11 research outputs found

    Faktor kebutuhan konsumen dalam membeli produk reuse

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    This article examines the factors that become the needs of consumers who once used the reused product. 8.50 LISREL program was used as a means of structural equation modeling analysis of the conceptual framework of research. The results showed that consumers of this category had the possibility to buy reused product if it had the reliability that might operate in accordance with its function, thus it does not matter if the price of reused product may equal to the price of new product. In addition, a guaranteed replacement of the damaged components during the warranty period and the ease of getting reused product on the market as well as innovation in the reused product continually pursued by the manufacturer would be a prerequisite factor in the willingness of consumers to buy reused product. On the other hand, a guarantee of reused product factually didn’t reduce the anxiety of consumers to buy reused product, neither did the reputation of a company that had not been agreed upon by consumers of this category as supporting quality of reused product

    Isu-isu pembangunan berkelanjutan

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    A great deal of waste, especially the packaging one, was not optimally handled. This causes any movement of waste reduction to run just as a temporary act, while many countries already adopted advanced technologies to reduce waste. The purpose of this article was to examine the importance of sustainable management of packaging waste to support sustainable development. Generally the necessary effort possibly carried out to achieve development is the one through continual living environment education and its application in real action. The solution to support sustainable development needs integrated acts involving four sides–family, government, industry, and educational institution

    Efektivitas program PKH-LKP dalam membentuk potensi wirausaha alumni lembaga pendidikan nonformal (studi kasus di LPPK Palupi Madiun)

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    This study aimed (1) to determine the level of effectiveness of the program in terms of alumni who ran independent business or who worked at a customized fashion DUDI with existing standards and (2) to know the motivating factors that lead them to choose to work at DUDI and fashion tailoring entrepreneurship. This research made use of explorative descriptive method. The sample was obtained using census. The results showed that 10% of alumni of the 2011 program worked at DUDI fashion, which did not exist previously. Likewise, there was a 30% increase in the number of alumni of the 2011 program who ran independent business compared to those of the 2012 program (which was only 10%). While the number of alumni of the 2012 program who worked at DUDI did not change (namely 7%). But the number of alumni of the 2012 program who worked as entrepreneurs increased from 50 % to 64% .Although the capability of the alumni already met the standard of competence (being able to become assistants of apparel maker), the effectiveness of performance set by LPPK Palupi on the 2011 program was only 71.43%. While, the achievement level of alumni of the 2012 program on both indicators set by the agent of LPPK Palupi was fulfilled 100%. The limited capability and nonpermanent income became the factors for the alumni to work at DUDI fashion rather than to work as entrepreneurs. While, the increase of income and unrestricted time of work due to the fact that the work could be done at home when doing some housework became the motivating factors for alumni to run fashion business after finishing the program

    Analisis pengembangan industri batik di Kota Madiun (studi kasus pada batik Primadewi Madiun)

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    Madiun in Eastern Java is better known as the city of Brem and pecel; people ignore some batik companies which actually have not yet operated optimally; one of them is Batik Primadewi Madiun. From the interviews with the business owners, the greatest obstacle in batik bussiness is marketing the products. The purpose of this study was to identify anything that makes marketing the products of Batik Primadewi Madiun problematic; it was the same as finding obstacles which hindered the batik business development. Qualitative descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis showed that the factors that constrained the product marketing was the lack of marketing personnel to focus on product marketing efforts and the lack of creativity in making new batik designs. Accordingly, the formulation of strategic development of Batik Primadewi Madiun was providing marketing personnel, using internet to inspire batik designs which were more various, enriching batik designs, making the batik designers available, establishing batik trainings, ensuring batik coloring trainings, strengthening internal management, improving the utilization of worth of mouth consumers, and becoming the initiator of the establishment of batik entrepreneur forum in Madiun

    Perancangan Alat Cetak Makanan Ringan “Busa Kepiting”

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    UMKM Busa Kepiting adalah salah satu industri rumah tangga di Kota Madiun yang memproduksi makanan ringan busa kepiting (Jawa: unthuk yuyu). Usaha ini memiliki peluang untuk meramaikan pasar makanan ringan khas Kota Madiun, namun belum mampu berproduksi secara optimal dikarenakan masih menggunakan alat cetak manual dalam proses produksinya. Selain itu posisi pekerja yang duduk pada bangku rendah mengakibatkan kurang ergonomisnya posisi pekerja saat melakukan aktivitasnya dan memunculkan keluhan ketidaknyamanan dari pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang alat pencetak makanan ringan busa kepiting agar dapat menjadi alternatif alat kerja yang ada saat ini. Dengan menggunakan dasar teori ergonomi, stop watch time study dan perancangan produk, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan antropometri tinggi siku duduk menghasilkan alat cetak yang memiliki dimensi tinggi 660 mm. Alat cetak ini menghasilkan waktu baku 1,0152 jam/kg dengan output standar sebesar 0,9850 kg/jam yang sama dengan output saat menggunakan alat kerja manual yaitu kurang lebih 1 kg/jam hasil gorengan makanan ringan busa kepiting.   Kata kunci: busa kepiting, alat cetak busa kepiting, ergonom

    Pembuatan dan pemanfaatan web Desa Brumbun sebagai sarana transparansi informasi

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    The utilization of technology in indonesiawas very lacking, so was the digital literacyapplication; in effect, the utilization of technology had not reached the productive phase.Information and the potential especially in rural areas had not been fully published well and widely because of not utilizing current technology. One of the right and effective means that was not used was a website and youtube. Brumbunwas one of the villages located in WunguSubdistrict, Madiun Regency currently developing both the village and tourism potential. Activities had been carried out to support the village program on information openness, potential, and tourism. The activities were: 1) establishing the Village Information and Communication Technology team, 2) makinga Website, 3) making YouTube channels, and 4) training website admin and news writing.The community service activities had a positive impact on the village officials, the Brumbun Village tourism awareness group, the village community, and the wider community receiving the information provided.This event had been reported to KOMINFO Madiunregency to get the sub domain name of DINAS KOMINFO. DINAS KOMINFO appreciated these activities and hoped that this was able to the pilot project for other villages Madiun regency

    System Dynamic Analysis of the Fleet Availability and Reliability Influence on the Lead Time of the Delivery Order Process

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    The inventory replenishment process in the warehouse becomes difficult if there is uncertainty. It can cause warehouse performance not to be as expected. The warehouse is an important part of the supply chain subsystem, which smooths the flow of goods from upstream to downstream throughout the system. This paper uses system dynamics modeling to analyze the replenishment of raw materials where there is randomness in availability and reliability and their effects on the delivery lead time of the fleet. The model obtained is much simpler but more robust when compared to the analytical-mathematical model or the discrete-events simulation. Tests on the model show that the model can behave as it should logically. Several experiments were conducted to see how fleet availability's reliability can affect the delay in receiving or delivery lead time. One interesting thing revealed is that reliability does not have to be 100%, but there is a certain minimum threshold for the system to perform well. This is different from availability, which must be 100%

    Penentuan output standar produksi bagian sablon (studi kasus di bagian sablon motif PT. Kaibon Indah Madiun)

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    PT. Kaibon Indah Madiun is a manufacturing company which produces ceramic ware with flow shop production. The company required that each department applied output standard that should be gained by every employee in the department. But, screening department did not own such a standard intended. In fact, average output produced by an employee in screening department was 450 sheets/day. And the differences of output standard possessed by each department caused the next process to be idle. The analysis, using Shop Watch Time Study methods, shows that the standard time to finish screening process was 0.0133 hour/sheet with standard output 75 sheets/hour or 600 sheets/day. Capacity increased about 33.33% (from 450 sheets/day into 600 sheets/day)

    Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Sisa Bambu Menjadi Arang dengan Reaktor Pirolisis Ke Masyarakat Desa Mojopurno untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Energi Bersih

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    Masyarakat pedesaan memilih kayu dan ranting sebagai bahan bakar kegiatan masak-memasak di dapur daripada menggunakan minyak atau bahan bakar lain. Namun karena asap yang ditimbulkan maka pemerintah menyediakan gas elpiji tabung sebagai pengganti bahan bakar kayu dan ranting tersebut. Biaya yang dikeluarkan menjadi bertambah karena gas tersebut harus dibeli, meskipun dengan harga subsidi. Sementara itu ketersediaan kayu, bambu dan ranting banyak tersedia di pedesaan. Cara yang dapat ditempuh ialah mengubah sampah kayu dan ranting menjadi arang. Acara ini diadakan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi reaktor pembuat arang dari bahan sisa-sisa kayu, bambu atau ranting-ranting dengan metode pirolisis. Reaktor dibuat dari drum bekas. Sudah banyak tercipta teknologi tepat guna yang terpublikasi di berbagai media sosial. Teknologi itu perlu diimplementasikan ke pihak yang membutuhkan. Di daerah Mojopurno banyak terdapat sisa-sisa kayu yang tidak terpakai yang umumnya dimanfaatkan secara sederhana sebagai kayu bakar di dapur. Panas yang diperoleh tidak maksimal. Banyak asap yang timbul berdampak tidak bagus bagi penghuni rumah, juga bagi bumi secara keseluruhan karena menambah emisi carbon. Dengan menjadikannya arang, maka pemanfaatan energi dapat maksimum, dan yang juga penting: nyaris tidak menimbulkan asap. Arang yang diperoleh dapat menjadi bahan bakar bersih di dapur, terutama bagi masyarakat di desa Mojopurno

    Redesain tata letak fasilitas produksi pada Tjoa’s Kitchen

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    Tjoa’s Kitchen merupakan usaha kecil berbasis online yang bergerak dibidang makanan khususnya hidangan Korea. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Tjoa’s Kitchen adalah tata letak fasilitas yang kurang efektif dan efisien dalam melakukan proses layanan yang menimbulkan jarak material handling serta backtracking. Akibatnya waktu layanan menjadi lama dan kelelahan pada pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh layout fasilitas pada bagian produksi Tjoa’s Kitchen untuk mengurangi waktu layanan, jarak backtracking, dan proses pemindahan bahan. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat 4 menu yang menjadi objek penelitian yaitu Ddakgangjeong, Tteokkboki, Original Gimbap, dan Bibimbap. Metode yang digunakan adalah Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) dan matriks From To Chart (FTC) untuk menentukan waktu baku pelayanan dan jarak antar fasilitas. Dalam menyusun layout usulan digunakan metode Activity Relationship Chart (ARC). Untuk menghasilkan penurunan waktu pelayanan yang signifikan, maka diperlukan proses pelayanan dari make to order menjadi assembly to order. Penelitian ini menghasilkan layout usulan dengan pengurangan waktu pelayanan per menu rata-rata sebesar 11% dari layout awal yaitu sekitar 0,371 menit atau 22,23 detik. Jarak material handling dan backtracking hasil layout usulan menurun sebesar 48% dan 62% dari layout awal