5 research outputs found

    Technological Development and The Dynamics of Juwana’s Fisherman Social Structure

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    Changes created by technological developments are not only about material changes, but are also closely related to changes in social structure in the community as users and consequences recipients of these technologies application. The capture fisheries community is one of many communities that have also experienced the development of fishing technology. It cannot be denied that technological sophistication is driving the production of the fishing community. However, this increase is not necessarily followed by an increase in welfare for the community. This paper aims to examine technological developments and changes in social structure in the fishing community in Juwana, especially in Bendar Village and Bajomulyo Village, and identify their implications for community welfare. The research that underlies this paper is conducted using qualitative methods. The results showed that the development of technology brought changes in social structure in the fishing community. The economy and welfare of the community are getting better due to the efficiency of fishing with the latest technology. Solidarity that grows in the fishing communities in the two villages, is a key factor in preventing inter-class exploitation by maintaining the position of members of the upper stratification of fisher community from competition with upper strata outside the community, as well as providing a space for community members from the middle and lower strata to carry out social upward mobility.   Keywords: fisher, fishing technology, social structure, solidarity, social mobility. &nbsp

    Pengembangan Masyarakat Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Desa (PHP2D) pada Kelompok Rukuntani di Desa Bantarsari: Community Development Program for Holistic Development and Village Development (PHP2D) for the Rukuntani Group in Bantarsari Village

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    One of the community development methods is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) with various techniques that strive for community development to be carried out according to the needs of the community. The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method uses the basic concept of community involvement in all activities by emphasizing community participation. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia encourages educational institutions to carry out Free Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) activities, as a learning platform for students as well as a space for implementing the tri dharma of higher education, especially in the context of community service. This paper intends to analyze the implementation of the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) activities through the Holistic Village Development and Development Program (PHP2D) in Bantarsari Village. The community development activities carried out by PHP2D consisted of several stages: identification of potentials and problems, formulation of action plans, follow-up (surveys, outreach, preparation of facilities and infrastructure, training on honey bee cultivation), evaluation and follow-up of the program at the Rukun Tani Group. Observations on the community development program conducted by PHP2D show that this activity has not been fully implemented in the spirit of community development. The activities carried out tend to be top down and are in the form of knowledge transfer without any organizing of community development subjects. The activities carried out showed that there was no direct participation by the Rukun Tani group so that the collectivity of the Rukun Tani groups did not appear for the Bantarsari Village PHP2D program and the program's sustainability was not implemented. ABSTRAK Salah satu metode pengembangan masyarakat adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dengan berbagai teknik yang mengupayakan agar pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan komunitas. Metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) menggunakan konsep dasar keterlibatan masyarakat pada keseluruhan kegiatan dengan memberikan tekanan pada partisipasi oleh masyarakat. Kementerian Pendidikan Republik Indonesia mendorong institusi pendidikan melaksanakan kegiatan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), sebagai wadah pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa sekaligus ruang bagi pelaksanaan tri dharma perguruan tinggi, terutama dalam konteks pengabdian masyarakat. Tulisan ini bermaksud menganalisis pelaksanaan kegiatan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) melalui Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Desa (PHP2D) di Desa Bantarsari. Kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh PHP2D terdiri dari beberapa tahapan: identifikasi potensi dan masalah, perumusan rencana aksi, tindak lanjut (survei, sosialisasi, persiapan sarana dan prasarana, pelatihan budi daya lebah madu), evaluasi dan tindak lanjut program pada Kelompok Rukun Tani. Hasil observasi terhadap program pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh PHP2D menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini belum sepenuhnya dijalankan dengan semangat pengembangan masyarakat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan cenderung top down dan berupa transfer pengetahuan tanpa ada pengorganisasian subjek pengembangan masyarakat. Aktivitas yang dilakukan menunjukkan tidak adanya partisipasi langsung oleh kelompok Rukun tani sehingga tidak muncul kolektivitas kelompok Rukun tani terhadap program PHP2D Desa Bantarsari dan tidak terlaksananya keberlanjutan program. &nbsp

    Pendampingan Peningkatan Usaha Ternak Sapi Pedaging melalui Program Pengembangan Masyarakat di Desa Sumber Rejeki:

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    Livestock waste is all waste left over from animal husbandry activities, whether in the form of liquid waste, solid waste, or gas. Waste basically cannot be prevented but can be processed. Waste that is not maximally utilized has an impact on the environment and can pollute water, soil and air in Sumber Rejeki Village, South Kalimantan Province. One of the leading commodities in Sumber Rejeki Village, South Kalimantan Province is broiler cattle with a population in 2023 of 250 heads. This training and mentoring aims to improve the skills of farmers, the application of modern technology in livestock management, and business development through the manufacture of innovative products such as the utilization of broiler waste into organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer. There are several problems that arise such as pungent odors due to the waste produced that can affect air quality. Therefore, it is necessary to have awareness of farmers to be able to process the waste produced so that it is not only disposed of but farmers can utilize the waste to be used as additional income and can reduce pollution in the village. By increasing awareness, skills, and knowledge, farmers will be able to create and open new businesses in the livestock sector and reduce existing pollution


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    Pembangunan pangan dan gizi di Indonesia erat kaitannya dengan perwujudan ketahanan pangan. Ketahanan pangan merupakan kondisi terpenuhinya kebutuhan pangan bagi rumah tangga yang tercermin dari tersedianya pangan secara cukup, baik dari jumlah maupun mutunya, aman, merata dan terjangkau. Sistem ketahanan pangan dan gizi juga berkaitan erat dengan akses pangan di tingkat rumah tangga dan individu serta status gizi anggota rumah tangga. KWT merupakan salah satu komunitas yang berperan dalam pemberdayaan perempuan dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan. KWT Pendopo Enam yang didominasi oleh ibu rumah tangga di salah satu perumahan di Kota Bogor giat dalam pengembangan pertanian perkotaan. Program Pemberdayaan Perempuan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dalam pemanfaatan limbah rumah tangga khususnya menjadi pupuk serta meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai teknik budidaya sayuran. Pelaksanaan program dilakukan secara bertahap yang meliputi kegiatan diskusi kelompok, pelatihan, dan demonstrasi. Melalui kegiatan ini, diperoleh wawasan dan keterampilan mengenai pemanfaatan limbah rumah tangga menjadi pupuk kompos dan teknik budidaya sayuran

    Digital Marketing Application to the Coffee Marketing System at PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia

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    PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia is a company engaged in developing coffee farmers in the Bogor area and marketing coffee in the form of green beans and roasted beans. Every year, people’s coffee consumption continues to increase, so the demand for coffee continues to grow. In looking for a market to market its products, PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia applies digital marketing to the system forcing carried out. The company implements digital marketing through the company’s website and social media. In this case, PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia uses Instagram as a means to reach consumers. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact that occurs if PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia implements digital marketing in its marketing system and whether it has a positive effect on the company. The method used in this study is the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis method to make it easier to analyze the company’s situation and see changes that occur based on the nine blocks contained in the BMC method. The application of digital marketing at PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia has succeeded in building the trust of other companies to cooperate with the company; various content uploaded through social media attracts various parties to become consumers of PT Bogor Kopi Indonesia so this causes an increase in the company’s revenue