1,241 research outputs found

    Analysis and synthesis of abstract data types through generalization from examples

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    The discovery of general patterns of behavior from a set of input/output examples can be a useful technique in the automated analysis and synthesis of software systems. These generalized descriptions of the behavior form a set of assertions which can be used for validation, program synthesis, program testing, and run-time monitoring. Describing the behavior is characterized as a learning process in which the set of inputs is mapped into an appropriate transform space such that general patterns can be easily characterized. The learning algorithm must chose a transform function and define a subset of the transform space which is related to equivalence classes of behavior in the original domain. An algorithm for analyzing the behavior of abstract data types is presented and several examples are given. The use of the analysis for purposes of program synthesis is also discussed

    Analysis and synthesis of abstract data types through generalization from examples

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    The discovery of general patterns of behavior from a set of input/output examples can be a useful technique in the automated analysis and synthesis of software systems. These generalized descriptions of the behavior form a set of assertions which can be used for validation, program synthesis, program testing and run-time monitoring. Describing the behavior is characterized as a learning process in which general patterns can be easily characterized. The learning algorithm must choose a transform function and define a subset of the transform space which is related to equivalence classes of behavior in the original domain. An algorithm for analyzing the behavior of abstract data types is presented and several examples are given. The use of the analysis for purposes of program synthesis is also discussed

    Does lowering dividend tax rates increase dividends repatriated?: evidence of intra-firm cross-border dividend repatriation policies by German Multinational Enterprises

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    This paper explores the impact dividend taxes exert on the dividends repatriated from foreign affiliates to their German parent company. Based on an augmented Lintner model of firms' dividend payout decisions, the paper focusses on cross-border intra-firm dividend payments of wholly-owned foreign affiliates in the manufacturing sector. Firm-level data from the Microdatabase Direct Investment (MiDi) of the Deutsche Bundesbank is used. Results firstly signal the validity of the original Lintner model for cross-border intra-firm dividend payments of German affiliates abroad, although the target payout ratio and the degree of dividend smoothing drops substantially once timeinvariant unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for. Secondly, results from an augmented Lintner model imply that increases in dividend taxes indeed have a statistically significant negative impact on the expected value of dividends repatriated: Evaluated at the overall mean dividend payment a one percentage point increase in the dividend tax rate would decrease dividends repatriated by about 3.5 percent. Evaluated at the mean of positive dividend payments a semi-elasticity of -1.6 is derived. --Dividend policy,taxes,lintner model,multinational enterprise

    A software development and evolution model based on decision-making

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    Design is a complex activity whose purpose is to construct an artifact which satisfies a set of constraints and requirements. However the design process is not well understood. The software design and evolution process is the focus of interest, and a three dimensional software development space organized around a decision-making paradigm is presented. An initial instantiation of this model called 3DPM(sub p) which was partly implemented, is presented. Discussion of the use of this model in software reuse and process management is given

    Documenting the decision structure in software development

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    Current software development paradigms focus on the products of the development process. Much of the decision making process which produces these products is outside the scope of these paradigms. The Decision-Based Software Development (DBSD) paradigm views the design process as a series of interrelated decisions which involve the identification and articulation of problems, alternates, solutions and justifications. Decisions made by programmers and analysts are recorded in a project data base. Unresolved problems are also recorded and resources for their resolution are allocated by management according to the overall development strategy. This decision structure is linked to the products affected by the relevant decision and provides a process oriented view of the resulted system. Software maintenance uses this decision view of the system to understand the rationale behind the decisions affecting the part of the system to be modified. D-HyperCase, a prototype Decision-Based Hypermedia System is described and results of applying the DBSD approach during its development are presented

    Application of Domain Knowledge to Software Quality Assurance

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    This work focused on capturing, using, and evolving a qualitative decision support structure across the life cycle of a project. The particular application of this study was towards business process reengineering and the representation of the business process in a set of Business Rules (BR). In this work, we defined a decision model which captured the qualitative decision deliberation process. It represented arguments both for and against proposed alternatives to a problem. It was felt that the subjective nature of many critical business policy decisions required a qualitative modeling approach similar to that of Lee and Mylopoulos. While previous work was limited almost exclusively to the decision capture phase, which occurs early in the project life cycle, we investigated the use of such a model during the later stages as well. One of our significant developments was the use of the decision model during the operational phase of a project. By operational phase, we mean the phase in which the system or set of policies which were earlier decided are deployed and put into practice. By making the decision model available to operational decision makers, they would have access to the arguments pro and con for a variety of actions and can thus make a more informed decision which balances the often conflicting criteria by which the value of action is measured. We also developed the concept of a 'monitored decision' in which metrics of performance were identified during the decision making process and used to evaluate the quality of that decision. It is important to monitor those decision which seem at highest risk of not meeting their stated objectives. Operational decisions are also potentially high risk decisions. Finally, we investigated the use of performance metrics for monitored decisions and audit logs of operational decisions in order to feed an evolutionary phase of the the life cycle. During evolution, decisions are revisisted, assumptions verified or refuted, and possible reassessments resulting in new policy are made. In this regard we implemented a machine learning algorithm which automatically defined business rules based on expert assessment of the quality of operational decisions as recorded during deployment

    Development of a case tool to support decision based software development

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    A summary of the accomplishments of the research over the past year are presented. Achievements include: made demonstrations with DHC, a prototype supporting decision based software development (DBSD) methodology, for Paramax personnel at ODU; met with Paramax personnel to discuss DBSD issues, the process of integrating DBSD and Refinery and the porting process model; completed and submitted a paper describing DBSD paradigm to IFIP '92; completed and presented a paper describing the approach for software reuse at the Software Reuse Workshop in April 1993; continued to extend DHC with a project agenda, facility necessary for a better project management; completed a primary draft of the re-engineering process model for porting; created a logging form to trace all the activities involved in the process of solving the reengineering problem, and developed a primary chart with the problems involved by the reengineering process

    Nature-based Solutions als Aspekt bei der Entwicklung innerstädtischer, hochfrequentierter Parkanlagen am Beispiel Rennbahnpark Frankfurt und Neckarvorland Mannheim

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    Freiflächen im Sinne von nicht bebauten Flächen im urbanen Raum bieten das Potenzial, wertvolle Beiträge zur Erhöhung der Klimaresilienz von Städten und deren ökologischer Funktionsfähigkeit zu leisten. Gleichzeitig übernehmen diese Räume wichtige funktionale Aufgaben, bieten Begegnungs- und Bewegungsangebote für ein breites Spektrum der Stadtgesellschaft und prägen letztendlich auch das Bild von Städten. Zielkonflikte sind bei dieser Vielzahl an Anforderungen die Regel. Anhand von zwei Fallbeispielen (Rennbahnpark Frankfurt, Neckarvorland Mannheim) soll aufgezeigt werden, wie unter Berücksichtigung naturbasierter Planungsansätze diese Zielkonflikte reduziert und hochfrequentierte innerstädtische Parkanlagen entwickelt werden können

    Aufbau eines themenbezogenen Netzwerkes „Lebensmittelverarbeitung und –qualität“ im Bereich des Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau

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    Ziel des Netzwerks „Lebensmittelverarbeitung und –qualität“ ist, eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Praktikern, Experten und Administration zum Thema Lebensmittelverarbeitung und –qualität zu schaffen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in verschiedenen Arbeitsschritten die Hemmnisse in der täglichen Arbeit und der Wissens- und Unterstützungsbedarf der klein- und mittelständischen Betriebe des ökologischen Lebensmittelhandwerks identifiziert. Neben der Auswertung anderer Projekte des Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau wurden in erster Linie Gespräche und Interviews mit Praktikern geführt. Für die Produktgruppen Brot und Backwaren, Fleisch und Wurstwaren sowie Milch und Milchprodukte wurden regionale Kleingruppenworkshops veranstaltet, deren Ergebnisse in einem bundesweiten produktgruppenübergreifenden Workshop diskutiert wurden. Dabei zeigt sich, dass handwerkliche Betriebe eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Entwicklung der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft einnehmen. Durch ihre Nähe zum Verbraucher sind sie besonders geeignet Handlungsveränderungen im Sinne dieser Entwicklung zu erzielen. Voraussetzung dafür ist jedoch ihre zukunftsorientierte Profilierung als Handwerk. Die handwerklichen Qualitätsproduzenten sind jedoch noch wenig organisiert und erfahren wenig Unterstützung. Ihr Wissensbedarf ist komplex und wird aus einer Vielzahl von Wissensquellen gespeist. Die Profilierung des Handwerks ist in erster Linie eine regionale Aufgabe, die ein geändertes Selbstverständnis und eine hohe Innovationsbereitschaft erfordert. Eine überregionale Unterstützung kann diesen Profilierungsprozess aber beschleunigen. Die Funktion des Netzwerks als Plattform des Austauschs sollte sich auf drei Bereiche fokussieren: 1. Organisation eines Netzwerks der Bildungsanbieter für eine gemeinsame Aus- und Weiterbildung im Bereich Verarbeitung ökologischer Lebensmittel; 2. Konzeption und Diffusion eines neuen Selbstverständnis der handwerklichen Verarbeitung ökologischer Lebensmittel in die Gesellschaft und Politik; 3. Konzeption und Unterstützung von modellhaften regionalen handwerklichen Innovationswerkstätten