81 research outputs found

    TV-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network Based Thermal to Visible Face Recognition

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    This work tackles the face recognition task on images captured using thermal camera sensors which can operate in the non-light environment. While it can greatly increase the scope and benefits of the current security surveillance systems, performing such a task using thermal images is a challenging problem compared to face recognition task in the Visible Light Domain (VLD). This is partly due to the much smaller amount number of thermal imagery data collected compared to the VLD data. Unfortunately, direct application of the existing very strong face recognition models trained using VLD data into the thermal imagery data will not produce a satisfactory performance. This is due to the existence of the domain gap between the thermal and VLD images. To this end, we propose a Thermal-to-Visible Generative Adversarial Network (TV-GAN) that is able to transform thermal face images into their corresponding VLD images whilst maintaining identity information which is sufficient enough for the existing VLD face recognition models to perform recognition. Some examples are presented in Figure 1. Unlike the previous methods, our proposed TV-GAN uses an explicit closed-set face recognition loss to regularize the discriminator network training. This information will then be conveyed into the generator network in the forms of gradient loss. In the experiment, we show that by using this additional explicit regularization for the discriminator network, the TV-GAN is able to preserve more identity information when translating a thermal image of a person which is not seen before by the TV-GAN

    Efficient Clustering on Riemannian Manifolds: A Kernelised Random Projection Approach

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    Reformulating computer vision problems over Riemannian manifolds has demonstrated superior performance in various computer vision applications. This is because visual data often forms a special structure lying on a lower dimensional space embedded in a higher dimensional space. However, since these manifolds belong to non-Euclidean topological spaces, exploiting their structures is computationally expensive, especially when one considers the clustering analysis of massive amounts of data. To this end, we propose an efficient framework to address the clustering problem on Riemannian manifolds. This framework implements random projections for manifold points via kernel space, which can preserve the geometric structure of the original space, but is computationally efficient. Here, we introduce three methods that follow our framework. We then validate our framework on several computer vision applications by comparing against popular clustering methods on Riemannian manifolds. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework maintains the performance of the clustering whilst massively reducing computational complexity by over two orders of magnitude in some cases

    Matching Image Sets via Adaptive Multi Convex Hull

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    Traditional nearest points methods use all the samples in an image set to construct a single convex or affine hull model for classification. However, strong artificial features and noisy data may be generated from combinations of training samples when significant intra-class variations and/or noise occur in the image set. Existing multi-model approaches extract local models by clustering each image set individually only once, with fixed clusters used for matching with various image sets. This may not be optimal for discrimination, as undesirable environmental conditions (eg. illumination and pose variations) may result in the two closest clusters representing different characteristics of an object (eg. frontal face being compared to non-frontal face). To address the above problem, we propose a novel approach to enhance nearest points based methods by integrating affine/convex hull classification with an adapted multi-model approach. We first extract multiple local convex hulls from a query image set via maximum margin clustering to diminish the artificial variations and constrain the noise in local convex hulls. We then propose adaptive reference clustering (ARC) to constrain the clustering of each gallery image set by forcing the clusters to have resemblance to the clusters in the query image set. By applying ARC, noisy clusters in the query set can be discarded. Experiments on Honda, MoBo and ETH-80 datasets show that the proposed method outperforms single model approaches and other recent techniques, such as Sparse Approximated Nearest Points, Mutual Subspace Method and Manifold Discriminant Analysis.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    Does Interference Exist When Training a Once-For-All Network?

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    The Once-For-All (OFA) method offers an excellent pathway to deploy a trained neural network model into multiple target platforms by utilising the supernet-subnet architecture. Once trained, a subnet can be derived from the supernet (both architecture and trained weights) and deployed directly to the target platform with little to no retraining or fine-tuning. To train the subnet population, OFA uses a novel training method called Progressive Shrinking (PS) which is designed to limit the negative impact of interference during training. It is believed that higher interference during training results in lower subnet population accuracies. In this work we take a second look at this interference effect. Surprisingly, we find that interference mitigation strategies do not have a large impact on the overall subnet population performance. Instead, we find the subnet architecture selection bias during training to be a more important aspect. To show this, we propose a simple-yet-effective method called Random Subnet Sampling (RSS), which does not have mitigation on the interference effect. Despite no mitigation, RSS is able to produce a better performing subnet population than PS in four small-to-medium-sized datasets; suggesting that the interference effect does not play a pivotal role in these datasets. Due to its simplicity, RSS provides a 1.9×1.9\times reduction in training times compared to PS. A 6.1×6.1\times reduction can also be achieved with a reasonable drop in performance when the number of RSS training epochs are reduced. Code available at https://github.com/Jordan-HS/RSS-Interference-CVPRW2022.Comment: Accepted to CVPR Embedded Vision Workshop 202

    Automatic Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Indirect Immunofluorescence Images using Cell Pyramid Matching

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    This paper describes a novel system for automatic classification of images obtained from Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) pathology tests on Human Epithelial type 2 (HEp-2) cells using the Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF) protocol. The IIF protocol on HEp-2 cells has been the hallmark method to identify the presence of ANAs, due to its high sensitivity and the large range of antigens that can be detected. However, it suffers from numerous shortcomings, such as being subjective as well as time and labour intensive. Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems have been developed to address these problems, which automatically classify a HEp-2 cell image into one of its known patterns (eg. speckled, homogeneous). Most of the existing CAD systems use handpicked features to represent a HEp-2 cell image, which may only work in limited scenarios. We propose a novel automatic cell image classification method termed Cell Pyramid Matching (CPM), which is comprised of regional histograms of visual words coupled with the Multiple Kernel Learning framework. We present a study of several variations of generating histograms and show the efficacy of the system on two publicly available datasets: the ICPR HEp-2 cell classification contest dataset and the SNPHEp-2 dataset.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.126

    SafeSea: Synthetic Data Generation for Adverse & Low Probability Maritime Conditions

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    High-quality training data is essential for enhancing the robustness of object detection models. Within the maritime domain, obtaining a diverse real image dataset is particularly challenging due to the difficulty of capturing sea images with the presence of maritime objects , especially in stormy conditions. These challenges arise due to resource limitations, in addition to the unpredictable appearance of maritime objects. Nevertheless, acquiring data from stormy conditions is essential for training effective maritime detection models, particularly for search and rescue, where real-world conditions can be unpredictable. In this work, we introduce SafeSea, which is a stepping stone towards transforming actual sea images with various Sea State backgrounds while retaining maritime objects. Compared to existing generative methods such as Stable Diffusion Inpainting~\cite{stableDiffusion}, this approach reduces the time and effort required to create synthetic datasets for training maritime object detection models. The proposed method uses two automated filters to only pass generated images that meet the criteria. In particular, these filters will first classify the sea condition according to its Sea State level and then it will check whether the objects from the input image are still preserved. This method enabled the creation of the SafeSea dataset, offering diverse weather condition backgrounds to supplement the training of maritime models. Lastly, we observed that a maritime object detection model faced challenges in detecting objects in stormy sea backgrounds, emphasizing the impact of weather conditions on detection accuracy. The code, and dataset are available at https://github.com/martin-3240/SafeSea.Comment: Accepted to WACV 2024 workshop on Maritime Computer Visio

    It takes two to tango: cascading off-the-shelf face detectors

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    Recent face detection methods have achieved high detection rates in unconstrained environments. However, as they still generate excessive false positives, any method for reducing false positives is highly desirable. This work aims to massively reduce false positives of existing face detection methods whilst maintaining the true detection rate. In addition, the proposed method also aims to sidestep the detector retraining task which generally requires enormous effort. To this end, we propose a two-stage framework which cascades two off-the-shelf face detectors. Not all face detectors can be cascaded and achieve good performance. Thus, we study three properties that allow us to determine the best pair of detectors. These three properties are: (1) correlation of true positives; (2) diversity of false positives and (3) detector runtime. Experimental results on recent large benchmark datasets such as FDDB and WIDER FACE support our findings that the false positives of a face detector could be potentially reduced by 90% whilst still maintaining high true positive detection rate. In addition, with a slight decrease in true positives, we found a pair of face detector that achieves significantly lower false positives, while being five times faster than the current state-of-the-art detector

    Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Indirect Immunofluoresence Images via Codebook Based Descriptors

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    The Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) clinical pathology test is commonly used to identify the existence of various diseases. A hallmark method for identifying the presence of ANAs is the Indirect Immunofluorescence method on Human Epithelial (HEp-2) cells, due to its high sensitivity and the large range of antigens that can be detected. However, the method suffers from numerous shortcomings, such as being subjective as well as time and labour intensive. Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems have been developed to address these problems, which automatically classify a HEp-2 cell image into one of its known patterns (eg., speckled, homogeneous). Most of the existing CAD systems use handpicked features to represent a HEp-2 cell image, which may only work in limited scenarios. In this paper, we propose a cell classification system comprised of a dual-region codebook-based descriptor, combined with the Nearest Convex Hull Classifier. We evaluate the performance of several variants of the descriptor on two publicly available datasets: ICPR HEp-2 cell classification contest dataset and the new SNPHEp-2 dataset. To our knowledge, this is the first time codebook-based descriptors are applied and studied in this domain. Experiments show that the proposed system has consistent high performance and is more robust than two recent CAD systems
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