11 research outputs found


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    OFDM is a transmission technique using orthogonal multi-carrier which can save bandwidth. While MIMO is a technique of using more than one antenna for transmitting and receiving. This can increase data transmission capacity without increasing bandwidth. In this study, an analysis of variations MIMO antennas 2x2, 2x4, 4x2, and 4x4 was carried out to determine the effect of antenna variations on OFDM MIMO performance. The modulation are BPSK and QPSK with frequency selective fading and AWGN channels. Performance parameters are Bit error rate (BER) versus Energy Bit per Noise (Eb/No), Power to Average Peak Ratio (PAPR), and eye diagram. The model simulated using a simulink with a number of input 100,000 bits. The results showed that BER performance compared to Eb/No, in MIMO 2x4 and 4x4 produced better performance than MIMO 2x2 and 4x2. With many receiving antennas, it gets a better signal which can reduce the occurrence of errors. Meanwhile, in PAPR parameter, 4x2 and 4x4 MIMO produce higher PAPR values than 2x2 and 2x4 MIMO. With the number of antennas, the PAPR value is distributed over all antennas and increase the PAPR value in the system. In the eye diagram parameters, the greater the Eb/No value, make a better eye diagram

    A Regular Pattern of Timestamps Between Machines with Built-in System Time

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    This paper studied the effect of 15.6 ms time resolution where the collected timestamps are in a form of parallel dotted lines, instead of one straight line like in classical case. The dotted lines made the clock skew measurement of two devices to become incorrect as the measurement which normally follow the cluster of offsets but now follow the parallel dotted lines. Dotted lines pattern is required in order to understand how to correct the clock skew measurement on data containing dotted lines. To model the dotted lines pattern is through Dotted lines Grouping Method, a tools to find the characteristics of the dotted lines. The dotted lines grouping method was then tested data obtained from wired and wireless communication of two similar devices. The dotted line grouping method results equal maximum number of dot of 10 for both data, which indicated the robustness of the dotted lines grouping method

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Tenaga Kerja Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Pada PT. Solusi Lintas Data Cabang Bali

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    PT. Solusi Lintas Data Cabang Bali adalah perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penyedia layanan internet, dimana peranan sumber daya manusia atau tenaga kerja yang baik dan berkualitas sangat mempengaruhi masa depan perusahaan. Pada PT. Solusi Lintas Data Cabang Bali, proses seleksi calon tenaga kerja masih menerapkan metode konvensional dan tidak dilakukan secara komputerisasi. Hal ini menyebabkan proses seleksi penerimaan tenaga kerja membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama mengingat banyaknya jumlah pelamar. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membangun suatu sistem pendukung keputusan. Sistem pendukung keputusan yang dibangun berbasis web dan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Hasil dari proses sistem menggunakan metode SAW adalah perangkingan dari pelamar dengan rangking tertinggi sampai dengan rangking terendah. Hasil perangkingan ini, menjadi rekomendasi untuk pihak perusahaan dalam penentuan calon tenaga kerja yang akan diterima

    Implementation of Geographic Information System Based on Google Maps API to Map Waste Collection Point Using the Haversine Formula Method

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    Human life with all its activities cannot be separated from the existence of waste but the quality of post-consumption waste is generally still low. To convert waste into a more stable form and does not pollute the environment, it is required a precise waste collection system. Waste collection system is an important part of waste management. This study is proposed a geographic information system (GIS) application based on google maps Application Programming Interface (API) to map waste collection point using Haversine formula method. The application is designed to develop a waste collection system from households to Temporary Disposal Sites (TDS), quickly and accurately. The application can be used by households and waste taxi bike drivers to communicate when the households need the taxi bike drivers to pick the waste up to the temporary collection points. A geographic information system application based on google maps API used to display the location of the taxi bike driver, TDS and the location of the waste collection (household). Haversine formula is used to get the nearest waste taxi bike driver to the location of the request for waste transportation. The result of this research is an application that can monitor and track waste collection. Using black box testing, the system has run according to the functions and scenarios designed. Based on the testing the system usability scale results, the application obtains a score of 70.125 which indicates that the application is classified as good and acceptable to users


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    Secara garis besar ada 3 jenis pengukuran yang dikenal sebagai pengukuran popularitas halaman web, yaitu:Popularitas Link, Popularitas Hit, dan Popularitas Trafik dimana dalam implementasinya popularitas linksangat erat kaitannya dengan cara kerja Search Engine Optimatization (SEO). Saat ini perkembangan dari situs webPemerintah Daerah memang meningkat pesat, namun baru dari segi kuantitas sedangkan sebagian besar pengelolasitus web Pemerintah Daerah belum mengoptimalkan efektifitas situs webnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmelakukan pemeringkatan situs web e-Government Pemerintah Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Bali berdasarkanpopularitas link free tools link popularitas checker yang dapat melihat dan mengukur kinerja situs web seperti Alexa,SEOQuake, dan Tools.Pingdom.Com. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemeringkatan situs web PemerintahKabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Bali berdasarkan traffik (Alexa) situs web Pemerintah Provinsi Bali (tertinggi)dan situs web Pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung (terendah), density keyword (SEOQuake) situs web PemerintahKabupaten Gianyar (tertinggi) dan situs web Pemerintah Kabupaten Karangasem (terendah), dan time loading(Tools.Pingdom.com) situs web Pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan (tertinggi) dan situs web Pemerintah KabupatenBuleleng (terendah)

    Implementation of Geographic Information System Based on Google Maps API to Map Waste Collection Point Using the Haversine Formula Method

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    Human life with all its activities cannot be separated from the existence of waste but the quality of post-consumption waste is generally still low. To convert waste into a more stable form and does not pollute the environment, it is required a precise waste collection system. Waste collection system is an important part of waste management. This study is proposed a geographic information system (GIS) application based on google maps Application Programming Interface (API) to map waste collection point using Haversine formula method. The application is designed to develop a waste collection system from households to Temporary Disposal Sites (TDS), quickly and accurately. The application can be used by households and waste taxi bike drivers to communicate when the households need the taxi bike drivers to pick the waste up to the temporary collection points. A geographic information system application based on google maps API used to display the location of the taxi bike driver, TDS and the location of the waste collection (household). Haversine formula is used to get the nearest waste taxi bike driver to the location of the request for waste transportation. The result of this research is an application that can monitor and track waste collection. Using black box testing, the system has run according to the functions and scenarios designed. Based on the testing the system usability scale results, the application obtains a score of 70.125 which indicates that the application is classified as good and acceptable to users


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    The combination of the system has been doing to improve the reliability of wireless communication. One parameter that indicates the reliability of wireless communication is to reduce the value of BER. The 4G technology uses OFDM transmission technique combined with MIMO antenna technique. Other than that, the combination between transmission technique can also be done, by incorporating the concept of multicarrier (OFDM) and spread spectrum as known as multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS). The combination of OFDM, spread spectrum, and MIMO are supported by the advantages of each of these techniques is expected to give a good performance in supporting the reliability of wireless communication. This research aimed to compare the value of BER vs. Eb/No between MC-SS MIMO system and OFDM MIMO system. The test of these systems are conducted by simulation using MatLab 2012 which aims to provide an overview of other related technologies are capable of providing wireless communication reliability.  The results of the simulation shows that the value of BER on MC-SS MIMO system is lower than MIMO OFDM system for all Eb/No. This condition also applies to AWGN and Rayleigh Fading channel. Kombinasi sistem dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kehandalan komunikasi wireless. Salah satu parameter yang menunjukkan kehandalan komunikasi wireless adalah dengan mengurangi nilai BER. Pada teknologi 4G menggunakan kombinasi teknik transmisi OFDM dengan teknik antena MIMO. Selain daripada itu, kombinasi antar teknik transmisi juga dapat dilakukan, yaitu dengan menggabungkan konsep multicarrier OFDM dengan spread spectrum yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS). Kombinasi antara OFDM, spread spectrum, dan MIMO yang didukung oleh kelebihan dari masing-masing teknik tersebut diharapkan mampu memberikan performansi yang baik dalam mendukung kehandalan komunikasi wireless. Dalam paper ini akan dibandingkan performansi menurut BER vs. Eb/No dari sistem MC-SS MIMO dengan OFDM MIMO. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak MatLab yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran terkait teknologi lain yang mampu memberikan kehandalan komunikasi wireless. Dalam hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa nilai BER pada sistem MC-SS MIMO lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sistem OFDM MIMO untuk semua nilai Eb/No baik pada kanal AWGN maupun Rayleigh Fading.</p

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja Convolutional Code pada Sistem MIMO MC-DSSS Melalui Kanal Rayleigh Fading

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    Kombinasi antara sistem MIMO (multiple input multiple output), OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), dan spread spectrum serta adanya teknik pengkodean kanal mampu mengurangi efek fading dan error yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan performansi dari sistem MIMO MC-DSSS (multi carrier-direct sequence spread spectrum) Uncoded atau tanpa pengkodean kanal dan MIMO MC-DSSS Convolutional Code atau dengan pengkodean kanal Convolutional yang melalui kanal Rayleigh Fading, ditinjau dari nilai dan grafik BER (bit error rate) berbanding Eb/No (energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode simulasi dengan menggunakan program Matlab R2015a. Hasil dari simulasi didapat unjuk kerja sistem MIMO MC-DSSS dengan Convolutional Code memiliki hasil yang lebih baik dari MIMO MC-DSSS. Pada kanal transmisi Rayleigh Fading untuk mencapi nilai BER sebesar 10-3 pada sistem MIMO MC-DSSS dengan Convolutional Code dibutuhkan Eb/No sebesar -7 dB. Sedangkan pada sistem MIMO MC-DSSS dibutuhkan Eb/No sebesar -3 dB.[turnitin 20%, 7-11-2016