161 research outputs found

    The Integral Jan Smuts.

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    Integral Theory as developed by Ken Wilber and other contemporary Integral scholars acknowledge many antecedent foundational influences, and proto-Integral thinkers. Curiously, the philosopher-statesman Jan Smuts’ theory of Holism is seldom acknowledged, although it has significantly contributed, albeit often implicitly, to the development of Integral Theory. This paper and presentation has two central aims: To point out that Smuts can be counted amongst one of the great Integral thinkers of the 20th Century; that Smuts’ notion of Holism had a significant influence on the development of Integral Theory. This paper and presentation will provide a brief outline of Smuts’ theory of Holism as developed in his book Holism and Evolution and other philosophical essays

    Survey and research instruments that address the health effects of caregiving: final report

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    Robert Weathers, Allison Hedley Dodd, Krista Harrison ; submitted to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities ; submitted by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc."February 29, 2008.""Contract no.: 200-2001-00122(08).""MPR Reference no.: 6290-300."Also issued online.Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-39)

    The Disability Data Landscape

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    How Policy Variables Influence the Timing of Social Security Disability Insurance Applications - Policy Brief

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    While the onset of a health based work limitation will affect a worker’s ability to remain on the job, it does not necessarily result in a swift and certain job exit and transition onto the disability rolls. The decision to leave the workforce and apply for SSDI benefits can be influenced both positively and negatively by policy variables. These two policy thrusts—SSDI transfers to replace lost earnings and accommodation to increase duration on the job—can send mixed signals to workers who experience the onset of a disability. Hence, understanding how such policies influence behavior for those who experience a disability is critical in developing policies that fully integrate people with disabilities into the workforce

    A Guide to Disability Statistics from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics

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    This User Guide provides information on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The 2003 PSID is a nationally representative sample of over 7,000 families. The PSID began in 1968 with a sample of 4,800 families and re-interviewed these families on an annual basis from 1968-1997. Since then, it has re-interviewed them biennially. Following the same families and individuals since 1968, the PSID collects data on economic, health, and social behavior. (See http://psidonline.isr.umich.edu/ for detailed information on the PSID). Initially, the PSID identified disability by asking the head of the household whether he, or she when no adult male is present, had a physical or nervous condition that limits his or her ability to work. In 1981 the PSID began asking the head this question with respect to his spouse. Additional questions that provide an opportunity to expand this definition of disability were included in 2003. The User Guide makes use of these new questions to estimate the size of the population with disabilities and the prevalence rate of disability in the population, as well as the employment rate and level of economic well-being. The major strength of the PSID for those interested in disability research is its long-running information on families. No other nationally representative survey has captured such detailed information on the same families over such a long time. Such longitudinal data allows researchers to better understand the dynamics of the disability process and its consequences. Here we demonstrate the comparative advantage of the PSID over traditional cross-sectional data sets. Using the PSID, we identify persons with disabilities of various lengths and show the sensitivity of alternative definitions of the population with disabilities based on the duration of a disability. We also measure how the employment and economic well-being of individuals changes following the onset of a disability. Finally, we provide examples of how the PSID has been used with the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) to compare the employment and economic well-being of working-age people with disabilities in the United States and Germany. This analysis uses the equivalized data from these longitudinal datasets contained in the Cornell University Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF)

    A Guide to Disability Statistics from the American Community Survey

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the information on the disability population in a nationally representative survey conducted by the U. S. Census Bureau called the American Community Survey (ACS). The paper is designed to provide a description of the disability data available in the ACS and how the data may be used to assess the employment and economic well-being of the population across states and over time. Descriptive statistics from the 2003 ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) are used to illustrate the type of data analysis that will be useful to policymakers

    Horatio Alger Meets the Mobility Tables

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    The question of how entrepreneurship relates to income mobility is cogent given the current public debate about the sources of income inequality and mobility in United States society. We examine how experience with entrepreneurship has affected an individual's place in the earnings distribution. Our basic tack is to follow individuals' positions in the income distribution over time, and to see how their mobility (or lack thereof) was affected by involvement with entrepreneurship. Our main finding is that for low-income individuals there is some merit to the notion that the self-employed moved ahead in the earnings distribution relative to those who remained wage earners. On the other hand, for those at the upper end of the earnings distribution, those who became self-employed often advanced less in the earnings distribution than their salaried counterparts.

    Income Security for Workers: A Stressed Support System in Need of Innovation

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    The current mix of public and private programs to support workers after they experience disability onset provides benefits to millions of workers and former workers. Yet, despite the large and growing costs of these programs, the inflation-adjusted household incomes of workers with disabilities have been falling for over two decades, both absolutely and, especially, relative to the incomes of those without disabilities. The aging of the baby boom generation is likely to make matters worse, and the government’s fiscal circumstance will make it increasingly difficult to sustain existing public programs. Current public policy initiatives might eventually improve the disability support system, but they are not likely to ward off the adverse consequences of the pending crisis. Policy changes that leverage existing private sector practices and capabilities might achieve greater success, but have received little attention and are far from proven


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    How Postsecondary Education Improves Adult Outcomes for Supplemental Security Income Children with Severe Hearing Impairments

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    This is a case study of SSI children who apply for postsecondary education at the National Technical Institute of the Deaf (NTID) within the Rochester Institute of Technology. We estimate the likelihood that an SSI child will graduate from NTID relative to other hearing impaired NTID applicants and estimate the influence of graduation from NTID on participation in the SSI adult program and later success in the labor market. To do so we create a unique longitudinal administrative records data set (n=5,638) based on administrative records from NTID linked to Social Security Administration (SSA) microdata. We find that SSI children who graduate from NTID spend less time on the SSI adult program and have higher earnings than those who do not graduate. However, we also find that SSI children who apply to NTID have a greater risk of not graduating than their fellow deaf students who did not participate in the SSI program as children. Our findings suggest that greater effort may be necessary to prepare SSI children for postsecondary education and that the currently SSA-funded youth transition demonstration projects are necessary to explore how such efforts can improve adult outcomes for SSI children with disabilities
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