28 research outputs found

    Effects of mechanical injury and insect feeding on volatiles emitted by wheat plants

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    We report on changes in the volatiles emitted by wheat plants of the cultivar ‘Tonacja’ after the plants were scraped, pierced or damaged by adults of Oulema melanopus (Linnaeus). The blend of volatiles was dominated by typical green leaf volatiles and in addition contained linalool and B-caryophyllene, but the latter two were released in large amounts only after more than one day of insect feeding. Overall, the plants that had been damaged by the insect released more odors than the plants that were subjected to mechanical damage. Moreover, control plants released significantly lower amounts of volatiles. Scraping of leaves induced higher volatile emission than puncturing the leaves. A Y-tube bioassay was used to evaluate upwind orientation ofadult cereal leafbeetles. Greater number of female 0. melanopus was attracted to (Z)-3-hexenal and (Z)-3 -hexenyl acetate at low concentrations. Higher concentration of these compounds and linalool significantly repelled both females and males

    Diversity of Species and the Occurrence and Development of a Specialized Pest Population—A Review Article

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    The trophic interactions between plants and herbivorous insects are considered to be one of the primary relationships in the occurrence and development of specialized pest populations. Starting from the role of multicropping and the types of mixtures through the ecological benefits of intercropped plants, we explain the ecological conditions that contribute to the occurrence of pest populations. The dynamics of pest populations in crop occur in stages with the survival and development of pest in source of origin, invasion and distribution in crops, development and survival of the population, emigration to the another crop and (or) change of habitat. Possible effects of each stages are described based on the camouflage of visual effects, olfactory effects and reversal of feeding preferences. Fundamental theories of natural enemies and concentration of food resources have been explained to refer to the empirical data

    The Choice of Soybean Cultivar Alters the Underyielding of Protein and Oil under Drought Conditions in Central Poland

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    The popularization of soybean cultivation in Central Poland is progressing due to the European Soy Declaration signed by 13 member states in Brussels on 17 July 2017. Hence, this research was initiated under the European Innovation Partnership on phenotyping soybean cultivars in two regions, i.e., Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Greater Poland for integrated systems. The aim of this study was to determine soybean potential in the agrotechnical and agroclimatic conditions, with the selection of the most suitable cultivars for tillage and no-tillage cultivation in the region of Central Poland. Strict field research was carried out in six locations from 2018–2020 on 20 cultivars selected in terms of their earliness of maturation to the climatic conditions. On the basis of meteorological data, it was found that half of the plantations suffered from drought stress, as evidenced by the hydrothermal coefficients (K) for the growing season of soybean K < 1.2. The significant multivariate relationship (R = 0.67; p < 0.001) between the hydrothermal coefficient K and the vegetation period days (VPD) as the predictors of the soybean yield was determined by the regression equation Y(yield) = 21.8 + 12.0 X(K) + 0.20 X(VPD). A significant multivariate relationship (R = 0.43; p < 0.01) was also found between the seed yield, hydrothermal coefficient K and the protein content, quantified with the regression equation Y(protein) = 32.6 + 0.25 X(Yield) + 0.28 X(K). In the no-tillage system of cultivation, the seed yield of soybean constantly increased with increasing K (+32.3% between dry/relatively dry and optimal periods, +22.4% between optimal and humid periods), while in the tillage system, the yield increased by 22.1% only when K rose from optimal to humid. In the seasons with optimum and humid conditions, no-tilled soybean produced more oil, in comparison to the season of dry conditions, and the opposite trend was found with the greater oil content in the tillage system. Meanwhile, a higher protein content was observed in the tillage system under humid conditions. All soybean cultivars were grouped according to the cluster analysis (k-means) with ANOVA in terms of vegetation period in days, seed yield, oil, and protein content for tillage and no-tillage cultivation. The study confirmed that soybean might be considered in the future as a profitable crop in Central Poland and create perspective for a low-input source of protein and oil

    Profitability of winter oilseed rape cultivation in standard and high-input technology in kujawsko-pomorskie region

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    W latach 2013-2015, w Grocholinie, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie badano 10 odmian rzepaku ozimego w technologii standardowej i wysokonakładowej. Sześć odmian (Kadore, Adriana, Poznaniak, Monolit, Rohan, Müller 24) miały nadwyżkę bezpośrednią o ponad 5% większą w technologii wysokonakładowej w stosunku do osiąganej w technologii standardowej. Największy przyrost wartości nadwyżki bezpośredniej w technologii wysokonakładowej uzyskała populacyjna odmiana Kadore (13% wzrost), a z mieszańcowych Poznaniak.Field studies carried out on a farm in Grocholin in 2013-2015, on ten cultivars of winter oilseed rape in standard and high-input technology. Six of tested cultivars showed larger direct surplus after applying the high-input technology (Kadore, Adriana, Poznaniak, Monolit, Rohan, Müller 24) about 5% higher compared to the standard technology. Among the population varieties the highest profitability in high-input technology was recorded for Kadore (13% increase), while among the hybrid varieties this technology proved to be the most profitable for Poznaniak

    Productive and Ecological Aspects of Mixed Cropping System

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    Mixed cropping, also known as inter-cropping, polyculture, or co-cultivation, is a type of plant production system that involves planting two or more species (or cultivars) simultaneously in the same field in a variable order (row or rowless) [...

    The Choice of Soybean Cultivar Alters the Underyielding of Protein and Oil under Drought Conditions in Central Poland

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    The popularization of soybean cultivation in Central Poland is progressing due to the European Soy Declaration signed by 13 member states in Brussels on 17 July 2017. Hence, this research was initiated under the European Innovation Partnership on phenotyping soybean cultivars in two regions, i.e., Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Greater Poland for integrated systems. The aim of this study was to determine soybean potential in the agrotechnical and agroclimatic conditions, with the selection of the most suitable cultivars for tillage and no-tillage cultivation in the region of Central Poland. Strict field research was carried out in six locations from 2018–2020 on 20 cultivars selected in terms of their earliness of maturation to the climatic conditions. On the basis of meteorological data, it was found that half of the plantations suffered from drought stress, as evidenced by the hydrothermal coefficients (K) for the growing season of soybean K R = 0.67; p K and the vegetation period days (VPD) as the predictors of the soybean yield was determined by the regression equation Y(yield) = 21.8 + 12.0 X(K) + 0.20 X(VPD). A significant multivariate relationship (R = 0.43; p K and the protein content, quantified with the regression equation Y(protein) = 32.6 + 0.25 X(Yield) + 0.28 X(K). In the no-tillage system of cultivation, the seed yield of soybean constantly increased with increasing K (+32.3% between dry/relatively dry and optimal periods, +22.4% between optimal and humid periods), while in the tillage system, the yield increased by 22.1% only when K rose from optimal to humid. In the seasons with optimum and humid conditions, no-tilled soybean produced more oil, in comparison to the season of dry conditions, and the opposite trend was found with the greater oil content in the tillage system. Meanwhile, a higher protein content was observed in the tillage system under humid conditions. All soybean cultivars were grouped according to the cluster analysis (k-means) with ANOVA in terms of vegetation period in days, seed yield, oil, and protein content for tillage and no-tillage cultivation. The study confirmed that soybean might be considered in the future as a profitable crop in Central Poland and create perspective for a low-input source of protein and oil

    Wpływ wybranych substancji aktywnych herbicydów na ograniczenie zachwaszczenia w pszenicy jarej wysianej w terminie późnojesiennym

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    Background. In an integrated wheat production, in simplified crop rotation (winter wheat – facultative wheat) effective solutions should be sought based on total and selective herbicides in weed control. Material and methods. In a field experiment carried out in the years 2010–2014, the effect of autumn application of glyphosate was investigated, as well as of various active substances in selective herbicides used in spring on the number and weight of mono- and dicotyledonous weeds in the cultivation of spring wheat cv. Monsun sown as facultative wheat. Results. The spectrum of weed species occurring over the years of research was determined, as well as herbicidal effectiveness of glyphosate and chosen selective herbicides. The highest reduction in the number of dicotyledonous weeds was observed after spring application of tribenuron-methyl, tifensulfuron-methyl with chlorosulfuron, as well as diflufenican and isoproturon. Reduction in the biomass of dicotyledonous weeds for particular variants was: 96% – Chisel 75 WG, 95% – Helmstar 75 WG, 93% – Legato Plus 600 SC, 78% – Chwastox Extra 300 SL + Apyros 75 WG and 68% Starane Super 101 SE + Apyros 75 WG, respectively. Application of glyphosate in the autumn before sowing facultative wheat contributed to a three-fold reduction in the number of monocotyledonous weeds, and in their biomass in the cultivation of wheat cv. Monsun. Conclusion. In order to achieve the best result of reducing weeds in the cultivation of spring wheat in late-autumn sowing, after cereal forecrop, glyphosate should be applied to autumn crops, and in the spring a suitable herbicide should be selected for the spectrum of the occurring weeds, which contains at least two active substances, e.g. tifensulfuron-methyl with chlorosulfuron or diflufenican with isoproturon.W doświadczeniu polowym prowadzonym w latach 2010-2014 sprawdzono wpływ jesiennego stosowania glifosatu oraz różnych substancji aktywnych w herbicydach selektywnych stosowanych na wiosnę na uszkodzenia roślin chwastów, liczebność i masę chwastów jednoliściennych i dwuliściennych w uprawie pszenicy jarej odmiany Monsun wysiewanej jako przewódka. Określono spektrum gatunkowe chwastów występujących w latach badań oraz skuteczność chwastobójczą glifosatu i wybranych herbicydów selektywnych. Największą redukcję liczebności chwastów dwuliściennych stwierdzono po wiosennym zastosowaniu tribenuronu metylowego, tifensulfuronu metylowego z chlorosulfuronem oraz diflufenicanu i isoproturonu. Redukcja biomasy chwastów dwuliściennych wyniosła dla poszczególnych wariantów odpowiednio: 96% - Chisel 75 WG, 95% - Helmstar 75 WG, 93% - Legato Plus 600 SC, 78% - Chwastox Extra 300SL + Apyros 75 WG i 68% Starane Super 101 SE + Apyros 75 WG. Zastosowanie glifosatu jesienią przed zasiewem przewódki przyczyniło się do trzykrotnego zmniejszenia liczby chwastów jednoliściennych oraz ich biomasy w uprawie pszenicy odmiany Monsun. Aby uzyskać najlepszy efekt ograniczania chwastów w uprawie pszenicy jarej w wysiewie późnojesiennym, po przedplonie zbożowym, należy zastosować glifosat w jesiennym zespole uprawy, a w wiosennym terminie odpowiednio do spektrum pojawiających się chwastów dobrać herbicyd, który zawiera co najmniej dwie substancje aktywne, np. tifensulfuron metylowy z chlorosulfuronem lub diflufenican z isoproturonem

    Evaluation of hybrid and population cultivars on standard and high-input technology in winter oilseed rape

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    The problem raised here is the intensification of technology in field crops of winter oilseed rape. Is there a justification for this by explaining what relationship between the yield and individual yielding traits are formed in hybrid and population cultivars. During years 2012–2015 field studies to evaluate five hybrid and five population cultivars response on the standard and high-input technology in winter oilseed rape production have been executed in Poland. High-input technology included: double foliar application (in autumn, and in spring) of micro-nutrients, additional top fertilisation of 40 kg N per ha in spring, double application of the amino-acid bio-stimulators, and additional growth regulator. According to the principle component analysis made for both technologies it was found that hybrids and population cultivars displayed varied response which is explained here on the basis of morphological, growth, and yield elements. The high-input technology improved the yield responded elements e.g. number of siliques and number of seeds per silique as well as winter hardiness. This impact was more evident for population cultivars than for hybrids. We state that high-input technology, as the proposal in this paper, that provided 9.6% increase in seed yield, is biologically justified for winter oilseed rape crop and can be recommended in North and central European countries


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    Seafood consumption in Poland is regularly increasing, although it still remains at a relatively low level compared to the consumption of fi sh and their products. The aim of the study was to obtain information on the frequency of seafood consumption and purchasing preferences among consumer groups in both a large and a small urban center, taking into account not only the place of residence, but also respondents’ age and gender. The study was attended by 204 people (50 men and 154 women). A survey questionnaire verifi ed in a pilot survey was used as a research tool. The research was carried out in a small (approx. 4,000 inhabitants) and a large (approx. 400,000 inhabitants) urban center on consumers going in and out of shops. A factor that signifi cantly infl uenced all the studied characteristics and purchasing preferences was the respondents’ age. The respondents’ gender signifi cantly infl uenced the recognition of diff erent seafood types, the place of consumption and the motivation for purchase. The size of the place of residence was the least infl uential factor in the study. There is a strong need to inform Polish consumers about seafood and the possibility of its consumptio

    Response of sugar beet to humic substances and foliar fertilization with potassium

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    Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) requires fertile soils with high biological activity, rich in minerals and organic nutrients. Biological properties of soil, such as enzymatic and microbial activity, can be effectively improved through the application of humic substances. This enables an increase in growth dynamics and, consequently, in the yield. The aim of this study was to assess sugar beet germination, depending on the soil application of the humic preparation Humistar (12% of humic acids, 3% of fulvic acids) as well as to assess the yield of sugar beet storage roots and the content of sugar in these storage roots, depending on soil applications of Humistar and/or foliar application of potassium fertilizer Drakar (31% K2O, 3% N). The field experiment was conducted in the soil classified as Mesic Typic Hapludalfs. Soil application of Humistar contributed to a reduction in sugar beet germination, measured as % of plants germinated within 14 days after sowing. However, the growth of plants in soil with Humistar was more intensive than in the control. A significant, positive influence of Humistar and Drakar on the yield of sugar beet roots has been found. Application of the two treatments did not produce better results than the use of each of them separately. Sugar content in roots was not affected by experimental factor. The study showed that both soil application of humic substances and the use of foliar potassium fertilizer can improve the yield of sugar beet and, consequently, increase the biological yield of sugar from storage roots