635 research outputs found

    Turkey and the European Union: Creating Domestic Norms through International Socialization

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    The Republic of Turkey is the most controversial candidate state for European Union membership to date. Not only does Turkey face obstacles with the technical aspects of the enlargement process such as changes in domestic policies, the legal system, and economy, but the proposed accession of Turkey to the European Union exposes a divergence in norms, values and state identity. The process of international socialization is one explanation for the domestic changes occurring in Turkey as part of European Union membership negotiations. Through the lens of the constructivist-rationalist debate in international relations, this study examines how changes in domestic norms are imposed on a target state by an international actor, eventually leading to changes in state behavior and identity. Secularism and the status of women in Turkey are utilized as examples that demonstrate both similarities and differences in the normative values of Turkey and the European Union. This study concludes with a discussion of the credibility of the European Union\u27s offer of membership and its impact on the international socialization process occurring in Turkey. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 The Military Religious Organizations Judicial Systems and Courts Healthcare or medical systems National government Honesty of elections Financial institutions or banks Quality and integrity of the media In Turkey, do you have confidence in each of the following or not? Percent saying yes

    Connection and Transition: Influences of Career Mobility on the Close Friendships of Women Student Affairs Professionals

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    This study examined the close friendships of women student affairs professionals and explored the influences of career mobility on those relationships. Data were collected in individual interviews. Participants included 14 women ages 27 to 45 (8 single, 6 partnered; 4 Black or African American, 10 White or Caucasian; 4 lesbian, 10 heterosexual) All had a master’s degree (from 6 institutions in 4 states) in student affairs, 4 had a doctorate (from 2 universities in 2 states). The women were living in five states and working at 10 colleges and universities in the West, South, and Midwest. Two were working at community colleges, 5 at small private colleges, and 7 at large four-year universities. Primary responsibilities were in six different functional areas. Participants defined close friendship and described the challenges of making professional and personal transitions. Implications for the student affairs profession are considered

    Recruitment and retention of entry-level staff in housing and residence life: A report on activities supported by the ACUHO-I Commissioned Research Program

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    For the past several years, many housing and residence life operations have had fewer candidates apply for the entry-level resident director position. Yet, although these institutions have experienced a shortfall in candidates, a number of housing operations continue to receive a large number of interested applicants through their recruitment efforts and they are able to retain these staff for several years. In 2004, a team of researchers was awarded an ACUHO-I Commissioned Research grant to study several issues central to recruitment and retention of entry-level staff. The researchers completed six studies that are described in this report

    Post-Conflict Justice and Legal Traditions: A New Conceptual Framework

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    Transitional justice seeks to deal with legacies of the most brutal conflicts and political transitions within states; however, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Post-conflict justice, as a subset of transitional justice, is concerned with justice mechanisms in the wake of armed conflict. Despite a growing literature exploring the conceptualization and effectiveness of transitional justice, less attention has been paid to the factors influencing the decision to adopt transitional justice and choice of mechanism(s). Further, theoretical understandings of how these choices ultimately contribute to the broader goals of justice, truth, and peace are limited. This study proposes domestic legal traditions as an explanatory factor influencing the pursuit of post-conflict justice. More specifically, I expect to find that states have preferred, or congruent post-conflict justice mechanisms based on their domestic legal traditions. To test this relationship, I develop a congruence variable to link domestic legal traditions to post-conflict justice mechanisms. I utilize the Post-Conflict Justice (PCJ) Dataset to test hypotheses regarding adoption and mechanism selection, finding that states prefer specific post-conflict justice mechanisms. More importantly, a survival analysis shows that the implementation of congruent post-conflict justice mechanisms increases the likelihood of longer-lasting peace in the post-conflict period. These findings provide key insights into important factors that can inform policy and best practices when considering the adoption and implementation of post-conflict justice

    Student personnel preparation programs: The capstone seminar

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    In many 2-year graduate programs in college student personnel, students tend to devote their 1st year to required courses while the 2nd year is spent in electives, cognates, and practica. For 2nd-year students, this pattern often results in a severe reduction of valuable contact with peers) faculty) and professional staff. To combat equally high percentage supported the program’s continuation. The one service area rated less favorably than we had hoped was the series of mini-study-skills seminars, with only 50% of the students viewing this as helpful to their academic progress. This could possibly be the result of the seminars’ concentration on generic skills, and the students’ inability to relate them directly to their own study situations

    Pancasila: Roadblock or Pathway to Economic Development

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    When Sukarno (1901-1970) led Indonesia towards independence from the Dutch, he rallied his supporters behind the vision of Pancasila (five principles). And although Sukarno used different wordings on different occasions and ranked the five principles differently in different speeches, Pancasila entered Indonesia’s constitution as follows: (1) Belief in one God, (2) Just and civilized humanity, (3) Indonesian unity, (4) Democracy under the wise guidance of representative consultations, (5) Social justice for all the peoples of Indonesia (Pancasila, 2013). Pancasila is a normative value system. This requires that a Pancasila economic framework must be the means towards the realization of this normative end. McCawley (1982, p. 102) poses the question: “What, precisely, is meant by ‘Pancasila Economics’?” and laments that “[a]s soon as we ask this question, there are difficulties because, as most contributors to the discussion admit, it is all rather vague.” A discussion of the nature of Pancasila economics is therefore as relevant today as it was back then. As far as the history of Pancasila economic thought is concerned, McCawley (1982, p. 103ff.) points at the importance of the writings of Mubyarto (1938-2005) and Boediono (1943-present). Both have stressed five major characteristics of Pancasila economics. These characteristics must be seen in the context of Indonesia as a geographically and socially diverse developing country after independence. They are discussed in the following five sub-sections