4 research outputs found

    Let’s read together: getting close with pediatric patients at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Cultivating reading habits among children from the early stage is a big challenge in information age. Reading habits is a starting point to be a literate person; who is able to read and have formal or informal education. Indeed, children’s with healthcare condition needs special support from all parties include parents, caregivers, teachers and hospital administrators to nurture reading habits among them. Bibliotherapy technique has been applied to help pediatric patients in solving problems and coping with life changes by using books or reading materials especially related to their health. This technique will help them to undergo recovery process and treatment from caregivers. Book Buddies project conducted by Hamdan Tahir Library implements this technique on paediatric patients at Hospital USM. The impacts of the project measure via observation, discussion and involvement of pediatric patients in activities scheduled. A mobile library service was introduced as an extended of library services to pediatric patients and guardian. The service will help the needy people to increase knowledge and spend their leisure time with a benefit activity. The number of book loan transactions increased from time to time which is achieved the project’s objectives. May this project will create a good dimension and increase reputation of library and university’s role in the eyes of Malaysian society


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    Cultivating reading habits among children from the early stage is a big challenge in information age. Reading habits is a starting point to be a literate person; who is able to read and have formal or informal education. Indeed, children’s with healthcare condition needs special support from all parties include parents, caregivers, teachers and hospital administrators to nurture reading habits among them. Bibliotherapy technique has been applied to help pediatric patients in solving problems and coping with life changes by using books or reading materials especially related to their health. This technique will help them to undergo recovery process and treatment from caregivers. Book Buddies project conducted by Hamdan Tahir Library implements this technique on paediatric patients at Hospital USM. The impacts of the project measure via observation, discussion and involvement of pediatric patients in activities scheduled. A mobile library service was introduced as an extended of library services to pediatric patients and guardian. The service will help the needy people to increase knowledge and spend their leisure time with a benefit activity. The number of book loan transactions increased from time to time which is achieved the project’s objectives. May this project will create a good dimension and increase reputation of library and university’s role in the eyes of Malaysian society

    Sosialisasi Organisasi Melalui Pementoran di Perpustakaan USM

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    Pementoran merupakan elemen penting dalam proses sosialisasi organisasi namun ia bukan suatu konsep baharu dalam pengurusan sumber manusia mana-mana organisasi. Walaupun pementoran jarang dibincangkan, namun terdapat pelaksanaan secara tidak formal dalam persekitaran perpustakaan akademik Malaysia. Perpustakaan Hamdan Tahir, Kampus Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) baru-baru ini melaksanakan program pementoran untuk menyokong inisiatif peningkatan kemahiran dan sebagai proses penyesuaian staf yang baharu dipindahkan ke jabatan baharu hasil penstrukturan fungsi Perpustakaan. Pandemik Covid-19 semakin mengukuhkan lagi kepentingan program ini kerana kakitangan perlu bekerja secara bebas dari rumah atau dari pejabat pada gilirannya. Penulisan ini menerangkan tentang program pementoran, manfaatnya kepada Perpustakaan dan mengapa program ini harus diperbaiki dan diteruskan sebagai sebahagian daripada program latihan dalaman bagi meningkatkan pengembangan kompetensi staf perpustakaan untuk mengatasi perubahan dalam persekitaran perpustakaan akademi