176 research outputs found

    Consumer Awareness, Attitudes and Preferences Towards Heritage Cereals

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    Interest in heritage cereals is increasing among consumers, bakeries and farmers, and the trends point towards the local production of crops and connect to sustainability. The most known variety is spelt, which has opened up for old landraces such as Oland wheat. Heritage cereals have shown a higher resilience than modern varieties and have the potential to supply the market with alternative products that have an attractive cultural background. Delicious and nutritious products based on heritages cereals have a growing market potential. Consumers' attitudes and preferences to different products are affected by factors such as age, gender and education. The aim of this study was to investigate and analyse different consumer groups' awareness, attitudes and preferences toward heritage cereals. The number of respondents who participated in this study and answered the web-based questionnaire was 434. It can be concluded that most consumers are aware of heritage cereals. Geographic background had an influence, while academic background did not. Bread and pasta are the most consumed products and are regarded as the most popular future products to be based on heritage cereals. The most essential factors in bread are taste and flavour, followed by freshness and texture. The origin of the cereal and its health aspects are important; women are more concerned about the origin than men, while older consumers are more concerned about health. Older consumers are also more willing to pay extra for heritage cereal than younger consumers

    User-Centric Measures of the Perceived Light Qualities of Lighting Products

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    Nowadays, lighting planning is predominantly determined by the need to meet physically measurable requirements that are often based on current lighting standards. However, meeting the minimum technical requirements of the standards is no guarantee for a visually appealing light environment. Instead, requirements based on perceived light qualities also need to be included to achieve better user comfort. Taking perception-based qualities into consideration when creating a light environment is, for many, not an easy task. In addition, a common terminology for perceived light qualities is currently lacking, both in industry and in research. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to explore how perceived light qualities of white light sources can be described when employing user-centric measures. The focus was on the qualities of light colour and diffuse and distinct light since these qualities have a great impact on the visual impression of light. The perception was assessed by applying analytical sensory analysis to lighting products, a method found to be promising in previous work. The methodology is based on analytical measurement by the human senses, which is particularly valuable when developing a general terminology. Since sensory analysis is still quite new to the topic of lighting, the applicability of using the methodology to assess lighting in a real context was also investigated. The results of the studies showed that the perception of light qualities can be described using further concepts in addition to those currently used. For light colour, the concepts of reddish, bluish, yellowish, and greenish light colours proved suitable for providing a richer description of the quality. The concepts of diffuse and distinct light satisfactorily captured variations in light contrast produced by shadows, reflections, and sparkles. In addition, the studies revealed that analytical sensory analysis was applicable for assessing the perception of lighting in a real-world context. The latter means that knowledge gained in the laboratory can be translated into real environments. The user-centric measures investigated in this paper have contributed to the terminology related to perceived light qualities. These can complement the physical measures in lighting planning to promote light environments that are not only energy efficient and meet technical requirements, but also cater for increased user comfort. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-022 Full Text: PD

    Adolescents’ attitudes, preferences and perceived behaviours regarding healthy eating and whole grains from a gender and health interest perspective

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    Background: A healthy diet is important not only for the growth and development of the human body but also for the prevention of chronic diseases. However, most Swedish adolescents do not follow dietary recommen-dations, especially the intake of whole grain is very low. To create targeted conditions for healthy food choices amongst adolescents, comprehensive knowledge of factors related to adolescents’ unhealthy and healthy eating is needed. Objective: To investigate adolescents’ attitudes, preferences and perceived behaviours regarding healthy eating, with a specific focus on whole grains and to evaluate differences between genders and between adolescents with higher versus lower health interest. Design: A total of 1,178 Swedish adolescents responded to a questionnaire about their attitudes, preferences and perceived behabviours towards healthy eating and whole grains, and their general interest in nutrition and health. Results of girls and boys were compared, as well as adolescents with a higher versus lower health interest. Results: Displays information about healthy eating among adolescents and a comprehensive set of factors that may affect their ability to eat healthier. Overall, adolescents had a positive attitude towards food and health, but less than half felt that they managed to eat healthy. The consumption of different whole grain products was low, although the willingness to eat healthier and more whole grain was high. The most reported barrier to healthy eating, as well as increasing whole grain intake, was the unavailability of tasty healthy products, taste being even more important for adolescents with a low health interest than those with a high interest. Whole grain consumption and factors increasing the willingness of whole grain consumption were most prominent not only in adolescents with high health interest but also in girls compared with boys. Conclusion: The results show good potential to improve dietary habits amongst adolescents. Taste and avail-ability of healthy products were rated the most important, whilst knowledge about the products’ healthiness was rated the least important, especially amongst those with low health interest. By focusing on the attitudes and preferences of adolescents, the effectiveness may increase of initiatives to improve their dietary habits

    Odor Perception and Descriptions of Rose-Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund'-Sensory and Chemical Analyses

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    A recent study found that the natural scent from the rose-scented geranium Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund' had positive effects on stress reduction. Essential oils from many pelargonium species are known to have phytochemical properties and pharmacological activities. No study has, so far, explored and identified the chemical compounds and the sensory perception of these compounds in 'Dr. Westerlund' plants. Such knowledge would be an important contribution to an increased understanding of the effects of plants' chemical odor properties on human well-being, and link this to the expressed perceived scents. This study aimed to identify the sensory profile and suggest responsible chemical compounds of Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund'. The sensory and chemical analysis results revealed sensory profiles of Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund's and provided suggestions for the chemical compounds attributed to the sensory profiles. Further studies are recommended to investigate the correlation between volatile compounds and possible stress reduction in humans

    Den skånska äpplemustens terroir

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    Idag ser vi ett kraftigt ökande intresse för lokalproducerad mat och dryck. Många konsumenter lägger stor vikt vid vad de konsumerar, varifrån livsmedlen kommer och hur de produceras. I vinsammanhang har man under lång tid använt sig av begreppet terroir för att sammanfatta lokalitetens betydelse för såväl upplevda som mätbara egenskaper. Något motsvarande har inte hittills dokumenterats för svenska äpplen – den viktigaste råvaran för must i Sverige. Finns det något samband mellan var frukten har odlats och mustens kvalitetsegenskaper? Kan konsumenter känna skillnad mellan must från olika odlingar men av samma sort? Hur kan detta kommuniceras? Detta var huvudfrågeställningarna i en pilotstudie vi nyligen genomförde tillsammans med skånska äppelodlare och musterier

    Attitudes and preferences regarding plant-based yoghurt analogues among Swedish consumers with different dietary habits

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    This study evaluated drivers and barriers in consumer willingness to purchase plant-based yoghurt analogues (PBYA) and assessed the most important attributes of PBYA. Questionnaire data from 702 Swedish adults (19% vegan, 20% lacto-ovo-vegetarian, 21% flexitarian, 41% omnivore) showed that attitudes and preferences regarding PBYA differed between consumers with different dietary preferences. Animal welfare was an important driver for vegans, while interest in trying new foods was one of the main drivers for omnivores. All four consumer groups believed that PBYA is good for the environment. The main reasons indicated for not consuming PBYA were unpleasant taste and lack of motive to switch from dairy yoghurt to PBYA. All groups indicated taste, appearance and price as overall driving forces when choosing PBYA. The importance of some factors, such as local ingredients, few additives and low sugar content, was rated higher by flexitarians and omnivores than by vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians. These data about consumer attitudes and preferences regarding PBYA should be implemented during PBYA product development, especially when targeting different food preference groups

    Texture-modified meat and carrot products for elderly people with dysphagia: preference in relation to health and oral status

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    Background : Reduced taste and smell, chewing problems and swallowing dysfunction are common among elderly people and affect perception, food choice and the ability to eat. Objective : To study the preference for texture-modified carrot and meat products in elderly people aiming to meet the needs of people with impaired chewing and/or swallowing. Design : Data were collected using questionnaires focusing on health, oral status and preference for the products. Altogether, 108 elderly people in ordinary housing (OH) and 50 living in special housing (SH) in Malmouml (SH-M) and Goumlteborg (SH-G) participated. Results : 19% had a body mass index ≤22, predominantly in SH (24%). Stroke was reported by 20% of the subjects in SH. Among those with subjectively experienced difficulties in swallowing (12%), 58% reported coughing, 21% a gurgly voice in association with food intake and 50% obstruction during swallowing. Only 20% with subjective swallowing difficulties had been specifically examined regarding this problem. All the tested products were easy to masticate and swallow. Compared with OH, people in SH-M found the meat products easier to masticate and swallow. Compared with OH, subjects in SH found the carrot products easier to masticate Conclusions : There is a need to develop tasty texture-modified nutritious food products for people with mastication and/or swallowing problems. Possible factors for differences in preference between groups, in this study OH and SH, may be related to health status in general and specifically mastication and swallowing functions

    Effects of anti-herbivore resistance on sensory characteristics and ripening of strawberry

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    Plant resistance to agricultural pests is a fundamental element of sustainable crop protection. However, concerns have been raised that strategies to increase resistance may involve phytochemicals that impact fruit ripening and the sensorial perception of the fruit. Here, we experimentally tested for these putative resistance effects by contrasting susceptible varieties of strawberry (Fragaria vesca) with varieties that were either constitutively resistant to pest insects or with resistance induced with jasmonic acid (JA). GC-MS analysis identified 11 volatile compounds, including alcohols, aldehydes, lactone, terpenoids, and esters, which showed higher concentrations in fruits from resistant/induced plants. Fruits from induced plants ripened faster in the field. In sensory analyses, using a trained analytical panel, some variation between the sensory profiles of the strawberry varieties was detected, but we found no systematic correlations between sensory attributes and the level of plant resistance/induction in the varieties. These results suggest that increased plant resistance comes with positive effects of early ripening, while not strongly affecting the overall sensory experience

    Acceptance of Nordic snack bars in children aged 8–11 years

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    Background: A health promoting diet is suggested to be tailored to regional circumstances to preserve the cultural diversity in eating habits, as well as contribute to more environmentally friendly eating. It may influence consumer acceptance, however, if the components of the diet differs considerably from their habitual food. Objective: This study aimed to investigate whether snack bars composed of Nordic ingredients were accepted by 8–11 year-old Danish (n=134) and Swedish (n=109) children.Design: A seven-point hedonic scale was used to measure the children's acceptance of five snack bars that varied in their composition of whole grains, berries and nuts. A preference rank ordering of the five bars was also performed. Results: The results showed that samples that were rated highest in liking and were most preferred in both countries were a kamut/pumpkin bar and an oat/cranberry bar. The sample with the lowest rating that was also least preferred was a pumpernickel/sea buckthorn bar. Flavour was the most important determinant of overall liking followed by texture, odour and appearance. Conclusions: Children's acceptances and preferences were highly influenced by the sensory characteristics of the bars, mainly flavour. In agreement with earlier studies, the novel food ingredients seemed to influence children's preferences. The Nordic snack bars may have a potential to be a snack option for Danish and Swedish school children, but repeated exposures to the products are recommended to increase children's acceptance

    Objective and quantitative definitions of modified food textures based on sensory and rheological methodology

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    Introduction: Patients who suffer from chewing and swallowing disorders, i.e. dysphagia, may have difficulties ingesting normal food and liquids. In these patients a texture modified diet may enable that the patient maintain adequate nutrition. However, there is no generally accepted definition of ‘texture’ that includes measurements describing different food textures. Objective: Objectively define and quantify categories of texture-modified food by conducting rheological measurements and sensory analyses. A further objective was to facilitate the communication and recommendations of appropriate food textures for patients with dysphagia. Design: About 15 food samples varying in texture qualities were characterized by descriptive sensory and rheological measurements. Results: Soups were perceived as homogenous; thickened soups were perceived as being easier to swallow, more melting and creamy compared with soups without thickener. Viscosity differed between the two types of soups. Texture descriptors for pâtés were characterized by high chewing resistance, firmness, and having larger particles compared with timbales and jellied products. Jellied products were perceived as wobbly, creamy, and easier to swallow. Concerning the rheological measurements, all solid products were more elastic than viscous (G′>G″), belonging to different G′ intervals: jellied products (low G′) and timbales together with pâtés (higher G′). Conclusion: By combining sensory and rheological measurements, a system of objective, quantitative, and well-defined food textures was developed that characterizes the different texture categories