39 research outputs found

    Pengembangan model strategic marketing outcome pada industri pariwisata melalui integrasi commitment-trust, power-dependence dan social capital

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    Industri pariwisata memiliki karakteristik saling tergantung satu sama lain (interdependence), yang terbagi dalam tiga jenis yaitu: (1) Hospitality Industry (Food and Baverage, dan Akomodasi); (2) Travel (Retail dan Wholeseller; Operator); (3) Visitor Services (Attraction; Event; dan Tourism Agencies). Oleh karena itu, untuk membangun industri pariwisata yang kuat diperlukan hubungan antar organisasi yang kuat. Hubungan antar organisasi atau yang dikenal dengan business-to business relationship dapat dibangun baik melalui commitment-trust , power-depence dan social capital. Salah satu kota di Indonesia yang menonjol dalam bidang pariwisata adalah Kota Batu yang merupakan ikon wisata Jawa Timur. Padahal sekitar tahun 2006-2007, industri wisata Kota Batu sempat terpuruk akibat luapan lumpur Lapindo. Pada tahun 2012, total wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kota Batu mencapai 1.603.441 wisatawan. Pada tahun 2013 meningkat mencapai 1.881.446 wisatawan dan 2.089.022 wisatawan pada tahun 2014 (Kota Batu Dalam Angka 2015). Angka itu naik drastis jika dibandingkan pada tahun 2007 saat kondisi wisata Kota Batu terpuruk akibat luapan lumpur Lapindo, dimana jumlah kunjungan wisata kurang dari 1 juta orang. Angka itu naik drastis jika dibandingkan pada tahun 2007 dimana jumlah kunjungan wisata kurang dari 1 juta orang. Bahkan pada APBD 2016, Pemkot Batu memasang target pendapatan Rp 1 triliun dimana 80% berasal dari sektor pariwisata. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian inti akan dikaji bagaimana pemerintah dan masyarakat Kota Batu mengembangkan industri pariwisata terutama dalam hal aspek commitment –trust, power dependence dan social capital.. Hasil kajian tersebut, nantinya akan dibuat model strategic marketing outcome pengembangan industri pariwisata yang dapat dijadikan satu alternatif strategi untuk pengembangan pariwisata di daerah lain.. Tehnik analisis menggunakan kombinasi analisis yaitu analisa statistik, analisa kebijakan dan ekplanatori survei (explanation research). Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah industri pariwisata di Kota Batu.. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah stakeholders industri pariwisata yaitu pengelola usaha wisata dan masyarakat. Berdasar hasil analisa statistik, diketahui bahwa dari aspek commitment-trust, social capital dan power dependence yang signifikan berpengaruh hanya variabel power dependence. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya peran pemerintah dalam mengembangan industri pariwisata

    Kapabilitas Dinamik dan Keunggulan Bersaing: Dinamisme Lingkungan Moderator ataukah Driver?

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the role of environmental dynamism in relation to dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage. This study uses a quantitative approach and type of explanatory research. The survey was conducted at 130 MSMEs in Malang Raya. Hypothesis testing using SEM-PLS. The findings of the study prove that environmental dynamism is a driver for dynamic capability, while providing evidence that environmental dynamism acts as a negative moderator for achieving competitive advantage. Another finding is that dynamic capabilities have a major effect on competitive advantage while simultaneously acting as fully mediating environmental dynamism with competitive advantage. The implication is important for MSMEs to develop dynamic capabilities in order to deal with environmental dynamism so that MSMEs can increase competitive advantage because if they do not develop dynamic capabilities, environmental dynamism will reduce MSME's competitive advantage

    Peran Daya Tarik Desa Wisata dan Community Based Tourism dalam Membangun Citra Desa Wisata

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    This study aims to determine: 1) the influence of tourist village attraction to image of tourist village; 2) the influence of community based tourism to image of tourist village; and 3) the influence of community based tourism in strengthening tourist village attraction to images of tourist village. This research was conducted in Batu City with a sample of 120 tourists. The results show: 1) the tourist village attraction has a significant effect to images of tourist village; 2) the influence of community based tourism has a significant effect to images of tourist village; and 3) the community based tourism does not strengthen the influence of tourist village attraction to images of tourist village, but the direct influence of Community Based Tourism on the image of a tourist village is greater than the direct effect of the attractiveness of a tourist village on the image of a tourist villag

    Peran Perencanaan Skenario dan Flexibel Budget Pada Bisnis Kuliner dalam Menghadapi Ketidakpastian di Masa Pandemi

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    Jumlah UMK makanan minuman di Jawa Timur menempati posisi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia dengan jumlah mencapai 746.732. Namun sayangnya di masa pandemi UMKM makanan/minuman (baik home industry makanan/minuman kemasan maupun usaha warung kopi, depot dan café) mengalami rata-rata penurunan 63%. Kondisi ketidakpastian akibat pandemi yang membuat Pemerintah di setiap daerah secara periodik mengeluarkan kebijakan PPKM sesuai level kondisi penyebaran Covid-19 menyebabkan pelaku UMKM mengalami pasang surut penghasilan. Oleh karena itu, untuk membantu meminimasi kerugian usaha maka penting untuk menerapkan perencanaan berbasis skenario yang disertai dengan penetapan budget sesuai kondisi (flexible budget). Misal jika daerah berada pada level 3 (wfh 50%) maka skenario mana yang akan dijalankan dan berapa perkiraan budgetnya, begitu juga halnya jika daerah berada pada level 4 (wfh 100%) skenario mana yang akan dijalankan dan berapa perkiraan budgetnya. Sehingga UMKM mempuyai alternatif plan dan budget untuk dijalankan sesuai kondisi yang terjadi

    The Role of Quadruple Helix in Supporting Sustainability of Culinary Business

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    The number of food and beverage MSEs in East Java occupies the second highest position in Indonesia with a total of 746,732. But unfortunately, during the pandemic, food/beverage MSMEs (both packaged food/beverage home industries as well as coffee shop businesses, depots, and cafes) experienced an average decline of 63%. The condition of uncertainty due to the pandemic, which has forced the Government in each region to periodically issue PPKM policies, according to the level of conditions for the spread of Covid-19, has caused MSME actors to experience ups and downs in income. Therefore, to help minimize business losses in addition to creativity and innovation, business actors also need support from various parties, including the government, academics, and the community (Quadruple Helix). This study aims to analyze how big the role of government, academics, and the community has been shown so far and what business actors need for the role of government, academics, and the community

    Investment attractiveness rating and factors affecting

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    This research aims to determine: 1) rating of investment attraction based on investor assessment; and 2) the factors which have significant effects on investment attraction of the city. Location research is in Batu city Indonesia with number of samples as 65 investors. The data analysis technique of this study uses a Multiple Regression Analysis. The independent variables used in this study are: 1) infrastructure; 2) labor availability; 3) agglomeration; 4) natural resources, 5) markets; 6) licensing system, and 7) leadership. Investment attraction is indicated with rating assessment by investors. The results show: 1) rating of Batu city investment attraction is high; and 2) licensing system and leadership have significant influences on investment attraction. Based on the result, it is very important for a city to create a conducive climate (pro investment) to attract investors, especially in the ease of the licensing system. In addition, local governments must be able to provide positive signals in the form of commitment for the investment development in Batu city. This is necessary since the city development process really needs investor suppor

    Development of Tourist Village Model Through “Pokdarwis” Empowerment and Information Technology Utilization

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    Tourism sector is the one of the leading sectors of Batu City in Indonesia. To facilitate the achievement of the target of marketing Batu City in the international world, Government of Batu City can explore the natural attractions or the uniqueness of local tourism through the development of Rural Tourism. In early stage the development of Tourism Village in Batu City is done by forming Community Based Tourism called Pokdarwis. This research is a case study on Pokdarwis in Village of Pesanggrahan, Junrejo, Dadaprejo and Tulungrejo in Batu City. Analytical techniques used in this study is descriptive analysis. Based on the results of data analysis in three locations of tourism villages shows that Pokdarwis still has not played an effective role in tourism activities. Only one village is Tulungrejo Village whose Pokdarwis activities are visible. In general, Pokdarwis in three villages faced obstacles in the implementation of activities in terms of: 1) Pokdarwis members still lacked awareness about the importance and benefits of increasing tourism activities in the region, 2) Pokdarwis members still due independently marketing and promoting their personal business, not their region; 3) The Government of Tourism Department does not coordinate and assist them intensively. These three things, hampered the development of tourist villages. In fact in these three villages each has excellent potential that can be developed. Therefore, to improve the role of Pokdarwis it is suggest that the goverment must empower Pokdarwis trough : 1) conduct socialization and training to open the the community mind about the importance and benefits of tourism activities development in the region; 2) help choose a reliable leader; and 3) conduct intensive coordination and assistance. In general it can be concluded that the existence of Pokdarwis needs to be supported and nurtured continuously, so that it can play a more effective role in mobilizing public participation in creating conducive environment and atmosphere to improve and develop tourism activities around tourism destinations. In addition it also needs the introduction of information technology for Pokdarwis to promote the potential of their village. Keywords: Pokdarwis, Community Based Tourism, Tourism Village, Empower, Information Technolog

    Determinan Kunci Dalam Meningkatkan Serapan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Industri

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of business units, investment value, production value, City Minimum Wage (UMK) and economic growth on labor absorption. The data in this study were obtained from the publication of Kota Batu in Figures (BPS Kota Batu) and the Department of Investment and Manpower of Batu City. The method of analysis uses descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis using the help of EViews11. The results of this study indicate that business units, investment value and economic growth have a major impact in increasing labor absorption in the formal and informal industrial sectors. Business units are the main determinants in increasing labor absorption in the formal and informal industrial sectors. Batu City Government needs to create a conducive investment climate, in order to attract investors so that the industry can develop both in terms of quality and quantity so that it is expected to create new jobs and reduce unemployment

    How to Create Provincial Investment Attraction

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    Indonesia consists of 34 provinces which have uneven levels of development. Each province must be able to attract investors to help increase development in their regions. Therefore this study aims to see how the influence of the availability of quality human resources, labor costs and economic growth on investment attractiveness in 34 provinces in Indonesia. Data analysis uses a multiple regression analysis.The results of this study show that: 1) the quality of human resources showed by HDI (Human Development Index) has a significant and positive affect on the foreign investment value, 2) the level of wages of employees/labor has a significant and positive affect on the foreign investment value, and 3) the economic growth level as indicated by the growth rate of GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) has a significant and positive affect on the foreign investment value. Therefore to attract foreign investors, each province must be able to provide a quality workforce and show economic growt

    How To Increase City Investment Attraction

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    This study aims to find out: 1) how the investment influences the Local Own-Source Revenue; and 2) what factors must be considered to attract investors to invest. The research was conducted in Batu City, a city that has great potential in the tourism (one of the cities with the highest number of tourists in East Java) and agriculture (famous for its apple farming products). The results show that the increase in regional investment had a significant effect on the increase in Local Revenue. Therefore, the Regional Government must be able to attract investors to invest in their regions by: 1) preparing adequate facilities and infrastructure, 2) preparing skilled human resources, and 3) setting up an effective and efficient bureaucratic system.