529 research outputs found

    A Model to forecast corporate hotel rates

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    This study examined the relationship between corporate room rates and the variables of the number of hotel rooms; the number of delegates at conventions, conferences, and trade shows; the economic impact of these delegates; and passenger enplanements in 30 cities in the United States. These variables proved to have an influence on the corporate room rate, with passenger enplanements being the most statistically significant variable. These relationships were then used to develop a predictive model to forecast future corporate room rates

    Temperature dependent asymmetry of the nonlocal spin-injection resistance: evidence for spin non-conserving interface scattering

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    We report nonlocal spin injection and detection experiments on mesoscopic Co-Al2O3-Cu spin valves. We have observed a temperature dependent asymmetry in the nonlocal resistance between parallel and antiparallel configurations of the magnetic injector and detector. This strongly supports the existence of a nonequilibrium resistance that depends on the relative orientation of the detector magnetization and the nonequilibrium magnetization in the normal metal providing evidence for increasing interface spin scattering with temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PRL, minor corrections (affiliation, acknowledgements, typo

    Rules and Exceptions: The Role of Chromosomal ParB in DNA Segregation and Other Cellular Processes

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    Abstract: The segregation of newly replicated chromosomes in bacterial cells is a highly coordinated spatiotemporal process. In the majority of bacterial species, a tripartite ParAB-parS system, composed of an ATPase (ParA), a DNA-binding protein (ParB), and its target(s) parS sequence(s), facilitates the initial steps of chromosome partitioning. ParB nucleates around parS(s) located in the vicinity of newly replicated oriCs to form large nucleoprotein complexes, which are subsequently relocated by ParA to distal cellular compartments. In this review, we describe the role of ParB in various processes within bacterial cells, pointing out interspecies differences. We outline recent progress in understanding the ParB nucleoprotein complex formation and its role in DNA segregation, including ori positioning and anchoring, DNA condensation, and loading of the structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins. The auxiliary roles of ParBs in the control of chromosome replication initiation and cell division, as well as the regulation of gene expression, are discussed. Moreover, we catalog ParB interacting proteins. Overall, this work highlights how different bacterial species adapt the DNA partitioning ParAB-parS system to meet their specific requirements

    Resolution of diaschisis contributes to early recovery from post-stroke aphasia

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    Diaschisis is a phenomenon observed in stroke that is defined as neuronal dysfunction in regions spared by the infarction but connected to the lesion site. We combined lesion network mapping and task-based functional MRI in 71 patients with post-stroke aphasia to investigate, whether diaschisis and its resolution contribute to early loss and recovery of language functions. Language activation acquired in the acute, subacute and chronic phase was analyzed in compartments with high and low normative resting-state functional connectivity to the lesion site on an individual basis. Regions with high compared to regions with low lesion connectivity showed a steeper increase in language reactivation from the acute to the subacute phase. This finding is compatible with the assumption of resolution of diaschisis. Additionally, language performance in the subacute phase and improvement from the subacute to the chronic phase significantly correlated with the diaschisis effect and its resolution, respectively, suggesting a behavioral relevance of this effect. We therefore assume that undamaged but functionally connected regions become dysfunctional due to missing input from the lesion contributing to the aphasic deficit. Since these regions are structurally intact, dysfunction resolves over time contributing to the rapid early behavioral improvement observed in aphasic stroke patients. Our results demonstrate that diaschisis and its resolution might be a relevant mechanism of early loss and recovery of language function in acute stroke patients

    Novel transcriptomic panel identifies histologically active eosinophilic oesophagitis.

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    Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is characterised by symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and oesinophil tissue infiltration. The EoE Diagnostic Panel (EDP) can distinguish between active and non-active EoE using a set of 77 genes. Recently, the existence of distinct EoE variants featuring symptoms similar to EoE, such as oesophageal dysfunction but lacking eosinophil infiltration, had been determined. We used oesophageal biopsies from patients with histologically active (n=10) and non-active EoE (n=9) as well as from healthy oesophageal controls (n=5) participating in the Swiss Eosinophilic Esophagitis Cohort Study (SEECS) and analysed the gene expression profile in these biopsies by total RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq). Moreover, we employed the publicly accessible RNA-seq dataset (series GSE148381) as reported by Greuter et al, encompassing a comprehensive genomic profile of patients presenting with EoE variants. A novel, diagnostic gene expression panel that can effectively distinguish patients with histologically active conventional EoE from patients with EoE in histological remission and control individuals, and from three newly discovered EoE variants was identified. Histologically Active EoE Diagnostic Panel (HAEDP) consists of 53 genes that were identified based on differential expression between histologically active EoE, histological remission and controls (p≤0.05). By combining the HAEDP with EDP, we expanded our knowledge about factors that may contribute to the inflammation in EoE and improved our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disease. Conversely, we suggested a compact group of genes common to both HAEDP and EDP to create a reliable diagnostic tool that might enhance the accuracy of EoE diagnosis. We identified a novel set of 53 dysregulated genes that are closely associated with the histological inflammatory activity of EoE. In combination with EDP, our new panel might be a valuable tool for the accurate diagnosis of patients with EoE as well as for monitoring their disease course

    Regulation of ACE2 isoforms by type 2 inflammation and viral infection in human airway epithelium

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    SARS-CoV-2 enters human cells through its main receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which constitutes a limiting factor of an infection. Recent findings demonstrating novel ACE2 isoforms implicate that this receptor is regulated in a more complex way than previously anticipated. However, it remains unknown how various inflammatory conditions influence the abundance of these ACE2 variants. Hence, we studied expression of ACE2 mRNA and protein isoforms, together with its glycosylation and spatial localization in primary human airway epithelium upon allergic inflammation and viral infection. We found that interleukin-13, the main type 2 cytokine, decreased expression of long ACE2 mRNA and reduced glycosylation of full length ACE2 protein via alteration of N-linked glycosylation process, limiting its availability on the apical side of ciliated cells. House dust mite allergen did not affect the expression of ACE2. Rhinovirus infection increased short ACE2 mRNA, but it did not influence its protein expression. In addition, by screening other SARS-CoV-2 related host molecules, we found that IL-13 and RV significantly regulated mRNA, but not protein of TMPRSS2 and NRP1. Regulation of ACE2 and other host proteins was comparable in healthy and asthmatic epithelium, underlining lack of intrinsic differences but dependence on the inflammatory milieu in the airways

    Shale Gas in Poland

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    An example of interpretation of the Silurian and Ordovician shale formations in the Baltic Basin in Poland regarding determination of potential sweet spots is presented. Short geological information shows the position of shale gas play. Description of the data—laboratory measurement outcomes (petrophysical and geochemical) and well logging—presents results available for analyses. Detailed elemental analyses and various statistical classifications show the differentiation between sweet spots and adjacent formations. Elastic property modelling based on the known theoretical models and results of comprehensive interpretation of well logs is a good tool to complete information, especially in old wells. Acoustic emission investigations show additional characteristic features of shale gas rock and reveal that acoustic emission and volumetric strain of a shale sample induced by the sorption processes are lower for shale than for coals

    9 Odczucia chorych na nowotwór narządu rodnego otrzymujących różne formy brachyterapii

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    Rak to choroba otoczona nimbem grozy, pełnią Ięku i ludzką niewiedzą. Z rozpoznaniem tej choroby każdorazowo łączy się poddanie bardzo specyficznym metodom leczenia, których wyobrażenie sobie przez pacjentów niejednokrotnie przerasta utarte stereotypy. U kobiet z rozpoznaniem raka szyjki macicy i raka błony śluzowej macicy proponowaną formą leczenia jest radioterapia składająca się z teleterapii i brachyterapii. Stosowane rodzaje brachyterapii w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii to metody afterloading – Selektron LDR i HDR. U większości pacjentek przed przystąpieniem do leczenia występuje wysoki poziom Ięku, który w znacznej mierze burzy racjonalne sposoby radzenia sobie w sytuacjach trudnych.Celem pracy było przeanalizowanie odczuć i zachowań chorych w związku z czekającą ict brachyterapią.Badaniem objęto grupę 72 chorych na raka szyjki macicy i raka błony śluzowej macicy, leczonych od stycznia do czerwca 2000 roku na Oddziale Radioterapii Ginekologicznej Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii w Poznaniu. Metodą badania była rozmowa psychologiczna i obserwacja.Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono:-żródłem informacji na temat proponowanego sposobu leczenia są najczęściej inne chore, które to leczenie już przeszły lub przebywają na oddziale stosunkowo długo i posiadają własną opinię na ten temat,-przekazywane przez inne chore informacje Są subiektywne w opisie i ocenie przeżyć, które poprzez silne emocje oddziałują na wyobrażnię,-rozmowy na temat brachyterapii z lekarzem nie wpływają uspokajająco na pacjentki,-największą wyobrażalną trudnością dla chorych związaną z założeniami Selektronu-LDR wydaje się trwające ponad 20 godzin leżenie w stałej pozycji, bez możliwości jej zmiany, ból, ograniczona samodzielność, przebywanie długiego czasu w zamkniętych pomieszczeniach, z dala od innych pacjentek-druga aplikacja Selektronu-LDR jest w ocenie pacjentek zdecydowanie trudniejszym doświadczeniem, aniżeli pierwsza,-pacjentki opisują swój wielki niepokój przed pierwszą aplikacją HDR-u, który nie znajduje pokrycia w rzeczywistości, problemem dla chorych jest to, że aplikacje odbywają się w zamkniętym pomieszczeniu, zlokalizowanym w bunkrze, w którym znajduje się aparat do teleterapii,-metoda HDR w porównaniu z Selektronem-LDR jest metodą leczenia bardziej preferowaną ze względu na krótki czas aplikacji,-indywidualnie każda chora ocenia brachyterapię jako najtrudniejszy sposób leczenia, jednakże możliwy do zaakceptowania ze względu na istniejąca nadzieję i wiarę w jej skuteczność.WnioskiBrachyterapia jest taką formą leczenia, która do momentu poddania się jej nigdy nie zyskuje w opinii chorych aprobaty. Obie metody – Selektron-LDR i HDR odbierane Są przez pacjentki jako trudne, ale w ich przekonaniu bardzo skuteczne