%, p = 0.045). Septal LPS changes correlated positively with baseline cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) parameters: peak oxygen uptake (r = 0.6, p = 0.004), peak carbon dioxide excretion (r = 0.62, p = 0.002) and negatively with VE/VCO2 slope (r = -0.5, p = 0.037). Conclusions. LV regional LPS appears to be a good parameter reflecting the improvement of clinical status in patients treated with CRT. The responders had better improvement of septal LPS, therefore positive response to this therapy may be related to the improvement of septal contractility.Streszczenie Wstęp Odkształcenie miokardium i tempo tego odkształcania (strain i strain rate - SR) to metody w tkankowej echokardiografii doplerowskiej wnoszące informacje o regionalnej kurczliwości mieśnia. Celem badania była ocena przydatności pomiarów strain i SR w ocenie odpowiedzi na terapię resynchronizującą (CRT) u chorych z przewlekłą niewydolnością serca (CHF). Materiały i Metody Do badania wlączono 35 pacjentów z CHF i czasem trwania zespołów QRS ≥120ms i morfologią LBBB. Parametry biochemiczne i kliniczne były oceniane przed implantacją i 6 miesięcy po wszczepieniu CRT. Analizie poddano wybrane parametry z badania echokardiograficznego przezklatkowego i metodą Dopplera tkankowego – odkształcenie podłużne miokardium na szczycie skurczu – (longitudinal peak systolic strain – LPS) i tempo odkształcania (strain rate – SR) mierzone dla segmentu przypodstawnego przegrody międzykomorowej i ściany bocznej lewej komory. Wyniki 22 pacjentów (62.8%) odniosło korzyść z CRT i wykazało poprawę w zakresie wartości przegrodowego i bocznego LPS w obserwacji 6-miesięcznej [odpowiednio: - 7,1 (-5,2 - - 11,1) vs – 12,1 (-8,7 - -14)%, p=0,002; - 10,4 (-6,1 - -17,6) vs – 13,8 (-8,9 – -17,8)%, p=0,03]. Osoby odnoszące korzyść z CRT po 6 miesiącach wykazywały większy wzrost przegrodowego LPS w stosunku do nonresponderów (-4.6±6.1 vs -2.4±3.9%, p= 0.045). Zmiany LPS w obrębie przegrody pozytywnie korelowały z wyjściowymi parametrami uzyskanymi w badaniu ergospirometrycznym: szczytowym pochłanianiem tlenu (r=0.6, p=0.004), szczytowym wydalaniem dwutlenku węgla (r=0.62, p= 0.002) oraz negatywnie z VE/VCO2 slope (r= -0.5, p=0.037). Wnioski Regionalne odkształcenie podłużne wybranych segmentów lewej komory jest parametrem odzwierciedlającym poprawę stanu klinicznego pacjentów leczonych terapią resynchronizującą. Chorzy odnoszący korzyść z terapii resynchronizującej wykazują lepszą poprawę przegrodowego LPS, w związku z tym pozytywna odpowiedź na terapię może mieć związek z poprawą kurczliwości w obrębie przegrody międzykomorowej

    Percutaneous tricuspid edge-to-edge repair — patient selection, imaging considerations, and the procedural technique. Expert opinion of the Working Group on Echocardiography and Association of CardioVascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society

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    Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is a common acquired valvular heart disease (VHD). TR has progressive character and is associated with impaired long-term survival in both symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. Despite this knowledge, the overall number of tricuspid valve surgeries is very low worldwide and many patients with clear indications for intervention are left untreated. The development of less invasive transcatheter techniques may offer new treatment options in this growing population of patients. Out of various percutaneous methods proposed, tricuspid edge-to-edge repair has recently gained considerable attention. The article summarizes available data regarding this new treatment method

    The impact of water mills on the transformations of hydrographic network of Wadowice

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    The main goal of the research was to determine the impact of construction, functioning and liquidation of water mills on the hydrographic network of Wadowice and its surroundings. Another indirect purpose was to reconstruct the medieval river network from the period prior to the heyday of milling and indicate the remaining traces of the milling infrastructure. The research was conducted on the basis of analysis of historical sources and archival topographic maps. The origins of development of milling in Wadowice were dependent on the royal privileges. The first of them was issued in the 15th century. The mills in Wadowice were located on rivers Choczenka, Kleczanka and Dąbrówka, as well as on three artificial mill races, but never on river Skawa. The longest mill race began in Świnna Poręba, where it was supplied with water from Skawa. At the foot of Iłowiec, the mill race was supplied from Nawieśnica and Potok Zbywaczowski, whose course was modified. After merging with Dąbrówka, the mill race ran further parallel to Skawa and ultimately flowed to Choczenka. There were between 3 and 5 mills throughout the entire course of the artificial crosscut. Between 1 and 3 mills were situated at the watercourse which supplies the ponds in Wadowice and Tomice. The third mill race, which began in Kleczanka, powered 1 mill and flowed into Skawa after merging with Rokowski Potok. Due to the environmental conditions, the mills in Wadowice did not require construction of ponds. The mills in Wadowice were located on the basis of economic conditions. The natural conditions were not favourable for the functioning of hydraulic machines, which forced the construction and maintenance of artificial riverbeds. Water milling was subsequently liquidated due to the development of steam mills, and ultimately electric mills. In consequence of the decline of water mills, the maintenance works on mill races were abandoned. Some of the watercourses were backfilled, others were transformed into drainage ditches, whereas the mills in the town were included in the sewerage system. The shape of the former river network of Wadowice is now only reflected by few fragments of certain creeks

    Topography of freedom. Patriotic urbanonyms in space Wadowice (until 1939)

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    Pierwsze urbanonimy nawiązujące do postaci i wydarzeń z okresu I Rzeczypospolitej pojawiły się w przestrzeni miejskiej Wadowic w latach 80. XIX w. Honorowano postacie polskich królów (Jan III Sobieski, Stefan Batory), bohaterów narodowych (Tadeusz Kościuszko) i osobistości związane z miastem (Marcin Wadowita, Jan Iwański). Nazwy nie miały niewłaściwych konotacji historycznych, stąd były akceptowane przez austriacką administrację. Na przełomie wieków, tak jak w innych galicyjskich miastach, uczczono w Wadowicach wieszczów – Adama Mickiewicza i Juliusza Słowackiego, nie tylko nadając im nazwy ulic, ale także włączając się w uroczyste obchody rocznic urodzin i śmierci poetów. Po 1918 r. patriotyczne nazewnictwo stało się elementem polityki państwa, zwłaszcza związanej z kultem ojca czynu niepodległościowego, marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, którego imieniem nazwano wadowicki rynek. W drugiej połowie lat 30. urbanonimy pamiątkowe stanowiły aż 40 % wszystkich toponimów w mieście.Urbanonyms, as one of the elements characterizing the city are the subject of research, among linguists, historians and geographers. The naming policy can be the subject of ideologizing of urban space. Referring to important events or commemoration of people in the names of streets for important events or commemoration of people strengthened the sense of patriotism, both national and local. In the article, the authors draw attention to commemorative urbanonyms, which appeared in Wadowice in the 1880s, and in the time of the Second Polish Republic the patriotic name convention became an element of the state’s policy. A clear manifestation of these changes is a 15% increase in the number of commemorative urbanonyms in Wadowice in the period 1918-1939

    Ewolucja koryta dolnej Skawy w świetle zabudowy hydrotechnicznej

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    W opracowaniu poruszono kwestię rozwoju koryta rzeki górskiej pod wpływem antropopresji. Wykorzystując analizę kartograficzną i kwerendę źródeł historycznych, zrekonstruowano przebieg i układ podgórskiego koryta Skawy w XVIII i XIX w., w okresie znikomej antropopresji. Przegląd literatury technicznej pozwolił na wskazanie głównych okresów rektyfikacji koryta prowadzącej do zlikwidowania koryta wielonurtowego. W toku współczesnych kartowań geomorfologicznych wskazano miejsca odtwarzania ko- ryt błądzących, które pokrywają się z miejscem występowania koryt tego typu w XIX w. Za transformację wielonurtowego koryta Skawy w jednonurtowe odpowiedzialne są wieloletnie prace hydrotechniczne

    The Development of the Use of Water Energy in the Mountain Catchment from a Sociohydrological Perspective

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    Man has been using the energy of flowing water since antiquity. Water milling flourished in Europe in the Middle Ages, reaching its maximum development in the 19th century. Since the beginning of the 20th century, water energy has been used to produce electricity. Acquiring the energy of water involves modifying the natural environment. Milling is considered to be the activity that started the emergence of fluvial anthropospheres in Europe. For centuries, the construction of watermills and millraces has caused the densification of the river network, raised the level of groundwater, and forced the deposition of sediments. From the point of view of sociohydrology, milling has been an expression of the economic and technological development of societies. The milling industry and, therefore, the natural environment have also been affected by political factors and beliefs. At the beginning of the 20th century, water drives were replaced with steam and later electric drives in mills. These changes resulted in the abandonment of millraces and the liquidation of weirs, which reversed the hydromorphological processes regulated by milling since the Middle Ages. The development of hydropower seems to be environmentally friendly owing to the use of renewable energy, but the environmental costs associated with the construction of a hydroelectric power plant cannot go unnoticed. The problem of the development of water energy use over the centuries has been studied on the basis of the example of the catchment of the mountain River Skawa. The study shows how many factors determined the development of the milling industry and, consequently, the transformation of the natural environment. These factors were largely local or regional, which shows that comprehensive analyses of anthropopressure cannot be of a global nature