12,587 research outputs found

    Richmond National Battlefield Park

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    This post is part of a series featuring behind-the-scenes dispatches from our Pohanka Interns on the front lines of history this summer as interpreters, archivists, and preservationists. See here for the introduction to the series. Richmond National Battlefield Park consists of thirteen sites around Richmond that document the battles for control of the Confederate capital. Several of the park sites feature earthworks; at Fort Harrison the earthen wall of the fort towers twenty feet over the ditch below, by the Totopotomoy Creek the earthworks have been eroded to barely a few inches in height. But the most infamous earthworks are on the Cold Harbor battlefield. [excerpt

    Noncommutativity and Duality through the Symplectic Embedding Formalism

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    This work is devoted to review the gauge embedding of either commutative and noncommutative (NC) theories using the symplectic formalism framework. To sum up the main features of the method, during the process of embedding, the infinitesimal gauge generators of the gauge embedded theory are easily and directly chosen. Among other advantages, this enables a greater control over the final Lagrangian and brings some light on the so-called "arbitrariness problem". This alternative embedding formalism also presents a way to obtain a set of dynamically dual equivalent embedded Lagrangian densities which is obtained after a finite number of steps in the iterative symplectic process, oppositely to the result proposed using the BFFT formalism. On the other hand, we will see precisely that the symplectic embedding formalism can be seen as an alternative and an efficient procedure to the standard introduction of the Moyal product in order to produce in a natural way a NC theory. In order to construct a pedagogical explanation of the method to the nonspecialist we exemplify the formalism showing that the massive NC U(1) theory is embedded in a gauge theory using this alternative systematic path based on the symplectic framework. Further, as other applications of the method, we describe exactly how to obtain a Lagrangian description for the NC version of some systems reproducing well known theories. Naming some of them, we use the procedure in the Proca model, the irrotational fluid model and the noncommutative self-dual model in order to obtain dual equivalent actions for these theories. To illustrate the process of noncommutativity introduction we use the chiral oscillator and the nondegenerate mechanics

    A Gravitational Effective Action on a Finite Triangulation

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    We construct a function of the edge-lengths of a triangulated surface whose variation under a rescaling of all the edges that meet at a vertex is the defect angle at that vertex. We interpret this function as a gravitational effective action on the triangulation, and the variation as a trace anomaly.Comment: 5 pages; clarifications, acknowledgements, references adde

    The manufacture of coal gas in St. Louis

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    Coal gas is made by heating Bituminous Coal in closed fire-clay retorts, for four or five hours, at a bright red heat. An exhauster pulls the gas from the retort as fast as it is generated in order to prevent, as much as possible, the breaking up of the hydrocarbons into carbon and hydrogen by the hot molls of the retort --page 2

    Characteristic features of the microbiology of the Webster and Tama silt loams

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    The Noncommutative Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts-Amorim Space

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    This work is an effort in order to compose a pedestrian review of the recently elaborated Doplicher, Fredenhagen, Roberts and Amorim (DFRA) noncommutative (NC) space which is a minimal extension of the DFR space. In this DRFA space, the object of noncommutativity (θμν\theta^{\mu\nu}) is a variable of the NC system and has a canonical conjugate momentum. The DFRA formalism is constructed in an extended space-time with independent degrees of freedom associated with the object of noncommutativity θμν\theta^{\mu\nu}. A consistent algebra involving the enlarged set of canonical operators is described, which permits one to construct theories that are dynamically invariant under the action of the rotation group. A consistent classical mechanics formulation is analyzed in such a way that, under quantization, it furnishes a NC quantum theory with interesting results. The Dirac formalism for constrained Hamiltonian systems is considered and the object of noncommutativity θij\theta^{ij} plays a fundamental role as an independent quantity. It is also explained about the generalized Dirac equation issue, that the fermionic field depends not only on the ordinary coordinates but on θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} as well. The dynamical symmetry content of such fermionic theory is discussed, and we show that its action is invariant under P{\cal P}'. In the last part of this work we analyze the complex scalar fields using this new framework. As said above, in a first quantized formalism, θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} and its canonical momentum πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} are seen as operators living in some Hilbert space. In a second quantized formalism perspective, we show an explicit form for the extended Poincar\'e generators and the same algebra is generated via generalized Heisenberg relations. We also consider a source term and construct the general solution for the complex scalar fields using the Green function technique

    The production of surface-active material by marine phytoplankton cultures

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    The production of surface-active materials (surfactants) by axenic cultures of five marine diatoms, a dinoflagellate, and a coccolithophorid (all grown in uniform culture conditions) was determined by measuring the volume and stability of the foam produced by shaking...

    Roadmap for KRSM RTD

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