20 research outputs found

    Invited review: Nutritional and management factors that influence colostrum production and composition in dairy cows

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    ABSTRACT: Colostrum is a rich source of nutritional and non-nutritional components and is recognized as essential to transfer passive immunity to newborn calves. Because of the individual and seasonal variability in colostrum yield and composition, maintaining an adequate supply of high-quality colostrum year-round remains a challenge for commercial dairy producers. In this narrative review, we described the individual, seasonal, and herd-level variability of colostrum production and summarized the association between individual animal factors such as parity, sex of the calf, calf birth weight, as well as indicators of the cow's metabolic status and the yield and composition of colostrum. Further, we reviewed the current knowledge on the influence of prepartum nutrition and management strategies on colostrum production. Research on the metabolizable energy and protein supplied in the prepartum diet as well as on the inclusion and source of vitamins, minerals, and feed additives suggests prepartum nutrition influences the yield, quality, and composition of colostrum. Furthermore, the prepartum environment and dry period length remain influential factors in the production of colostrum. However, additional research is needed to understand the mechanisms by which prepartum nutrition and management affect colostrum production. Finally, time from calving to colostrum harvest and oxytocin administration as well as the current knowledge on the effect of heat treatment and colostrum storage strategies on colostral components were discussed. To conclude, we identify critical gaps in knowledge for future focus of investigation in colostrum research

    Effect of replacing a portion of inorganic chloride trace minerals with trace mineral amino acid complexes

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    ABSTRACT: The objective was to determine whether replacing a portion of inorganic chloride trace minerals and cobalt carbonate in the diet with AA complexes of trace minerals and cobalt glucoheptonate will improve lactating cow performance, feed efficiency, and calf performance. In a clinical trial, 69 Holstein cows entering second lactation and greater were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments, with the total dietary trace mineral concentration the same between treatments, starting 1 wk after dry off (50 to 57 d before expected parturition) until 154 d in milk (DIM): (1) an inorganic chloride trace mineral (ITM) blend consisting of Zn (75 mg/kg), Mn (65 mg/kg), and Cu (10 mg/kg) as hydroxychlorides and Co (1 mg/kg) as carbonate (n = 37) or (2) partial replacement of ITM with AA complexes of Zn (40 mg/kg), Mn (20 mg/kg), and Cu (3.5 mg/kg) and Co glucoheptonate (1 mg/kg; AATM; Availa-Dairy, Zinpro Corp.; n = 32). Dry matter intake (DMI) was recorded daily from enrollment through wk 8, and milk yields were recorded daily from calving through wk 22. Milk composition and body weights (BW) were collected weekly. Serum samples were analyzed for albumin (Alb), cholesterol (Chol), total bilirubin (Bili), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), haptoglobin, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and Ca. A liver health index (LHI) was calculated based on Bili, Chol, and Alb concentrations. A liver functionality index (LFI) was calculated to standardize changes in Alb, Chol, and Bili from 4 to 29 DIM. Greater LHI and LFI indicate better health status. Colostrum was analyzed for IgG and Brix, and calf serum was analyzed for IgG. Calf growth was monitored through 9 wk of age (AATM: n = 12, ITM: n = 10). Data were analyzed using SAS software with mixed effects models and repeated-measures analysis, when applicable. Survival analysis for pregnancy by 154 DIM was analyzed by Cox proportional and Kaplan-Meier hazards models. Disorder incidence was tested with Fisher's exact test. Prepartum DMI as a percent of BW was lower in cows fed AATM and not significant postpartum. Cows fed AATM produced more milk from wk 1 to 8 and from wk 1 to 22. Energy-corrected milk yield and colostrum measures did not significantly differ between treatments. A treatment by time interaction was seen for AST and BHB; cows fed AATM tended to have lower AST concentrations at 28 DIM and lower concentrations in BHB through 29 DIM, though not statistically significant. Cows fed AATM had greater LHI at 4 DIM. Haptoglobin, Ca, LFI, hazard of pregnancy, risk to first service, survival curves, or services per pregnancy did not significantly differ. Calf serum IgG and birth weight did not significantly differ between treatments. Calves from dams fed AATM had greater average daily gain than calves from dams fed ITM. Overall, cows fed AATM during the dry period and early lactation had improved postpartum performance and potential health improvements

    Effect of Prepartum DCAD Strategy and Level of Dietary Calcium on Postpartum Calcium Status and Performance of Multiparous Holstein Cows

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    Periparturient hypocalcemia can be mitigated by reducing prepartum dietary DCAD; however, neither the extent of DCAD adjustment nor the level of dietary Ca fed with negative DCAD have been evaluated fully. This project aimed to compare the effects of two levels of prepartum dietary anion supplementation (urinary pH), two levels of dietary calcium, and the interactions, on parameters of calcium metabolism, health, and milk performance of transition dairy cows