32,187 research outputs found

    Parental Perceptions of the Management of Childern with Type 1 Diabetes at School: A Broader Perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to examine parental perceptions related to the care and management of children with Type 1 diabetes at school. Parents of elementary and middle school-age children with Type 1 diabetes completed a survey questionnaire, which included one open-ended question. The questionnaire was developed by the researchers based on original questionnaires by Nabors, Lehmkuhl, Christos, and Andreone (2003) and Lewis, Powers, Goodenough and Poth (2003 ). Permission to use and modify the questionnaires was provided by Nabors and Poth. Results from this study showed a split in parental satisfaction regarding care provided by school personnel in the following areas: level of knowledge and skills on diabetes, ability to handle a hypoglycemic episode, communication between parents and school, and accommodation in meeting the needs of the child at school. The majority of parents offered suggestions for school nurses and school personnel regarding the care of children with diabetes. Suggestions included the need for training and education, more support, and better communication. Findings from this study provide evidence to support specific content for educating school staff, a greater presence of licensed personnel, and more open communication between families and school personnel

    The 4th Dimension. Wittgenstein on Colour and Imagination

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    In this paper I first discuss the colour-octahedron and the position of this model as an idealized system with respect to the remarks on colour-concepts in Remarks on Colour (RC). The next part examines the notion of aspect seeing in the light of the colour-octahedron and RC. From there a connection is made with On Certainty (OC). By linking the remarks on colour, seeing aspects and certainty, it may become clear that the investigations of Wittgenstein concerning colour and certainty direct us towards a reflective dynamics and an anthropological interpretation of his ideas

    Making myth: the image of 'Big Jim' Larkin in Plunkett's 'Strumpet city'

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    James Larkin is a revered figure in Irish history, remarkably so in view of his associations with revolutionary syndicalism and communism. Among the contributions to the creation of the myth of ‘Big Jim’, James Plunkett’s novel Strumpet City takes pride of place. The book’s treatment of Larkin is examined here as an outstanding example of Gramsci’s call for the emergence of a popular culture that challenges the hegemony of the ruling classes. By getting into the desperate lives of the Dublin poor in the bitter industrial struggles prior to the First World War, Plunkett affirms the Gramscian idea of developing a new way of conceiving the world by presenting Larkin as the mythical embodiment of social justice and solidarity. Although the events are now in the distant past, images developed with the great affective power of this novel may jolt modern readers to a greater awareness of present-day global struggles

    The Artistic Turn

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    We are living in an increasingly complex world. How are we able to cope with this complexity and the difficulties that arise from it? Can philosophy and art, classified as the two utmost useless and pointless disciplines, have any (positive) influence on the urgent and pressing problems at hand? And, related to this, if the two have more than just their uselessness in common, how, then, are philosophy and art related? In this article, I will argue that although ‘useless’ disciplines such as philosophy and art have no direct influence on our complex world, they are nonetheless the most important ones, because those working within them practice their insights in an indirect way. Indirect influence may take a little longer, but the impact is much stronger, affecting our thinking and our attitudes from within, as it were. This indirect approach has everything to do with the sort of questions philosophers and artists occupy themselves with. I will show how both address, albeit each in their own way, fundamental questions, and thereby make use of thought experiments. Intuition and imagination play a decisive part in the creative processes that are involved in thought experiments and thinking. It is argued that we all are able to learn a ‘delayed unconscious thinking’ that leads to an artistic attitude; one that will activate an artistic turn

    Feeds as Query Result Serializations

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    Many Web-based data sources and services are available as feeds, a model that provides consumers with a loosely coupled way of interacting with providers. The current feed model is limited in its capabilities, however. Though it is simple to implement and scales well, it cannot be transferred to a wider range of application scenarios. This paper conceptualizes feeds as a way to serialize query results, describes the current hardcoded query semantics of such a perspective, and surveys the ways in which extensions of this hardcoded model have been proposed or implemented. Our generalized view of feeds as query result serializations has implications for the applicability of feeds as a generic Web service for any collection that is providing access to individual information items. As one interesting and compelling class of applications, we describe a simple way in which a query-based approach to feeds can be used to support location-based services
