2,146 research outputs found

    Reaching for Home: Global Learning on Family Reintegration in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries

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    This inter-agency, desk-based research aims to arrive at a clearer understanding of reintegration practices for separated children in low and lower-middle income countries. The research pulls together learning from practitioners and academics working with a range of separated children, such as those torn from their families by emergencies, children who have been trafficked or migrated for work, and children living in institutions or on the streets. Practitioners and researchers who work with these different population groups are for the most part unaware of the approaches and methods used in other areas of child protection, and this research aims to consolidate experience and create opportunities for dialogue and shared learning. The findings are based on an in-depth review of 77 documents, a short online survey involving 31 practitioners and policy makers, and key informant interviews with 19 individuals with expertise in children's reintegration

    Symmetry via Spherical Reflection and Spanning Drops in a Wedge

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    We consider embedded ring-type surfaces (that is, compact, connected, orientable surfaces with two boundary components and Euler-Poincar\'{e} characteristic zero) in R3{\bold R}^3 of constant mean curvature which meet planes Π1\Pi_1 and Π2\Pi_2 in constant contact angles γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2 and bound, together with those planes, an open set in R3{\bold R}^3. If the planes are parallel, then it is known that any contact angles may be realized by infinitely many such surfaces given explicitly in terms of elliptic integrals. If Π1\Pi_1 meets Π2\Pi_2 in an angle α\alpha and if γ1+γ2>π+α\gamma_1+\gamma_2>\pi+\alpha, then portions of spheres provide (explicit) solutions. In the present work it is shown that if γ1+γ2≤π+α\gamma_1+\gamma_2\le\pi+\alpha, then the problem admits no solution. The result contrasts with recent work of H.C.~Wente who constructed, in the particular case γ1=γ2=π/2\gamma_1 = \gamma_2 =\pi/2, a {\it self-intersecting} surface spanning a wedge as described above. Our proof is based on an extension of the Alexandrov planar reflection procedure to a reflection about spheres, on the intrinsic geometry of the surface, and on a new maximum principle related to surface geometry. The method should be of interest also in connection with other problems arising in the global differential geometry of surfaces

    Wave techniques for noise modeling and measurement

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    The noise wave approach is applied to analysis, modeling, and measurement applications. Methods are presented for the calculation of component and network noise wave correlation matrices. Embedding calculations, relations to two-port figures-of-merit, and transformations to traditional representations are discussed. Simple expressions are derived for MESFET and HEMT noise wave parameters based on a linear equivalent circuit. A noise wave measurement technique is presented and experimentally compared with the conventional method

    Sassoon’s Fox-Hunting Man: The Sporting Character in The Memoirs of George Sherston

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    Throwing a Curve

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    High Island Blues: the Sport of Birding in the Novels of Ann Cleeves

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    Enduring Powers of Attorney and Financial Abuse of Older Persons: Are Existing Safeguards Sufficient?

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    Research has shown that older persons, particularly those with diminished capacity, are vulnerable to financial abuse by enduring power of attorney, which is otherwise an effective estate planning tool. Current legislation in Nova Scotia is not adequate to protect older persons from such financial abuse, which can be extremely devastating for them not only financially but physically and emotionally. Improvements to legislation are one part of the multi-dimensional solution to the problem. Educational initiatives for donors, attorneys and others is critical. Non-adversarial remedial measures to abuse, such as restorative approaches and elder mediation, must be fostered, as they provide for reconciliation, not retribution. An effective enforcement body, such as a remodeled Public Trustee\u27s Office, with a Registry for enduring powers of attorney and a mandate to investigate and take action to remedy financial abuse by attorneys, is essential. While all measures involve expending more public funds, the public policy benefits would certainly justify the costs

    Satan Vows to Make a Comeback

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    ’Saving the best of the coveys’”: Sport in the Novels of Jane Austen

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