5 research outputs found

    Depression and anxiety in patients with suspected renal artery stenosis

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    Objective: To investigate the occurrence of depressive and anxiety disorders in patients remitted for endovascular treatment of renal artery stenosis (RAS), and whether symptoms of depression and anxiety can be reduced after the treatment of RAS with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA).Methods Patients: Selected for renal angiography with pressure measurement in the renal arteries due to suspected RAS were invited to participate in the study. 37 patients agreed to answer a questionnaire. Eighteen patients also agreed to a clinical psychiatric examination including the International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I. 6.0) to be diagnosed according to the DSM-IV. Results: Twenty-one of the 37 patients completing the questionnaire were found to have a pressure gradient of ≥ 10 mmHg at angiography, indicating significant stenosis. Ten of the 18 examined patients met the criteria for current DSM-IV anxiety diagnosis and two patients had a current depression. Three of the 18 examined patients had previously made a suicide attempt. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that patients with suspected RAS have a high psychiatric comorbidity, as 56% of the patients undergoing psychiatric examination met the DSM-IV criteria for a current anxiety disorder

    Health care utilisation two years prior to suicide in Sweden : a retrospective explorative study based on medical records

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    Objective Previous literature has suggested that identifying putative differences in health care seeking patterns before death by suicide depending on age and gender may facilitate more targeted suicide preventive approaches. The aim of this study is to map health care utilisation among individuals in the two years prior to suicide in Sweden in 2015 and to examine possible age and gender differences. Methods Design: A retrospective explorative study with a medical record review covering the two years preceding suicide. Setting: All health care units located in 20 of Sweden's 21 regions. Participants: All individuals residing in participating regions who died by suicide during 2015 (n = 949). Results Almost 74% were in contact with a health care provider during the 3 months prior to suicide, and 60% within 4 weeks. Overall health care utilisation during the last month of life did not differ between age groups. However, a higher proportion of younger individuals (< 65 years) were in contact with psychiatric services, and a higher proportion of older individuals (>= 65 years) were in contact with primary and specialised somatic health care. The proportion of women with any type of health care contact during the observation period was larger than the corresponding proportion of men, although no gender difference was found among primary and specialised somatic health care users within four weeks and three months respectively prior to suicide. Conclusion Care utilisation before suicide varied by gender and age. Female suicide decedents seem to utilise health care to a larger extent than male decedents in the two years preceding death, except for the non-psychiatric services in closer proximity to death. Older adults seem to predominantly use non-psychiatric services, while younger individuals seek psychiatric services to a larger extent

    Circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA, but not leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number, is elevated in major depressive disorder

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been linked to mitochondrial defects, which could manifest in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms or mutations. Additionally, copy number of mtDNA (mtDNA-cn) can be quantified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)s, indirectly reflecting cellular energetics, or in the circulating cell-free mtDNA (ccf-mtDNA) levels, which may reflect a fraction of the mitochondrial genome released during cellular stress. Few studies have examined ccf-mtDNA in MDD, and no studies have tested its relationship with intracellular mtDNA-cn or with antidepressant treatment response. Here, mtDNA levels were quantified in parallel from: (i) PBMCs and (ii) cell-free plasma of 50 unmedicated MDD subjects and 55 controls, in parallel with PBMC telomere length (TL) and antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GpX) activity. MtDNA measures were repeated in 19 MDD subjects after 8 weeks of open-label SSRI treatment. In analyses adjusted for age, sex, BMI, and smoking, MDD subjects had significantly elevated levels of ccf-mtDNA (F = 20.6, p = 0.00002). PBMC mtDNA-cn did not differ between groups (p > 0.4). In preliminary analyses, we found that changes in ccf-mtDNA with SSRI treatment differed between SSRI responders and non-responders (F = 6.47, p = 0.02), with the non-responders showing an increase in ccf-mtDNA and responders not changing. Baseline ccf-mtDNA was positively correlated with GpX (r = 0.32, p = 0.001), and PBMC mtDNA correlated positively with PBMC TL (r = 0.38, p = 0.0001). These data suggest that plasma ccf-mtDNA and PBMC mtDNA-cn reflect different cellular processes and that the former may be more reflective of certain aspects of MDD pathophysiology and of the response to SSRI antidepressants

    Circulating Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA - a Novel Marker of Mitochondrial Stress Associated With Suicidality and Major Depressive Disorder

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    Background: Mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA-cn), which represents the number of mitochondrial genomes per cell, can be quantified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and is thought to reflect variations in mitochondrial biogenesis. Additionally, mtDNA may be released at low levels into the circulation from mitochondria under cellular stress, resulting in circulating cell-free mtDNA (ccf-mtDNA) detectable in plasma. The source or physiological significance of ccf-mtDNA in psychiatric illness is unknown but may reflect cell damage, cell death, or bioenergetic compromise. Methods: We enrolled suicide attempters (across diagnoses), non-suicidal subjects with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and healthy controls (all medication-free) in two independent cohorts (n=110 & n=74). MtDNA was quantified in cell-free plasma and in PBMCs. Results: Ccf-mtDNA was elevated in suicide attempters and in non-suicidal MDD subjects, compared to healthy controls. These group effects were very large (Cohen’s d ranging from 0.9 to 4.0, all p<0.00001). Ccf-mtDNA and cellular PBMC mtDNA-cn were not significantly correlated with each other (r=0.02, p=0.87), suggesting they reflect different processes. Ccf-mtDNA correlated with post-dexamethasone cortisol (r=0.5, p<0.001), suggesting that HPA-axis hyperactivity may be associated with cellular damage and release of ccf-mtDNA into the blood. Ccf-mtDNA also directly correlated with the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (r=0.32, p=0.001), possibly reflecting a compensatory attempt to upregulate antioxidant defence mechanisms due to cellular stress. Conclusions: Ccf-mtDNA may represent a novel marker of cellular stress, which is increased in certain psychiatric conditions. These results call for replication in larger cohorts and in longitudinal studies