747 research outputs found

    Trauma-Informed Training for Educators

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    The occurrence of childhood trauma in the school setting is an ongoing and pervasive issue. Students impacted by trauma frequently display challenging and problematic behavior, and educators lack the trauma-informed care needed to help them heal. These students often go untreated, and their trauma continues to impact them and those around them. This project aims to review the current literature on childhood trauma and how educators can better support students affected by trauma. The trauma-informed training associated with this project will offer tools, curricula, and resources that educators can implement on their campuses

    Junior Recital:Kristin White, Mezzo-Soprano

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    Kemp Recital Hall Saturday Afternoon November 22, 1997 4:00p.m

    Senior Recital:Kristin Lynn White, Soprano

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    Kemp Recital Hall Friday Evening April 21, 2000 8:30 p.m

    Graduate Recital:Kristin Lynn White, Soprano

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    Kemp Recital Hall Sunday Noon April 27, 2008 12:00p.m

    Missouri's veterans : a demographic and workforce overview

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    "February 2019""The US Military is an important driver of Missouri's state economy. In FY2015, military spending accounted for approximately 5 percent (14billion)ofMissouris14 billion) of Missouri's 261 billion economy. Beyond the direct and indirect spending, the state benefits from the workforce contributions of its veteran population. Veterans possess several key soft skills -- basic leadership experience, working within organizational structures, and learning new processes and procedures -- that many Missouri employers need from their workforce."--From page 1.The authors of this report include Dr. Mark C. White (University of Missouri Extension's Labor and Workforce Development program), Ms. Kristin Arnette and Mr. Alan Spell (Missouri Economic Research and Information Center

    Construction of an in vitro bistable circuit from synthetic transcriptional switches

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    Information processing using biochemical circuits is essential for survival and reproduction of natural organisms. As stripped-down analogs of genetic regulatory networks in cells, we engineered artificial transcriptional networks consisting of synthetic DNA switches, regulated by RNA signals acting as transcription repressors, and two enzymes, bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase and Escherichia coli ribonuclease H. The synthetic switch design is modular with programmable connectivity and allows dynamic control of RNA signals through enzyme-mediated production and degradation. The switches support sharp and adjustable thresholds using a competitive hybridization mechanism, allowing arbitrary analog or digital circuits to be created in principle. As an example, we constructed an in vitro bistable memory by wiring together two synthetic switches and performed a systematic quantitative characterization. Good agreement between experimental data and a simple mathematical model was obtained for switch input/output functions, phase plane trajectories, and the bifurcation diagram for bistability. Construction of larger synthetic circuits provides a unique opportunity for evaluating model inference, prediction, and design of complex biochemical systems and could be used to control nanoscale devices and artificial cells

    Bridging Mental Healthcare

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    Nurses have an important role in the care given to mental health patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). Without expectations or encouragement toward growth or continued education, the quality of care and the therapeutic ability for care are crippled, as evidenced by nurses\u27 knowledge/competency deficits and negative attitudes. Through ongoing/continued education, the cultivation of a therapeutic culture toward patients that present to the ED for mental health complaints could result. Additionally, these improvements in care, in turn, could promote not only the closure of gaps that exist for quality mental healthcare but may also lead to an increase in patients\u27 access to quality, therapeutic mental healthcare and an overall reduction in ED visits related to mental health complaints

    Adult Patrons' Use of Public Libraries to Find Health Information

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    The need for health information is universal, but with limited time to spend with health care professionals and the increasing amount of health information available online, people often have trouble finding quality health information that they can understand. Public libraries are perhaps a solution to this problem, as they provide access to resources and help with searching for information. This study seeks to understand how people use public libraries for finding health information. Patrons from three libraries were surveyed about their reasons for choosing the public library to find health information, the types of resources they used while there, and their satisfaction level with the information they found. Reference librarians were interviewed about the services they provide and the types of resources available to users. Findings indicate that most users come to the public library to use medical books available there and that many prefer print sources over online sources

    Methodology of a reevaluation of cardiovascular outcomes in the RECORD trial: study design and conduct

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    Background In 2010, after regulatory review of rosiglitazone licensing, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested a reevaluation of cardiovascular end points in the RECORD trial.<p></p> Methods Automated screening of the original clinical trial database and manual case report form review were performed to identify all potential cardiovascular and noncardiovascular deaths, and nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke events. Search techniques were used to find participants lost to follow-up, and sites were queried for additional source documents. Suspected events underwent blinded adjudication using both original RECORD end point definitions and new FDA end point definitions, before analysis by the Duke Clinical Research Institute.<p></p> Results The reevaluation effort included an additional 328 person-years of follow-up. Automated screening identified 396 suspected deaths, 2,052 suspected MIs, and 468 suspected strokes. Manual review of documents by Duke Clinical Research Institute clinical events classification (CEC) coordinators identified an additional 31 suspected deaths, 49 suspected MIs, and 28 suspected strokes. There were 127 CEC queries issued requesting additional information on suspected deaths; 43 were closed with no site response, 61 were closed with a response that no additional data were available, and additional data were received for 23. Seventy CEC queries were issued requesting additional information for suspected MI and stroke events; 31 were closed with no site response, 20 were closed with a response that no additional data were available, and 19 resulted in additional data.<p></p> Conclusions Comprehensive procedures were used for rigorous event reascertainment and readjudication in a previously completed open-label, global clinical trial. These procedures used in this unique situation were consistent with other common approaches in the field, were enhanced to address the FDA concerns about the original RECORD trial results, and could be considered by clinical trialists designing event readjudication protocols for drug development programs that have been completed.<p></p&gt