30 research outputs found
The object of this research is to find the improving students writing ability through cooperative learning type jigsaw at SMP level. The research was conducted in SMP N 3 Katibung, Lampung selatan in 2018/2019. The research was conducted at the second semester in the academic year of 2018-2019. The subject of research was students at the second semester of the eight B class of SMP N 3 Katibung, Lampung Selatan in the academic year of 2018/2019. It consists 25 students. In conducting this research, the writer used classroom action research method. This method used to improve student writing ability through cooperative learning type jigsaw. The writer used one class in this research. The data analysis research finding, the writer concludes that students’ writing ability of the eighth class of SMP N 03 Katibung Lampung Selatan increased. It can be seen from the result of the second cycle which has mean score 74.8, it was better than in cycle I which has mean score 68.64.Teaching learning process using cooperative learning type jigsaw became active and Cooperative learning type jigsaw is one of the suitable techniques in teaching writing. By applying this technique, the students can improve their writing skill. This technique helps the students in making composition about narrative text with good structural
Round Robin as an Interactive Technique to Teach Speaking
English is a language that is loved by everyone because of its role as the language that unifies the nation. Most people in the world speak English. No wonder if everyone is competing to be able to master this language in order to communicate and absorb information from outsiders. But in fact, English is still a scourge for most students in Indonesia. Moreover, there are four English skills that the students must master, namely, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Speaking is a productive skill. For some of English learners, speaking is the main point in learning English, but on the other hand, speaking is also a very difficult skill to master. Therefore, it requires various kinds of learning methods and techniques that can improve students' speaking skills. This study aims to see the effect of the round robin technique on students' speaking skills. This technique has many positive impacts on learning speaking in the classroom. This technique also makes students more interactive and raises the confidence of students to dare to speak English in their daily lives. This research is a quantitative study conducted at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. There are two classes which are used as research subjects, namely the control class and the experimental class. The experimental class received treatments from the round robin technique, while the control class used the direct method
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Google Classroom in STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
Google Classroom for academic purposes supports an online learning platform. This research was conducted to investigate improving students’ reading comprehension by using Google classroom in STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. The questionnaire was responded by 30 undergraduate students in STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung who learned English courses. The questionnaire was analyzed used by the researchers using SPSS.Google Classroom is suitable for learning activities, especially teaching EFL learners. Google Classroom can improve students’ reading comprehension and enrich learning activities. It can fit with the necessity of students in STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. It make their job easier as students
Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris untuk Para Calon Satuan Pengamanan di PT. Dua Sembilan Dua Ampuh Bandar Lampung
The training aims to help prospective security guards to broaden their horizons about English, as well as to facilitate the ability to read texts or instructions in English, and speak in English. By following this training, it is expected that the security guard candidates at Dua Sembilan Dua Ampuh company have improved in using English both oral and written. Community Service Activities are specifically intended for all prospective security guards who are members of Dua Sembilan Dua Ampuh company Bandar Lampung and currently undergoing Diksar totaling 25 participants. Based on observations of the enthusiasm of this training and also the process of carrying out activities, it can be concluded that this activity went smoothly and pleasantly. In addition, positive feedback from the participants also made this training very effective and efficient.
Kata kunci: Diksar, bahasa Inggris, pelatiha
Pelatihan Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Bahasa Inggris Melalui Teknik Dyadic Essay di SMA Adiguna Bandar Lampung
Writing difficulties are often found by students of SMA Adiguna Bandar Lampung in a full essay because students need extensive and complex knowledge. Based on the background above, we took the initiative to propose community service activities in SMA Bandar Lampung through training in learning to write English essay texts using the dyadic essay technique. The training aims to help students develop ideas when writing English essays. By taking part in this training, it is expected that the tenth grade students of SMA Adiguna Bandar Lampung will have an improvement in writing essays in good English. This Community Service activity is specifically aimed at all students of tenth class in SMA ADIGUNA Bandar Lampung, there are 86 students follow this training. Based on observations on the suitability of the schedule and carrying out activities, it can be concluded that this activity runs smoothly. In addition, enthusiasm, high enthusiasm, and curiosity and bias from the participants made the training of each material very effective and efficient
The research aimed to know the influence of using DRTA Strategy towards students’ reading ability at MTs Nurul Iman Pesawaran. The research was conducted at the eighth grade of MTs Nurul Iman Pesawaran in academic year 2020/2021. The writer took two clasess in the eighth grade as the samples. The population was 40 students’ in 2 clasess. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling technique. 20 students’ were as experimental class and 20 students’ were as control class. The main technique in measuring students’ reading comprehension was multiple choice test that consisted of 40 test items. The score for each item was 2,5 for true and 0 for wrong. In analyzing the data, the writer used t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, The result showed that t-test was 2.9. From the distribution table at the significance level of 5% is known that t-table = t (1- ½ α) (df) = 2.00 and at the significance level of 1% is known that t-table = t (1- ½ α) (df) = 2.37. It means t-test > t-table as in (2.9> 2.00 > 2.37). Based on the calculation, Ha was accepted, it means that there was an influence of using DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity) strategy towards the students’ reading ability at the eighth grade of MTs Nurul Iman Pesawaran in 2020/2021. Then the average score of students reading ability who learnt through DRTA (Direct Reading Thinking Activity) was higher than those who learnt reading throurgh conventional technique. It was 70.1 > 65.6. Based on the result above, it is clear that DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity) can increase students’ reading ability at the eighth grade of MTs Nurul Iman Pesawaran in 2020/2021
The object of this research is to find the improving students writing ability through cooperative learning type jigsaw at SMP level. The research was conducted in SMP N 3 Katibung, Lampung selatan in 2018/2019. The research was conducted at the second semester in the academic year of 2018-2019. The subject of research was students at the second semester of the eight B class of SMP N 3 Katibung, Lampung Selatan in the academic year of 2018/2019. It consists 25 students. In conducting this research, the writer used classroom action research method. This method used to improve student writing ability through cooperative learning type jigsaw. The writer used one class in this research. The data analysis research finding, the writer concludes that students’ writing ability of the eighth class of SMP N 03 Katibung Lampung Selatan increased. It can be seen from the result of the second cycle which has mean score 74.8, it was better than in cycle I which has mean score 68.64.Teaching learning process using cooperative learning type jigsaw became active and Cooperative learning type jigsaw is one of the suitable techniques in teaching writing. By applying this technique, the students can improve their writing skill. This technique helps the students in making composition about narrative text with good structural
Language is a very important thing for human around the world because language is used in all aspects of human life. People use language to communicate with each other and to get knowledge. The objective of this research is to find out the influence of using group task as a technique in teaching writing ability at SMP level. The writer conducted the research at the first semester of the eighth class of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Way Sulan South Lampung in 2017/2018. There were two classes namely class VIIIA for experimental class and class VIIIB for control class. As the sample consists of 59 students. The sample was taken by using total random sampling technique. After analyzing the data by using t-test formula, it was found that ttest > ttable = 7.11 > 2.00. It means that there was positive influence of group task towards students’ writing narrative text ability at the first semester of the eighth class at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Way Sulan South Lampung in 2017/201
An Analysys of Students’ Inference Skill toward Students’ Reading Comprehension
The study of inference skill concerned with infer the message from the text which is written by the author. Studying on inference always faced the different text. Inference skill was occurred in some levels. These levels were very important to keep the meaning of the text to avoid the awkwardness. This research was aimed to find how was the student’s inference skill in reading comprehension at the sixth semester done by the students of English education study program in Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung. The characteristic of this research was qualitative research by applying Miles and Huberman models; namely collecting data, data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion. The result of the students’ inference skill in reading comprehension was done by the students of English Study Program Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, in coherence inference, there were ten percent of students making error in this level