32 research outputs found

    Pennies and Eggs: Initiation Into Inquiry Learning for Pre-Service Elementary Education Teachers

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    Two labs incorporating the Science Writing Heuristic are described that introduce scientific inquiry in a course for preservice students majoring in elementary education. One lab adapts a previously described discovery learning opportunity involving the change in composition and mass of pennies in 1982. The other involves the use of flotation methods to separate hard-boiled and uncooked eggs based on density. Evidence for student engagement with the method is presented, along with analysis of persistent problems with the concept of density revealed by students’ writing about their understandings

    Fostering Preservice Teacher Identity in Science through a Student-Selected Project

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    This article addresses the problem of authentic student engagement in the science classroom by incorporating a semester long research and writing assignment that enables students to investigate scientific topics related to strong personal, career, or health interests

    Soil health: looking for suitable indicators. What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health?

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    The 1995-2002 Long-Term Monitoring of Comet C/1995 O1 (HALE-BOPP) at Radio Wavelength

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    The bright comet Hale-Bopp provided the first opportunity to follow the outgassing rates of a number of molecular species over a large range of heliocentric distances. We present the results of our observing campaign at radio wavelengths which began in August 1995 and ended in January 2002. The observations were carried out with the telescopes of Nançay, IRAM, JCMT, CSO and, since September 1997, SEST. The lines of nine molecules (OH, CO, HCN, CH3OH, H2CO, H2S, CS, CH3CN and HNC) were monitored. CS, H2S, H2CO, CH3CN were detected up to rh= 3-4 AU from the Sun, while HCN and CH3OH were detected up to 6 AU. CO, which is the main driver of cometary activity at heliocentric distances larger than 3-4 AU, was last detected in August 2001, at rh= 14 AU. The gas production rates obtained from this programme contain important information on the nature of cometary ices, their thermal properties and sublimation mechanisms. Line shapes allow to measure gas expansion velocities, which, at large heliocentric distances, might be directly connected to the temperature of the nucleus surface. Inferred expansion velocity of the gas varied as rh-0.4 within 7 AU from the Sun, but remained close to 0.4 km s-1 further away. The CO spectra obtained at large rhare strongly blueshifted and indicative of an important day-to-night asymmetry in outgassing and expansion velocity. The kinetic temperature of the coma, estimated from the relative intensities of the CH3OH and CO lines, increased with decreasing rh, from about 10 K at 7 AU to 110 K around perihelion