3 research outputs found

    Percepção e atitudes de proprietários quanto a vacinação de cães na região sul do estado do Espírito Santo - Brasil

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    Dogs are dependent on their owners to determine their general care, health and welfare, including the holding of vaccines against infectious diseases. This study was performed to gather more information on immunization practices performed in dogs by surveying owners of the southern of Espírito Santo State, totalizing 344 interviews. Statistical analysis of frequency and correlation were performed. The survey consisted of questions regarding the implementation of vaccination in dogs and aware of vaccine protocols by the owners, and also collect data about the cost of performing vaccines, the coverage of public campaigns of rabies vaccination and socioeconomic status of respondents. It was concluded that public campaign of rabies vaccination is satisfactory, as the most respondents was aware and performed that vaccines annually, independent of schooling level. Nevertheless, polyvalent vaccination is performed by less than a half of studied population, and owners were more aware about vaccination protocol in puppies than in adult dogs. Vaccination is still performed, in part, by non-specialist. The awareness of owners regarding correct protocols and application of vaccines by veterinarians should be performed to guarantee the properly vaccination practices and ensure the protection of dogs against infectious diseases.Os cães são dependentes de seus proprietários para a determinação de seus cuidados gerais, saúde e bem-estar, incluindo a realização de vacinas contra doenças infecciosas. Para obter maiores informações sobre as práticas de vacinação realizadas em cães de uma amostra populacional da região sul do estado do Espírito Santo, realizou-se este estudo por meio de enquetes aplicadas a proprietários de cães desta região, totalizando 344 entrevistas. As análises estatísticas de frequência e correlação foram realizadas. A enquete foi constituída por perguntas referentes à realização de vacinação em cães e ciência dos protocolos vacinais pelos proprietários, além de levantar dados quanto ao custo da realização de vacinas, a abrangência das campanhas públicas de vacinação antirrábica e nível socioeconômico dos entrevistados. Pode-se concluir que a campanha pública de vacinação antirrábica é satisfatória, uma vez que a maior parte da população estava ciente e realizava a vacina antirrábica anualmente, independentemente do nível de escolaridade. Por outro lado, a vacina polivalente é realizada por menos da metade da população estudada, sendo que os proprietários eram mais informados do protocolo vacinal de filhotes do que do protocolo anual de revacinação para adultos. Os proprietários com maior nível de escolaridade são mais instruídos quanto ao protocolo vacinal de cães. A vacinação ainda é realizada, em partes, por profissionais não especializados. Para que as práticas de vacinação sejam realizadas adequadamente e garantam a proteção dos cães contra doenças infecciosas, deve-se realizar uma conscientização dos proprietários com relação aos protocolos corretos e à necessidade de aplicação de vacinas por médicos veterinários

    Canine visceral leishmaniasis in Londrina, Paraná - investigation and case report

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    Dogs are considered the main reservoirs of visceral leishmaniasis for humans, which also present a chronic and severe clinical picture when affected. The objective of the present report was to describe a canine visceral leishmaniasis case diagnosed in Londrina, an indene city, and its investigation. A street animal with extensive dermatological lesions, onychogryphosis, mild anemia and leukopenia was attended at a veterinary hospital in Londrina, where positivity was reported for Leishmania spp. in serological tests. Cytology was positive in bone marrow, PCR and parasite culture were positive in skin, spleen, liver, lymph node and bone marrow, and DNA sequencing confirmed the species of the parasite as L. (L.) infantum. The official diagnosis was made by the Central Laboratory of Paraná (LACEN), and through an official report, an investigation of the case was started for the confirmation of autochthony. An active search for the vector and other canine cases in the neighborhood was carried out along with a search for information on the origin of the animal in question. However, the species, Lutzomyia longipalpis, new canine cases, or origin of the sick animal were not identified. Although, the present case cannot be confirmed as autochthonous, we suggest that it is necessary to disseminate the present report to serve as a warning to veterinarians and other public health professionals in the northern region of Paraná to be attentive to suspicious cases and to not fail to investigate these cases to the end

    Prevalence of Ehrlichia canis using the nested-PCR, correlation with the presence of morulae and thrombocytopenia in dogs treated in Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Espirito Santo

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    ABSTRACT. Sales M.R.R.P., Ignacchiti M.D.C., Mendes Junior A.F., Suhett W.G., Porfírio L.C., Marins M., Aptekmann K.P. & Pereira Júnior O.S. [Prevalence of Ehrlichia canis using the nested-PCR, correlation with the presence of morulae and thrombocytopenia in dogs treated in Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Espirito Santo.] Prevalência de Ehrlichia canis pela Nested- -PCR, correlação com a presença de mórula e trombocitopenia em cães atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(1):47-51, 2015. Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Rua Projetada s/nº, Caixa Postal 25, Pontal, Marataízes, ES 29349-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Ehrlichia canis, is the primary etiologic agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. The disease is mainly transmitted by the brown dog ticks Rhipicephalus sanguineus in different endemic regions of Brazil. The purpose of this study was determinated using the Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (nested-PCR) the prevalence of Ehrlichia canis in 85 dogs, regardless of race, age, sex or health status, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Espirito Santo, in Alegre-ES and evaluate its correlation with the presence of morulae and thrombocytopenia. It was observed that 1.17% of the samples were positive by blood smear, for the presence of morulae. However, the nested-PCR showed 5.88% positivity of samples. And 17.64% samples showed thrombocytopenia. By analyzing all the techniques, it was concluded that the introduction of diagnostic techniques such as nested-PCR is an important method for aid in early diagnosis of pathologies