849 research outputs found

    An Alternative Approach to the Singer\u27s Breath: Method and Workshop

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    This research endeavors to stretch the boundaries of vocal training, a field defined by its century-old techniques and teachings, to include the cultivation of a relationship with the breath, body, and Self. The paper reviews the contributions of Ilse Middendorf and Carl Stough’s work with the breath and body and outlines a new method, Unlock Your Breath (UYB) – Performance Breathwork, which integrates the greatest strengths of those methods. UYB Performance Breathwork teaches the singer’s breath as a way towards deeper embodiment of Self (mind-body-voice relationship), while creating a stronger breath-body-voice connection with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. This research demonstrates the efficacy of the UYB method through a workshop delivered in a university setting to study participants consisting of thirty-six vocal performance degree-pursuing students and three voice faculty members at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research methods consisting of a pre- and post-workshop questionnaire completed by each study participant and interviews with voice faculty. Results of the study demonstrate three major obstacles that keep singers from connecting to their breath and body, and discovering their authentic voice: (1) absence of relationship with Self; (2) lack of self-worth; and (3) fear of vulnerability. The data also show that participation in the workshop significantly improved participants’ self-confidence, self-awareness, body and breathing knowledge, and self-rating of vocal skill, while decreasing participants’ concerns around others’ perceptions of them. The data support an understanding of the breath as the connecting force between the body, mind, and voice, and concludes that the voice is merely a reflection and manifestation of our current state-of-being, meaning our present relationship with the breath, body, and mind. These results suggest that the UYB Performance Breathwork method may be used to expand teaching of artistic human voice production. Using a breathing method that is grounded in somatic awareness resulted in student attainment of a much deeper intrapersonal relationship, while allowing for discovery of an authentic understanding of how the individual’s breath and body works in coordination with their voice

    Letter from H. Williard to John Muir, 1905 Jnn 28.

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    PUBLISHINGDEPARTMENTA.C.M CLURG &. CO. 215-221 WABASH AVENUE. CHICAGO. June 28, 1905Mr. John Muir, Martinez, Calif. Dear Mr. Muir:- Since I returned from the Coast I have been very busily engaged in routine work, and until now have had no opportunity to make up for your daughter, Miss Helen, the print which I promised to send her. I have pleasure in forwarding it to her in your care, and hope it will arrive duly, and trust she may enjoy it. I have put in with the print one I just lately made of a hickory tree, which, being a photograph (and a rather good one at that) of a tree, I have thought you might enjoy having. I find also I have a good, print taken from near Rainbow Spring, on Mount Lowe, looking down the mountain, which it occurred to me you might enjoy having, inasmuch as it. is a quite typical illustration of the mountains of Southern California. This I have put in the package, and two copies of one of the negatives I made of yourself in your library. I confess these portraits are not very good, but perhaps they will interest you, as they are, I believe, unlike anything you have so far. Should you care for them, I would gladly send you some more prints of this portrait. Would you also greatly oblige me by giving Mrs. Muir the little landscape with mountains and river included in the package, together with my kind wishes. I have the most vivid recollection of the profitable and pleasant Sunday which I spent at your home in April, and also of the joyful little luncheon party participated in by yourself, Keith, Willis Polk and myself on the Monday following. I trust you will accept my kind regards, and I remainVery cordially yoursH. WillardDict. S.L.W.[in margin: Misc - Johnson Osborn Sargent [illegible]]0358

    The Revelation of God in the Revelation to St John

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    The question to which this present paper addresses itself is that concerning the nature of revelation as this is reflected in the Revelation to John. It asks whether God\u27s revelation in that writing is of Himself or of facts concerning Himself; what the source of the revelation is and in what manner it takes place; and whether revelation is an event of the past, the present, or the future. The Apocalypse is examined first to determine if its message can be clearly enough understood today to provide evidence for this investigation. The investigation then turns to the language describing revelation and the activity of revealing in the writing. Conclusions are drawn in the final chapter

    Can We Innovate Our Way out of the Opioid Epidemic?

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    Degradation and health monitoring of lithium-ion batteries is explored through life-cycle testing and failure analysis. Test samples comprised of four different battery types from two different manufactures underwent aging and charge/discharge cycling using a variety of load profiles including constant current discharge, pulsed discharge, and varying depths of discharge. Data from in situ monitoring of several parameters including current, voltage, temperature and internal resistance, was analyzed in order to find the best features that could be used to track and characterize battery performance degradation. Degraded samples were disassembled according to a newly developed disassembly methodology that considered the effects of the environment on post-disassembly failure analysis results. Several different failure analysis methods were used in order to gain an understanding of how degradation mechanisms propagate from a materials stand point. Battery electrodes were investigated to observe changes in their chemical and mechanical structures

    1794 Middletown, Delaware--From accounting records

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    The economic life, customs and importance of 1794 Middletown, Delaware are interpreted from the accounting ledgers of a general store and a blacksmith shop

    The Extension of Warranty Protection to Lease Transactions

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    Barter: Development of accounting practice and theory

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    John Mair, in 1752, stated, Barter, or the exchange of goods for goods, is nothing else but buying and selling blended together. This statement, for all its seeming simplicity, is an excellent expression of the confusion which has accompanied the practice and theory of recording this most basic commercial transaction. Can one accounting transaction be both a sale and a purchase at one and the same time and for the same accounting entity
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