53 research outputs found

    Examining first year students' preparedness for studying engineering

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    The purpose of this paper is to report on initial descriptive data of this longitudinal project which will examine the knowledge, motivation, personality, and learning approaches of first year engineering students and how well they each predict subsequent retention and academic performance. These outcomes are yet to be achieved and are beyond the scope of this paper

    A Decade of Agriculture Graduates’ Employability and Career Pathways

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    There is increasing pressure on universities to produce employable graduates. Currently, the University of New England (UNE) has a suite of undergraduate agriculture courses. The project used an evidence based approach which evaluated graduate’s employability based on their choice of course and the relevance of Australian Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for Agriculture, which underpin UNE’s agriculture courses. The past decade of UNE agriculture graduates (2005-2016) were invited to participate in an online survey. Of the respondents, 95-100% agreed each TLO was relevant to their current employment. The initial industries that graduates were employed in after graduation were agronomy, agribusiness and animal sciences. Of all graduates who are currently employed in industry, three quarters had changed employers, with two thirds moving to another agricultural industry since commencing work. Over half of the respondents had engaged in additional study from short courses to PhDs, with about 20% studying to become vocational, primary or secondary teachers. For many graduates on-campus residential college life was important for developing positive connections in learning, social activities and employment networks which persisted post-graduation. Survey results were used to inform the development of an online career pathway resource for prospective and current students, and information from the TLO survey has been fed back into unit and course reviews

    Development and Application of a Distributed Leadership Framework to the Curriculum Mapping of Quantitative Skills in First-Year Undergraduate Agriculture Degrees

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    Quantitative skills (QS), the ability to use mathematical and statistical reasoning in context, are considered essential threshold learning outcomes in Australian university agricultural courses (degrees). Curriculum mapping can be used to determine how the existing curriculum fosters the development of QS, and identify where opportunities for skills development are missing in the curriculum. To address the challenges of curriculum mapping this paper describes the development and application of a modified distributed leadership model based on the merging of Kotter’s eight steps for structural change (2014) and Jones, Hadgraft, Harvey, Lefoe and Ryland’s framework for distributed leadership (2014). Distributed leadership is built on the foundations of change theory, moving beyond the traditional leadership boundaries and has been increasingly used in higher education. This case study demonstrates how distributed leadership has been used successfully in determining the graduate level QS and driving the mapping process for the first-year curriculum. Curriculum maps showed when the QS were taught, practiced and assessed across 10 science degrees, including three agriculture degrees, at a regional Australian university. As a result, holistic curriculum changes were flagged with the aim of enhancing QS development for both on campus and distance learning students

    Quantitative skills in the first year science curriculum: Reflections on a collaborative journey

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    BACKGROUND An OLT Extension project: Acquiring and applying a shared meaning of quantitative skills (QS) across core first year science units with a focus on distance education, commenced this year. One of its aims was to establish an ongoing cross-disciplinary collaboration among scientists, mathematicians and statisticians at a regional university to enhance student learning of QS in interdisciplinary contexts, with a focus on distance education. The success of this project depends on academics from the various disciplines appreciating the need for a collaborative approach, and agreeing to join the facilitator(s) on the journey. AIMS This paper will present initial results from the collaborative processes taking place as part of the project but will also examine the complex web of interactions, and formal and informal collaborations that led to the development of this inter-disciplinary, cross-school project. DESIGN This is an observational study, which includes some qualitative evaluation of activities, and self-reflection by the authors. COLLABORATIVE PROCESSES The initial ideas for the QS mapping can be traced back to the formation of an institutional committee consisting of academic and professional staff from across the university who were interested in the first year (FY) experience. Membership included academic and professional staff and encouraged a holistic collaborative environment to break down the silos as outlined by Nelson, Kift, Humphreys and Harper (2006). With HEPPP funding the committee initiated the development of a FY Teaching and Learning Network (FYTLN). The FYTLN coordinators from the two Science schools could see that, after the science faculty was disbanded, communication between schools on holistic T&L matters had broken down. With a national increase in students enrolling in STEM degrees without the assumed knowledge, the FYTLN coordinators developed a First Year Experience Survey to determine if this was an issue at their university. At least a third of the respondents did not have the minimum level of assumed mathematics for a science degree. At a university-wide First Year Forum students’ lack of assumed knowledge was raised as an issue by numerous academics. After attending a FYiM National Forum on Assumed Mathematics in the STEM disciplines the two FYTLN coordinators felt empowered and designed a QS mapping project, extending the ALTC project of Matthews, Adams, Coady, Rylands, Belward, Tariq, Thompson, and Pelaez (2013). Academic representatives from STEM disciplines attended a seminar and forum to initiate cross-disciplinary conversations about QS; and subsequent workshops to define graduate QS for the various disciplines and map the QS across the FY curriculum in core STEM units. An evaluation was completed and 90% or more agreed that “the forum was useful in promoting interdisciplinary discussion about quantitative skills in the STEM disciplines”, and that “I would encourage my colleagues to attend a similar forum if it were held in the future.” CONCLUSIONS The conversation regarding assumed knowledge continues, and addressing how to best support students with diverse backgrounds to develop quantitative skills is now an ongoing collaborative process. This has developed through the cross-fertilisation of ideas, and the goodwill of academic staff reaching across discipline and school divides. REFERENCES Matthews, K., Adams,P., Coady, C., Rylands, L., Belward, S., Tariq, V., Thompson, K., & Pelaez, N. (2013). Quantitative Skills (QS) in Science: Curriculum models for the future. Final report (OLT) Nelson, K. J., Kift, S. M., Humphreys, J. K., & Harper, W. E. (2006). A blueprint for enhanced transition: Taking an holistic approach to managing student transition into a large university. In Proceedings First Year in Higher Education Conference, Gold Coast

    That’s not how I interpret it! Supporting stem academics as they develop and apply a shared meaning of quantitative skills

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    Background This research project was designed to map quantitative skills (QS) across first-year STEM units, while addressing issues that impact on the development of students’ QS. Two key reasons why students have difficulties applying mathematics in other areas of the curriculum are the lack of cross-disciplinary communication and the lack of ‘shared meaning’ of QS among academics (Matthews, Belward, Coady, Rylands & Simbag, 2012). One of the project aims was to support STEM academics as they developed and applied a shared meaning of QS to enhance student learning of QS in interdisciplinary contexts. Aims The aims of this presentation are to describe the components of the project that supported STEM academics as they developed a deeper understanding of QS and their importance in the STEM curriculum, and discuss the outcomes of this process. Interventions Initially, inter-disciplinary workshops were held to identify and develop a shared meaning of core QS. Mapping tools were developed to capture details of when, how and at what level QS were taught, practised and assessed across first year STEM-based courses. The resultant curriculum maps were used as the basis for ‘action plan’ workshops. Results The units that addressed QS and their trimester sequencing were identified, as well as gaps in the development of the QS. The mapping process provided further information about the development of individual QS including: the timing of a QS within units and across trimesters, the teaching, practice and assessment of each QS, the level of attainment, and differences in the way QS were developed due to the modes of study (on-campus, distance, part-time, full-time). Using this information, the facilitated ‘action plan’ workshops led to curriculum change. Conclusions Although curriculum mapping is standard practice, this project was innovative in that the maps provided an exceptional level of detail. Through the provision of these maps and the facilitation of cross-disciplinary discussions and ‘action plan’ workshops, this project provided comprehensive support to STEM academics as they focussed on how best to develop students’ QS. This resulted in a shared meaning of QS, a heightened awareness among academics of the importance of QS in STEM disciplines, and a more integrated approach to the development of students’ QS across courses

    Towards a successful transition: Identifying the gap between the expectations of first year science students and teaching staff

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    It is well known that students in the sciences face many challenges when they first embark on their tertiary education; but issues also confront academics when developing teaching and learning activities for these students. Academics teaching pure and applied sciences at one Australian regional university face more challenges than most because of the large cohort of off-campus and mature age students, along with a higher than average proportion of students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. These factors, combined with an ever increasing reliance on online learning technologies, have led to a review of current approaches to the first year experience. This paper reports on a project that aims to identify the similarities and mismatches between expectations of first year students and teaching staff in the sciences, as well as the experiences and challenges of teaching these first year science students. The results from the analysis of responses to a series of questionnaires and interviews will be presented, with the view to identifying areas of the first year experience that could be improved for first year science students and the staff who teach them

    Taking it to the students: The efectiveness of embedding chemistry drills into residential college study sessions

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    BACKGROUND It is well documented in the literature that students are entering higher education courses without the appropriate skills and assumed knowledge. At one regional university students are encouraged to support their understanding of the concepts and development of their skills by completing chemistry drills. These are analogous to drills in sport where repetition increases confidence, skill and ability. However, participation rates are low as many of the students have little or no experience in studying science and hence no understanding of the advantages of practice to gain confidence and mastery. Ineffectual study habits result in a loss of confidence and consequently reduce the motivation of students to engage with their course of study. AIMS By including chemistry drill sessions as part of the current study program in the residential colleges this project aims to provide support to students in an environment which is inclusive and comfortable, to ensure students build confidence in their abilities, and to facilitate a culture of student engagement, participation and ownership of learning. DESCRIPTION OF INTERVENTION Drill sessions were designed by the unit coordinator of the first year chemistry unit and a tutor was employed to facilitate these sessions in three residential colleges in the final 3 weeks of trimester 1 2014. DESIGN AND METHODS Quasi-experimental quantitative and phenomenological qualitative research methods were employed. A written questionnaire was administered at the end of trimester 1, May 2014. Participants included 24 on campus first year chemistry students enrolled in degrees in the School of Environmental and Rural Science where the degree programs are applied life sciences and civil engineering. The questionnaire included 3 Likert scale questions regarding (i) students’ confidence before the drills, (ii) after the drills, and (iii) the helpfulness of the sessions. RESULTS Ninety six percent of participants found the chemistry drill sessions to be helpful or very helpful in their preparation for the exam. Students rated their confidence levels before and after the drill sessions and the confidence levels of 71% of participants increased by 1 or more points on the Likert scale. In addition, 75% of participants at the beginning were ‘absolutely not confident’ to ‘not confident’; and after the sessions 75% of students were ‘confident’ to ‘very confident’ in their ability to successfully complete the exam. CONCLUSIONS Outreaching into the residential colleges facilitated student engagement and motivation for learning within the students study network. The embedded chemistry drill sessions increased the students’ levels of confidence in chemistry and helped to develop their study skills in approaching their examinations. This indicates usefulness in taking structured drill sessions directly to students who have little or no background or skills in studying science

    High resolution remote sensing for native vegetation assessment and monitoring: an impact assessment approach

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    The last decade has seen major advances in remote sensing technology, particularly in high-resolution satellite imagery and airborne laser scanning (ALS). Fundamental differences in data capture mean that new assessment techniques are required, particularly for vegetation structure and multi-temporal analysis. Here, high-resolution remote sensing tools are developed using a longwall mine subsidence impact assessment framework, based primarily on a scrubby forest-woodland setting on the Woronora Plateau, NSW Australia. Linear regression and t-tests were used to compare vegetation structural metrics from field and ALS data, with ANOVA and post-hoc tests used to determine solar energy and moisture controls on vegetation variation at hillslope scale. Landscape stratification was based on insolation and topographic wetness surfaces derived from ALS-based digital elevation models (DEM). Image matching and linear regression was used to test 3D-method orthorectification accuracy for off-nadir QuickBird imagery using different-resolution DEM. High resolution ALS-derived digital elevation models (DEM) allow pixel-accurate orthorectification of off-nadir imagery, a necessary precursor to multi-temporal image analysis

    Will this improve my teaching? Academics mentoring female students in STEM

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    Background A mentoring program designed to assist female students to make appropriate choices in pursuing and achieving STEM-related career goals during and after university is being implemented at a regional Australian university in 2015. This project will benefit both mentorees (students) and mentors (academics and professionals). For mentorees, the program offers assistance in recognising and addressing potential roadblocks to a sustained and successful career, in building confidence in pursuing career goals, and in developing sound decision making skills in career planning. For mentors, the program offers professional development opportunities related to STEM education and careers. Objectives This presentation will describe the mentoring program, with a particular focus on the professional development opportunities offered to academic mentors. These include professional training, online resources and webinars, and networking opportunities with STEM professionals (academic and industry based). The benefits to academics will be explored, along with how this type of professional development can have a flow on effect to foster and inspire change and innovation in teaching. Data Collection Academics interested in becoming mentors in the program completed an expression of interest (EOI), which included questions such as: ‘What do you believe you will gain from being a Mentor?’, and ‘What do you believe are the issues facing female students interested in a career in STEM?’ In an interview at the end of the program academic mentors will be asked to reflect on these questions again. In addition, they will be asked questions that relate to teaching such as: ‘Has participation in the mentoring program had an effect on how you will approach your teaching in future?’ Results In the EOIs, academics identified a number of possible benefits from mentoring. They included personal growth, awareness of students’ attitudes towards study and careers in STEM, flow-on effect back to the workplace and disciplinary teams, and, importantly, better-informed teaching and enhanced capability to make a difference as a teacher. Analysis of interviews held at the end of the program will determine if academics have realised the benefits they identified at the start, and will also probe further to uncover other benefits and evidence of impact. Of particular interest will be evidence of the impact of program participation on their teaching. Conclusions Through the establishment of a mentoring program, academics have been provided with professional development opportunities that will potentially enhance interactions with colleagues and students, have a positive impact on their teaching and result in positive outcomes for STEM education

    Physical and chemical characteristics of feedlot pen substrate bedded with woodchip under wet climatic conditions

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    Wet winter conditions can create animal welfare issues in feedlots if the pen surface becomes a deep, wet, penetrable substrate. Feedlot pens with a clay and gravel base (N = 30) bedded with 150 mm (W15) and 300 mm (W30) depth of woodchips were compared to a control treatment with no bedding over a 109-day feeding period, while irrigated to supplement natural rainfall. The pad substrate was measured for variables which would affect cattle comfort and value of the substrate for composting. The penetrable depth of control pens was higher than both woodchip-bedded treatments from week 2, and increased until the end of the experiment. Meanwhile these scores were steady for W30 throughout the experiment, and increased for W15 only after week 10. Moisture content of the pad was higher throughout the experiment in the control pens than in the woodchip-bedded pens. In the control pens, the force required to pull a cattle leg analogue out of the pen substrate was three times that required in woodchip-bedded treatments. The W15 treatment increased C : N in the substrate to the upper limit of suitability for composting, and in W30, C : N was too high for composting after a 109-day feeding period. Overall, providing feedlot cattle with 150 or 300 mm of woodchip bedding during a 109-day feeding period improved the condition of the pad substrate for cattle comfort by reducing penetrable depth and moisture content of the substrate surface stratum, but composting value decreased in W30 over this feeding period duration
