488 research outputs found

    Pulsed field gradient-spin echo NMR studies of water diffusion in a phospholipid model membrane

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    Water diffusion in the lamellar phase of egg phosphatidylcholine (egg PC)-water was studied by 1H NMR using the pulsed field gradient-spin echo method. The curvature of diffusion plots obtained with egg PC-water mixtures indicates that water diffusion is highly anisotropic with respect to lipid lamellae. This was confirmed by measurements made on macroscopically aligned egg PC-water as a function of orientation that categorically establish DII/DI >> .1, where the respective subscripts refer to parallel and perpendicular to the lipid bilayer. A smooth, monotonic dependence on water concentration was observed for water diffusion in aligned egg PC-water, varying at 25 degrees C from DII = 1.2 x 10(-10) m2 s 1 at n = 4.9 mol water/lipid to DII = 4.0 x 10(-10) m2 s-1 at n = 18.6 mol water/lipid. The diffusion is approximately a factor of 10 slower than in pure water because of water binding and restriction to translational motion within the aqueous layer. No evidence for a sudden drop in water diffusion coefficient at a specific water content, as previously reported with egg PC-water mixtures (Lange and Gary Bobo. 1974. J. Gen. Physiol 63:690–706), was detected. A morphological reorganization of lamellar domains, which in random orientational distribution comprise lipid-water mixtures, is the likely explanation. The study of aligned lipid-water systems is manifestly preferable

    The Losers

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    Sunset Story

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    Passion & Purpose: Raising the Fiscal Fitness Bar for Massachusetts Nonprofits

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    Presents data on and financial analyses of the state's nonprofit sector by organization type, budget, focus area, and location. Recommends better financial stewardship, restructuring, repositioning, and reinvestment to enhance nonprofits' sustainability


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    poster abstractElectron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is recognized as the most sensitive and noninvasive means to quantify free radicals of biological relevance such as reactive oxygen species (ROS). In spin trapping a molecule (the spin trap) reacts with the free radical producing a spin adduct that is sufficiently stable to be detected by EPR. Here we apply a novel spin trapping technique to investigate the protection that α-tocopherol (vitamin E), the major lipid soluble antioxidant in membranes, confers on polyunsaturated lipids in model membranes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) readily oxidize because they have a cis,cis-1,4-pentadiene motif that renders the central methylene group vulnerable to attack by ROS. Our method quantifies the oxidized products of PUFA in lipid vesicles that have been exposed to a peroxyl radical generator 2,2'-azobis-(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) that initiates the free radical chain reaction. By measuring the reduction in lipid peroxidation due to the presence of αtocopherol, we test the hypothesis that the vitamin co-localizes with polyunsaturated lipids in membrane domains to ensure close proximity to the most vulnerable lipid species

    Estudo clinico comparativo em duplo-cego, entre os antiinflamatorios papaina e A.A.S. em cirurgia bucal

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    Orientador: Samir Tuffic ArbexDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: o emprego de antiinflamatórios em cirurgias bucais minimiza o edema, o trismo e a dor. Nesta pesquisa comparamos, clinicamente, em duplo-cego cruzado, os antiinflamatórios papaína e ácido acetil salicílico em cirurgia bucal. Trinta e dois pacientes sadios foram submetidos a mesma intervenção cirúrgica em duas ocasiões diferentes,e que consistiu na avulsão dos terceiros molares inferiores retidos. Os pacientes foram divididos em quatro grupos, recebendo cada grupo, no pós-operatório das intervenções, drogas diferentes, as drogas objeto do estudo e seus placebos.O parâmetro para se mensurar a ação antiinflamatória das drogas foi o edema facial. O tempo médio entre as intervenções foi controlado, variando.de 18'14" a 21'05". A papaína não se mostrou significante na redução dos edemas tanto em relação ao seu placebo quanto em relação ao A.A.S. O A.A..S. se mostrou significante na redução dos edemas, somente em relação ao seu placeboAbstract: The use of anti-inflammatories in the post operative of oral surgery minimizes swelling, trismus and pain. In this work we compared by clinical double-blind crossover, papain and acetylsalicylic acid in oral surgery. Thirty two healthy patients, in two separate occasions,were submitted to the same surgerYr which consisted of the surgical remova 1 of impacted mandibular third molars: a total of sixty four operations performed. The patients were divided into four groups, receiving each group a different drug after each operation (the tested drugs and its placebos). The tested parameter was the facial swelling. The average time between operations was controlled to vary between 18'14' , and 21'05' '. The papain did not show any significant reduction in facial swelling if compared to its placebo or to the ASA. ASA did show a reduction in the facial swelling only when compared to its placeboMestradoFarmacologiaMestre em Odontologi

    Contribuição a preservação da vitalidade pulpar em molares avulsionados de ratos, com variação de tempo e dos meios de armazenagem : estudo histologico

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    Orientador: Samir Tufic ArbexTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A preservação imediata de dentes a serem reimplantados ou transplantados, é uma manobra essencial para o êxito destes procedimentos odontológicos. Nesta pesquisa, em que se utilizou 360 molares inferiores extraídos de ratos, estudaram-se os seguintes meios de preservaçao: solução de Hank suplementada, sangue, leite de vaca, saliva, solução fisiológica e água destilada. Os dentes permaneceram nos meios por tempos determinados, que foram: O, 18, 30, 60, 80 e 120 minutos. Em seguida, foram examinados histologicamente, de acordo com os parâmetros de normalidade do tecido pulpar. Os meios de armazenagem: solução de Hank, sangue e solução fisiológica mostraram-se superiores a água destilada (controle), e mantiveram a vitalidade pulpar até 30 minutos. O leite de vaca e a saliva foram inferiores ao meio controle, e o sangue foi o meio que preservou a polpa por mais tempo, até 60 minutosAbstract: The success of these dental procedures de essentially on the immediate preservation of the teeth to be reimplanted or transplanted. In this researchMnch used 360 mandibular molars extracted from rats, the following preser vative media used: supplemented Hank's medi um , blood's rat,cowls milk, salivals rat, physiological saline solution and distilled water. The teeth were kept in the different media for determine lengths of time which were: 18, 30, 60, 80 and +20 minutes. On removal, a histological examination was made comparing with normal pulp tis sue parameters. Hank's medium blood, and the saline proved superior to distilled waber (the control) and maintained pulp tissue vitality for as much as 30 minutes. Cowls milk and saliva were less effective than the control medium and blood was the medium which preserved the pulp for the longest time, up to 60 minutesDoutoradoFarmacologiaDoutor em Ciência


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    poster abstractA wide range of health benefits is associated with the consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). One possible mechanism is that through our diet, they are incorporated into the phospholipids of the plasma membrane and disrupt the molecular organization of membrane do-mains due to the high disorder of PUFA. Our focus is the interaction of PUFA with cholesterol, a major component in plasma membranes. The objective here is to measure the affinity of cholesterol for PUFA-containing phospholip-ids by observing how cholesterol partitions between large unilamellar vesi-cles (LUVs) and Cyclodextrin (CD). Crucial to this determination, we need to be able to determine the concentration of cholesterol in LUVs and CD using an enzymatic colorimetric assay to create a standard curve of light absorb-ance (at 570nm wavelength) as a function of cholesterol concentration. The assay and its application to measuring binding coefficients for cholesterol will be described

    Management of periodontitis in patients with type 2 diabetes : the clinical and biological response

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a risk factor for periodontal disease, however the pathogenic links between the two disease are not completely understood. Both diseases are considered to be inflammatory conditions and, therefore, cytokines are likely to play a role in the shared susceptibility between the two diseases. Therefore, the study evaluated, longitudinally over 12 months, the impact of periodontal therapy on clinical outcomes, glycaemic control, hsCRP, lipids and local and systemic levels of IL-6, TNF- α, IL-1β and IFN-γ in patients with T2DM. 101 T2DM and 83 non-diabetic subjects were recruited and, of these, periodontitis was diagnosed in 47 T2DM and 48 non-diabetic subjects. Pre-treatment, subjects with T2DM had significantly higher BMI and significantly lower systolic BP and cholesterol compared to non-diabetic subjects. Serum levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and IFN-γ were significantly higher in subjects with T2DM compared to non-diabetic subjects. Regardless of diabetic status, GCF and salivary levels of IL-1β were significant predictors of the clinical periodontal condition. In T2DM and non-diabetic subjects, all clinical periodontal outcomes were significantly improved at 3, 6 and 12 months following NSM and both groups demonstrated significant reductions in GCF IL-1β levels at 3, 6 and 12 months. In nondiabetic subjects, a significant reduction in non-HDL and cholesterol was seen 6 months after NSM. In subjects with T2DM, serum TNF-α was significantly reduced 3 and 6 months after NSM. In subjects with T2DM, HbA1c showed 0.45% and 0.40% reductions at 3 and 12 months after NSM, although these reductions did not achieve statistical significance. Abstract XVII In conclusion, periodontal therapy led to significant reductions in GCF IL-1β in all subjects, and also produced a significant reduction in circulating levels of TNF-α in subjects with T2DM. Furthermore, IL-1β in saliva and GCF appear to be good prognostic markers for periodontitis regardless of diabetes status.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceRoyal College of Surgeons EdinburghDunhill Medical TrustGBUnited Kingdo