10 research outputs found

    Raw data

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    The file contains raw data from the behavioural and fungal exposure experiments. Each worksheet is labelled with the corresponding experiment and more information about the raw data is given at the top of each worksheet

    Gene expression results from Caste-biased gene expression in a facultatively eusocial bee suggests a role for genetic accommodation in the evolution of eusociality

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    For each tissue, logFC and FDR-corrected p-values are given for each pairwise comparison of groups for all <i>Megalopta genalis</i> contigs expressed in the tissue. Along with contig ID, putative orthologs to <i>Apis mellifera</i> and <i>Bombus terrestris</i> based on BLAST reciprocal best hits and PANTHER annotations are provided


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    Metapleural gland use by different attine species for the 60 minutes following infection of the fungus garden with a fungal pathogen (Metarhizium anisopliae), data at the colony level. Microsoft Excel was used to create the data file

    Putative orthologs and conversion lists from Caste-biased gene expression in a facultatively eusocial bee suggests a role for genetic accommodation in the evolution of eusociality

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    BLAST reciprocal best hit results between <i>Megalopta genalis</i> and <i>Apis mellifera</i>, as well as between <i>M. genalis</i> and <i>Bombus terrestris</i>. Conversion lists used to translate between two <i>A. mellifera</i> microarrays, an older (OGSv2.0) and current (OGSv3.2) annotation of the honey bee genome are also provided

    Gene Ontology enrichment results from Caste-biased gene expression in a facultatively eusocial bee suggests a role for genetic accommodation in the evolution of eusociality

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    PANTHER pathways and GO-Slim Biological Processes overrepresented in DEGs for each pairwise comparison of groups. Only categories with a Bonferroni-corrected p-value of less than 0.05 are shown. In addition to pairwise lists, results from the comparison between workers and long-term reproductive groups (queens and solitary reproductive females) as shown in Figure 2 are given


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    Percent mycelial cover on eggs, larvae and pupae across different attine ant species, data at the colony level. Colonies collected in the field and mycelial cover observed in the lab. Microsoft Excel was used to create the data file

    Overlapping gene lists and representation factor results for gene expression studies from Caste-biased gene expression in a facultatively eusocial bee suggests a role for genetic accommodation in the evolution of eusociality

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    For each study comparison, gene lists are provided for the study, the shared universe between studies, as well as direction-specific lists for each comparison. Also provided are the numbers of overlapping genes, the representation factor, and the p-value for each test

    Trachymyrmex data archive

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    We include 7 excel sheets, Workers allometries, Colony forming units, Nuber of sporulating conidia, Proportion of sporuling conid(ia), Workers actinomyetes cover, Colony size, and MG grooming and actinomyctes. The data from each sheets have all the information corresponds. All the data from come Panama